Well, this is utterly fantastic, Kili thought. Not only were the dwarves trapped in an underground city filled with goblins, but they were face to face with the Great Goblin himself. Greatest, fattest goblin of them all, he was considered by most to be rather insane. He also had a terrible knack for torture if you believed the stories. Not a good idea to be caught in his city. Which the dwarves were. Quite a pickle they've gotten themselves into this time.

"What are you doing in these parts?" the Great Goblin asked the company of dwarves. No one responded. "Speak!"

Still no reply came. The dwarves refused to give away their quest, no matter what the cost. They had signed on knowing that they might die, and die they would if it would help them reclaim the Lonely Mountain.

"Well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker. Start with the youngest, infants always squeal the easiest."

A look of panic came onto the Kili's face as the creature jabbed a finger in his direction. He looked around for his big brother. Surely Fili would find a way to get them out of this, right? However, Fili was being overtaken by goblins, unable to aid the young dwarf. "Kili!" Fili yelled, reaching for his brother. But the brothers were too far, both left to grasp thin air. Dozens of goblins then surrounded Kili, forcing him to the ground in front of their leader.

"Why have you entered my kingdom?" the Great Goblin asked the archer.

Kili looked at the creature with disgust. "We were just passing through," he replied shakily. It was a poor lie, but perhaps the beast was as stupid as he looked.

The great goblin laughed. "I do not like liars, little dwarf." The king nodded to one of his minions and they began forcing Kili down a rickety bridge. Kili kicked and scratched, managing to take down a few of the goblins. But for every he knocked away there was another and soon the dwarf had been pushed onto an unsteady platform. They threw him against the wall, but before the young dwarf had a second to fight back, the goblins had forced his hands behind his back and tied them with a rough rope dangling from the ceiling. Kili looked pleadingly at his older brother. His eyes begged for help.

Fili strained against the goblins that were holding him as he tried to reach his baby brother. He had protected the boy since the moment he had held him in his arms, and he would not forsake him now.

"Begin," the Great Goblin said.

A smaller goblin approached the frightened dwarf and removed a knife from it's tunic. It pulled the metal slowly up Kili's left arm, then shoved it deep into his shoulder. Kili saw stars and bit back a yelp of pain, determined not to lose his pride.

"No!" Fili yelped as the pained look crossed his brothers face and tried to wrench free from the goblins grasp, but it was no use. Kili cried out as the goblin drove a knife into his thigh.

"Would you like to tell me now?" the Great Goblin asked.

Kili took a moment to steady his breathing and gather what little composure he could muster before spitting a "No" at the goblin.

"Well, perhaps we need to a little heat will melt his frozen tongue." Kili gulped as he watched a goblin disappear into the darkness, only to reappear with a torch blazing in hand. The dwarf tried to flatten himself against the wall, as if it would prevent his tormenter from harming him. The goblin approached its target. It gripped Kili's injured arm, causing the dwarf to wince, and extended it. Then it shoved the arm into the flames of the torch and held it there as oozing blisters formed on Kili's skin.

The cry Kili let out was inhumane. It echoed through the halls of goblin town and broke the hearts of both his brother and uncle.

When Kili could form coherent words he screamed, "Stop! Please stop it! I don't know anything, I swear! STOP!"

Finally the goblin drew back the torch, and looked to his king for directions. Kili whimpered and pressed further against the wall, holding his arm gingerly out before him as he looked in horror at the blisters and red skin encompassing it.

Fili was wracking his brain for a way to free his brother. He had to think of something! He was Kili's big brother. The one who told Kili a story when he had nightmares. The one who sent away the scary goblins when Kili was little. This time was no different. He had to save his brother. He couldn't let him down now.

The goblin king stepped closer to Kili. "I will ask you again, and answer or don't. Either way is fine with me since I am enjoying this ever so much. Why. Are. You. Here?"

Kili breathed deeply, and mustered up every ounce of ruined courage and pride he still possessed. He spat in the goblin king's face, "Go to Hell."

The goblin king reached up and wiped the spit off his face, then with his enormous hand he grabbed Kili's burned arm and squeezed. The dwarf screamed, and the goblin laughed. "Not so defiant now, are you?" After what seems like a full minute he released the sobbing Kili's arm. "Fetch the whip!"

Then, Fili's plan hit him.

"Wait! Stop!" The Great Goblin looked curiously at the blonde dwarf. "He doesn't know anything! I just asked him to come along because he's my brother. I didn't tell him anything about what we're doing."

"But you know?" the Great Goblin asked.

"That is a possibility."

"Care to elaborate?"

"You'll have to kill me first."

"Is that a challenge little one? Bring him forward!" Fili went with the goblins willingly, glad to have their attention focused on anything other than Kili. His life was secondary. He had to get his brother out of there. They tugged at another rope from the ceiling and tied him to it, facing his brother.

Kili stared at him, finally realizing through the pain what was happening. "Fili! Fili, no!"

Fili smiled reassuringly at his brother and prepared himself for what was coming. On Fili, the goblin king wasted no time on knives. A goblin approached Fili with a whip and looked to the king. "Give him ten to start, then see if he talks."

The whip hissed through the air and Fili gasped as it dug into his flesh. Nothing could have prepared him for the stinging, burning pain emanating from his back. He gritted his teeth as the whip came down again. A small pained noise escaped him, but for Kili's sake, he would not cry out.

The whip came down again and again. On the fourth lash a yelp finally escaped Fili. On the seventh he began to cry. And on the tenth, he screamed.

"So," the Great Goblin said jovially. "Care to tell me now."

"You can wait until you rot, scum," Fili choked out. He would not betray his party so easily. He was a strong dwarf. He could do this. Just as long as they didn't hurt Kili.

"Very well," the goblin said. "Twenty more."

The whip beat mercilessly against Fili's skin. He screamed until he could scream no more, and then his brother screamed for him. "Please!" Kili yelled. "Please just stop! Don't hurt my brother anymore! PLEASE!"

The goblin king ignored the cries of the youngest dwarf and turned to Fili. "Would you like to tell me now?"

In response Fili inhaled deeply and spat blood at the goblin's feet.

"Quite the stubborn one, aren't you?" the goblin paused for a moment and gave Fili a frustrated look. Then a smile crossed his face "And so very loyal. Perhaps it's time we change tactics. Beat the other one."

With a grin the goblin that had been torturing Fili moved back to his brother. He brought the whip down on Kili's back and the younger dwarf yelped. And the goblin didn't stop there. The whip came down again and again until Fili lost count of how many times his brother had been hit. Kili had stopped screaming some time ago and now simply whimpered with each new lash as he sagged lower and lower, only the rope keeping him from falling to the ground.


The Great Goblin turned back to Fili. "I'll stop any the you like, little dwarf. Just tell me why you're here."

Fili sobbed. He couldn't tell. He shook his head.

"Very well then. The fun continues. I think a whip is rather unimaginative, don't you? Try the knife." The goblin took back up the knife and turned the barely conscious Kili around. Then he brought the knife down in a quick strike over the skin damaged by the whip. Kili let out a scream of agony and tried to twist away from the goblin, but it wrapped it's fingers around his wounded arm and held him fast as he cut his ruined back again and again.

"Now," the goblin king said, "are you going to tell me? Or shall I try fire on his back as well." Kili whimpered out a plea not to hurt him again, and Fili's eyes found his brother's half conscious ones.

It broke him. He looked to Thorin and mouthed "I'm so sorry" before turning back to the goblin king "We are going to Erebor. We are going to reclaim the Lonely Mountain."

"See now," the goblin king smiled, "was that so hard? Cut down the child and take him to the dungeon."

"What?" Fili yelled "No! You said you would give him back!"

The goblin king laughed "No. I said I would stop hurting him, and I have stopped. So, if you are going to reclaim Erebor, then Thorin Oakenshield must be among your company."

Thorin stepped forward, ashamed of himself for not doing so earlier. "I am here."

The goblin king grinned with delight "Oh, Azog will be delighted to have you!"

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago. He cannot be alive."

"Oh, but that is where you are wrong, Thorin Oakenshield." The Great Goblin turned to one of his minions. "Send word to the Pale Orc. Tell him I have found his old friend"

Author's Note: Yep so we've jumped on the be mean to Kili bandwagon. And I know this scenario is kinda overused, but we're going somewhere original with it I promise. Please review with any feedback you have. After all we can't get better if we don't know what to improve.