Gold eyes watched in shock as the whole other side of Rima Sensei's clinic blew apart into pieces of rubble. In the five years, that Rima-sensei had been here and the 6 months that she had worked under her, never had she seen the clinic in such a state of disarray. The two story building looked gloomy just downright gloomy as Keiko stood by the outer ring of building that led marked the end of the town before the clinic and pasture. Even from her spot, she could clearly see the smoke from the rubble and here the clanging of what seemed like metal.

"Rima-sensei… who are you?" She whispered aloud.

Her orange hair became windswept as a gush of air blew past her and toward the clinic. With concerned eyes, she glanced toward the town center where the majority of them crowded around prepping for the festival and back to the clinic.

"What do I do?" The young girl worried.




"How did you find me?" Sakura asked.

Several feet in front of her, Sasuke stood his sharigan and rinnegan ablaze. He had his katana in his right hand and the clock he wore covered his left. His mouth was set in a firm line as he glowered at her.

She narrowed her eyes, "What happened to your prosthetic?"

"Why have you been hiding from us?" He countered.

"Answer my questions first." Sakura growled back.

"Take down that genjutsu." He responded.

Sakura growled once more and kicked off from the ground towards him.

Hanabi and Sai jumped out from his flanks to block her. Sai's dagger and Hanabi's hands raised to attack, but Sakura expected as such. Making several hand seals rapidly, hundreds of senbon shot out from the ground below the two of them. Both the shinobi's eyes widened in shock before they attempted to jump out of the way.

However, both of them had been hit regardless. Sakura stopped and backed up once more as she watched the two of them fall to the ground paralyzed from the neck down. The senbon were all over the shoulders and feet. Sakura had carefully added enough of a paralysis poison she had made herself. None other existed like this.

"Leave now and I won't kill you all. I want to be left alone." She said. Sai and Hanabi watched from the ground with blank eyes. Sakura may have changed her looks drastically, but the one thing that was impossible to hide was her expressive emerald eyes. Her eyes hid pain and regret but no hesitance.

"…Then I guess it's a fight till the death." Sasuke responded before leaning over and dashing toward the woman.

"You'll regret this." Sakura responded before making several hand signs and slamming them to the ground.

Sasuke was still rushing toward her as she whispered the words "Sakura no eadōmu…"

Instantly, the flowers that were on the ground beneath them died. The outer ring of flowers all began to glow and grow tall and thick. Their green stems turned brown and thick and their radiant petals turned a pastel pink. Sasuke stopped running the second his eyes noticed the dead flowers. As he stepped back questioningly, his head jumped up at the sound of the young girl.

"Rima-sensei! Are you ok!?" All eyes turned toward the young girl besides Sakura's own. Her orange hair was frantic and her gold eyes desperate. She was hunched over as it appeared she was out of breathe.

Everything was happening so fast, no one could focus on a single thing, but one thing was certain, whatever jutsu Sakura had cast was in motion and locking them from the outside world.




Keiko watched horrified as Rima sensei charged forward but had to step back as two other people ran forward. She gasped in horror though, because as soon as they had charged sensei, they were on the ground painfully still.

What on earth..?

"Leave now and I won't kill you all. I want to be left alone." Rima-sensei said after a moment of silence.


"…Then I guess it's a fight till the death." A man Keiko did not recognize said before he too charged at Rima-sensei.

Keiko watched shocked as her sensei's fingers moved faster than ever and hit the ground. Within seconds, the flowers and grass beneath them died and dried out. A few feet in front of Keiko however, a large row of flowers started to grow and change from green and virbrant to brown and a pastel pink.

"RIMA-SENSEI! Are you ok?!" Keiko shouted after her.

Keiko waited for what felt like an eternity for her to turn around. With a baited breath, at last she did, but took Keiko's breath away was the sight she saw before her.

Rima-sensei's ebony locks and sharp jaw lines faded away. In their place a heart shaped face, almond eyes and Sakura petal colored hair rested. Dead center of the woman's forehead rested a purple diamond.

The pixie image of Rima-sensei that Keiko had grown to know was replaced with what could only be considered ethereal.

"Keiko… stay at a distance." The woman said before giving her a small vibrant smile.

The last of the plants grew and took over the small window Keiko had been looking through. They slammed together creating tremors that almost had the young girl losing her balance.

Keeping Rima-sensei's words to heart, the young girl backed up several yards.

"Oh Kami-sama!" Keiko exclaimed.

What stood before her was nothing short of a master piece. She could only imagine what the inside look like but the outside while was beautiful, it still looked downright intimidating. The plants had sprouted into large god like Sakura Trees. Trees fit to stand in a God's garden.

The bark was a dark brown with a red tint while the petals ranged from pastel pink to neon. This was a sight to behold.




Sasuke looked around the area cautiously. The trees were tall and stretched into what could only be a dome. The plants that had been under him were still dead but had been replaced by a layer of Sakura petals. The lighting in the dome also had a pink tinge to it. But more than something visible, there was something off about the entire thing.

What had Sakura said as she performed this jutsu?

"Welcome to the Sakura Air dome." She spoke.

Sasuke's head snapped to the woman he had traveled far for. She stood before him with a sort of nonchalance that was completely hostile in every way. Her foreign ebony locks had transformed into long flowing cotton candy tresses. The sharp jaw line that she had transformed into smoothed out to create a round line and give her her heart shaped face. The pale skin she had adapted soon turned ivory once more.

"What does that mean?" He asked truly curious.

Sakura gave him a smile that reminded him of Tsunade as she rolled up the part of her shirt that covered her stomach. Sasuke knew that Sakura more than likely did not train intensively these past 7 years, but her abs were still there nonetheless. On the right side of her hip what looked like a Sakura petals rested. Sakura took off her left gloved and clenched her fist. Scarlet liquid ran down her palm and she smeared it over the petals. With his keen eyesight, he noticed how the image began to move and glow.

"It means one of us will not make it out of here alive." She stated.

Instead of continuing, she took a deep breathe. Sasuke watched in mild awe as her Strength of a hundred seals began to rapidly take control over her skin. In response, Sasuke lowered his stance. He'd have to be a fool to try and take Sakura on while she was at probably her 70% while he was still getting warmed up. She'd break his bones and grind them into dust.

Sasuke clenched his katana tighter and made the hand signs for chidori.

But nothing happened.

His eyes snapped to his right hand only to glare.

Why isn't the chidori there?

Again he tried only to no avail.

"What's wrong Sasuke? Chidori not working?" she taunted.

Sasuke looked back at her, still the petal tattoo on her torso was swirling rapidly. Her seal had also taken complete control over her skin and she looked down right intimidating.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I did nothing. It's the dome." She said while opening her arms wide to gesture, "You saw it grow. It needed chakra to do that so it took from the plants beneath our feet and from the two of us. Me more than you of course, but that's fine. Because so long as this dome is standing, neither of us can conjure up chakra to use. I already told you Sasuke. Only one of us leaves this dome alive."

"So either you beat me or I beat you?"

"Well yes that, or we both die from the lack of oxygen." She said with a smirk.

At that comment, Sasuke's vision began to blur.

"Tell me Sasuke, who do you think uses more oxygen, you or myself?"