A/N: This is my first FanFiction! I am so happy! Please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Divergent belongs to Veronica Roth.

I watched the water in the chasm slap against the concrete. It's so peaceful here. Tobias is right-it's a good place to think.

Initiation is over. I am shocked I even came close to ranking first. At least I won't have to worry about putting up with Peter, Drew, and Molly. For one thing, Drew and Molly got cut. For another, I get my own apartment, and am able to go where and when I want on my own terms, which means I can avoid Peter.

"I knew I'd find you here."

I don't even have to turn around to know who it is. I have memorized everything about him-his voice, his tendencies, his likes, his dislikes. Tobias sits down next to me, and I look at him and grin. His lips press to my cheek.

He pulls away slightly and continues, "What are you thinking about?"

"Initiation. Getting my own apartment. Oh, and avoiding Peter."

Tobias laughs that deep rumbling sound I have come to love. "Don't worry. I won't let him come anywhere near you. He practically runs and screams every time I give him a death glare, which I have had a lot of practice in doing."

Now it's my turn to laugh. I would pay to see Peter scream.

"What do you say we go and get you your new apartment" he says with a smile playing at his lips.

"Let's go!" I run up the pathway that leads back up to the Pit, not even turning to see if he is following. I slow down, though, because I really don't feel like falling off the path right after I got into Dauntless. I take a minute to catch my breath, looking at the ground. Finally I glace over my shoulder, only to find that Tobias isn't behind me like I expected him to be. My eyebrows pull together, confused.

"Looking for someone?"

I whip my head around to find him standing right in front of me. I gasp and take a step back, shock clearly registered on my face. "You scared me!"

He smirks at me and takes my hand, leading me to the registration area next to the infirmary where I will get my apartment.

"Name?" The lady at the window is covered with piercings, the one on her lip moving when she speaks. She is the oldest I have ever seen at Dauntless-around 50 years old.

I respond quickly, "Tris Prior."

The lady looks down at her desk that is covered in binders and papers. She opens one of the largest binders and flips to the last page. "Ah, Tris. First ranking. Congratulations."

She smiles at me, and I try to return her smile. "You are in room 303." She hands me two keys, one on a key ring, the other, by itself. I take it from her and stuff it in my pocket.

"Make a right next to the cafeteria, and a left at the training room. It should be on the left."

I smile to myself, already knowing where my apartment is. Tobias's room is straight down the same hall.

"Thank you," I say and turn away, and look at Tobias. He takes my hand and leans into my ear, his breath tickling my skin, and says quietly,"Lucky me. Your apartment is right down the hallway from mine." He pulls away a smile tugging at his lips to look at me.

I return his smile, and pull on his hand, leading him the direction to my apartment.

When we get there, I see Uriah coming out of his apartment which just so happens to be two doors down from mine.

"Hey, Tris!"

Tobias squeezes my hand. Jealous much? I hide my smile at the thought, and wave my hand at my friend.

"Hey, Uriah."

He seems to have moved on, so I turn my attention back to my apartment door. I take the key on the key ring out of my pocket and open the door.

Tobias opens the door, and I step in, my eyes wandering everywhere.

It looks exactly the same as Tobias', only I don't have the words "Fear God Alone" on my walls. The bed, however is missing sheets, and when I walk into the bathroom, find that it is bare. I feel Four standing behind me.

He puts his hand on my arm and says, "Well I think you are going to need to go back to the Pit to pick up some things."

I groan. I suddenly feel tired, and don't want to walk, let alone get all the necessities my apartment is lacking.

Tobias seems to have read my thoughts. "If you want, you can stay with me tonight, and you can get what you need tomorrow when you and Christina go shopping?" He seems slightly nervous. I smile.

I turn around to face him, and wrap my arms around his torso. He puts one of his hands on my waist, holding me to him, and the other plays with a strand of my hair. "Okay." I finally respond.

He smiles at me and leans down, pressing his lips to mine briefly. When he pulls away, I am disappointed for a second, but then am too tired to care.

Tobias picks me up, carrying me exactly like he did when Peter, Drew, and Al attacked me. I feel a small pain in my chest remembering Al. My friend. My attacker. My enemy. I quickly shake the thought away.

*Page Break*

I must have fell asleep right in his arms, because the next thing I knew, I am breathing in his scent, on his bed . Slowly, I blink my eyes open. I find Tobias asleep on the floor.

Without hesitating, I gently shake him awake. "Tobias."

His face lights up when he sees me, but then he raises his eyebrows, silently asking what is wrong.

I reach my hand down, and he takes it, getting up. I could tell he is slightly confused as to why I woke him up. To answer his unanswered question, I pull the sheets down on the other side of the bed, and pat the space there.

He smiles at me, and crawls in, pulling the covers up around us. I turn and face him, resting my hand on his waist. Tobias pulls me in close, and does the same, and kisses me on the lips, lingering slightly. When he pulls away, I bury my face in his chest.

We both fall asleep just like that.

A/N: I hope you liked it! Please review, and let me know what you think. If I made any grammer errors, or you have any ideas how to make things better, let me know! Thank you!