"Sigh" Fionna lay in her bed; Deep in thought. It was already late afternoon. Today was a tough day; she had gone adventuring but one bad thing after another kept happening. She even scratched up her arm. Fionna curled over in her bed. 'I just want to go to sleep' she thought. Then she heard a voice coming from the window "Rough day, huh?" she turned over and looked at Marshall, who was sitting on the window still. "What do you want, Marshall?" Usually, she would have jumped in surprise and yelled at him for appearing so suddenly like that, but she wasn't in the mood. "Just came by to see how my favorite adventurer was doing" "crappy" Fionna snapped. "Ouch…" Marshall hadn't expected her to be this frustrated "that bad, huh?" "Yeahh". Marshall looked around the room, trying to find something to liven the mood. He floated across…

Fionna couldn't believe he was here. She was in a bad mood and couldn't greet him properly and she probably looked like a slob. This really was the worst day ever… "WHOAA your Bras are this huge!?" Fionna's eyes shot open and she sat up on the bed, looking in the direction of the drawer "WHAT Are you-" "Gotcha'" Marshall was floating on top of her and before she realized it took off her hat. Her long locks fell as she realized what he'd done. "Marshall Lee! Give me back my hat!" She probably looked worse now. "GIVE IT BACK!" "Not until you stop being a grouch" "give me it!" "Then kiss me" "WHAT!?" "You heard me, if you want your hat back, give this hot vampire a sweet kiss" "I ca-can't" "why?" Just then, Marshall looked down to see a hurt Fionna, sitting on the bed covering her face with her hands. "I can't kiss you"

"Fionna, what's the matter?" He floated towards her and sat on the bed with her "I… I'm having the worse day and I probably look horrible and all beat up, my hair's a mess. And yet here you are asking for a kiss and I can't give it to you, I just can't!" Marshall looked at her and grabbed her hands and held them with his, her face was all teary. "Don't look at me" Fionna tried to cover her face again, but the vampire's grip was firm. "Listen to me, REALLY listen… You're beautiful, okay!?" "Liar!" "I mean it. You will always be beautiful to me, no matter what" Fionna was listening now "It's beautiful how you always say what you mean, and that you stand up for yourself. It's beautiful how you care for others and are always full of life. I love your face, your body, and GLOB with your hair all messed up like that you look so sexy" Fionna blushed a bit at everything he was saying. Marshall noticed the scratches in her arm. He stood up, took a piece of cloth from the table, wet it and took her arm again. "Let me fix this up for you" She let him clean the wounds. "Hey, whenever you've had a rough day, or you just feel like talking, don't be afraid to call me up, okay? I'm always here for you… can you promise me that?" "Okay, I promise" Marshall couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face "Can we seal this promise with a kiss?" Fionna was surprised; she hadn't expected him to keep asking for the kiss. She closed her eyes shut while blushing, anticipating what Marshall was about to do. Then she felt a strange warmth on her head and opened her eyes to realize that Marshall was kissing her forehead. He let go and floated up towards the window. "Thanks, Later Fi!" He went off flying. Fionna looked at the window for a moment, then felt all her worries from that day slowly start to lift away…