Chapter 1

Captured by Scarlett Skylar (Formerly Blood Scarlet Dark)

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed.

Notes: Kira's a girl. This first chapter is going to be short parts of Kira and Athrun's childhood. Just some different scenes from before Athrun moved to the PLANTs.

Chapter 1:

Age 7:

"Kira! Don't be so shy sweetheart. Mrs. Zala is very nice, and she's bringing her son over too. His name's Athrun, he's a few months older than you."

"But mom…"

"No. Kira, you'll be alright. He's a very nice kid." Kira stood there, in a pair of dark blue jeans, with a pink shirt on. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

The doorbell rang then. "That'll be them, come on hunny." Kira was reluctant, but she followed her mom to the front door. She opened the door, and there was a beautiful woman, who was introduced to Kira as Mrs. Zala, and she had her son with her, who was named Athrun. He had dark blue hair, that was kinda long; but it didn't look bad on him. Kira was hiding behind her mom, Athrun smiled in a friendly way. He had been told she was shy.

Mrs. Yamato and Mrs. Zala went into the sitting room, after telling the children to play. Kira didn't want to leave her mother's side, but Athrun understood. His mom had told him that the Yamato's were new to the neighborhood, and that they were going over to visit.

Kira was looking at Athrun shyly. She had never been good with people.

"Hi, my name's Athrun."

"Hi… I'm Kira."

"Wanna go play?"

Kira looked excited. "Sure!" They went out to the backyard and played on Kira's swing set, until their parent's called them in for supper.

Age 8:

"Athrun! I did it! I got the best score!" Kira ran up to Athrun and hugged him; Athrun hugged her back.

"That's great! I knew you could do it Kira!"

"Thanks to you." Kira replied hugging him tighter. "I couldn't have done it without your help!"

Age 9:

Kira, and Athrun were so anxious, Athrun's dad was having a really important dinner, and they got to come. Kira's parents came too!

They talked a lot about the PLANTs and the supreme council. The kids knew that Patrick wanted to be on the supreme council, and they both wanted him to be happy, because they were kids, and that's what kids did.

After all the really important people talked, we ate dinner. Somehow the talk turned to weddings, and both kids were paying attention to their parents talking about it. That's when Athrun jumped in, "I want Kira to be my wife." The table went silent, and the parents looked surprised.

Patrick smiled, "Athrun, what about what Kira wants?"

Kira smiled and said, "I want Athrun to be my husband too!"

There was a pregnant pause, Mrs. Zala laughed gently, "Well, that's a relief! We don't have to worry about you two finding someone," Mrs. Yamato smiled. "Very true. They're already so close."

So, it was official. Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala were engaged. It was in all the papers the next day. With a picture of the two of them, Athrun's arms wrapped around Kira, and she was leaning against his chest. They both had huge smiles on their faces.

Age 11:

"Leave her alone!" Athrun was yelling. The bullies were picking on Kira again, because she was so good at everything she did. She was always in second place, I beat her by the skin of my teeth, only because she never really applied herself.

Kira was on the ground, she had dirt on her face, and a cut on her arm from falling. "Or what? What are you gonna do Zala?" One of them snapped at me, Kira was crying, I don't know what came over me, but I snapped, and hit him. The others tried to jump me, but I somehow, beat them all.

The teachers came running, and we all got in trouble, even Kira. That made me mad! She didn't do anything! She basically got in trouble for getting beaten up.

Our parents understood though, when we told them why we got in trouble, they shared a smile. Kira was kinda hiding behind me, holding my hand, squeezing it. She hated it when I got in trouble, and I hated it when she did. This time, neither of us did.

Age 13:

"What do you mean you're moving?!" Kira looked so upset, she was sitting on my bed, on her knees, looking horrified.

"I'm sorry Kira! I don't want to 1eave! We have to! Dad's going to be a part of the Supreme Council and the Defense Council! Kira, we have to go. Dad can't do his work from here, you know that."

Kira's head was bowed. "Kira, I'm sorry." Her shoulders were shaking.

"I-I… don't want to be alone…" Athrun sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "Please don't cry Kira…"

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." Athrun's shirt was getting wet from the tears, he didn't mind. It was Kira, he never minded when it was Kira.

After a few moments, she calmed, "Athrun…" Athrun placed his finger against her lips, silencing her.

"Kira, I love you. Don't forget that." Athrun wiped the tears off of Kira cheeks. "I know… I just…" Athrun hugged her. There was a long pause.

"When… when do you leave?" Kira whispered.

"Friday." Kira nodded, sadly.

On Wednesday:

Kira and Athrun were sitting on a bench in the park, under the trees. They were facing each other, and Kira was leaning forward, her head on Athrun's chest.

"I really will miss you Athrun."

"I'll miss you too Kira; but…" Kira looked up, surprised, "I got you something. So you won't forget me."

"I'd never forget you anyway."

"I know, but I want you to have it anyway."

"Okay." Kira looked confused.

Athrun smiled, and pulled away, leaning over to dig in his bag. He pulled something out and kept it covered with his hands.

"Kira, do you remember when we were 9, how we got engaged."

"Of course I remember!"

Athrun smiled, "Good. Well, you also know, I never got you a ring." Kira was giving Athrun an odd look, but nodded.

Athrun revealed what was in his hands, it was a ring box, covered in black velvet. Kira looked at Athrun, surprised.

"Kira, will you still be my wife?"

Kira smiled, with tears in her eyes. "Yes!"

Athrun smiled. "Good." And he opened the box, taking the ring, and sliding it onto her left hands ring finger. Kira paused, looking at the ring in wonder. It was a silver band, with one large diamond in the middle, surrounded by 10 small diamonds. It was fancy, but not overly so. He pulled a chain out from under his shirt, it had a matching silver band on it. Kira touched it lightly, surprised.

"It's beautiful." Kira whispered.

"Just like you." Athrun said softly. Kira blushed.


"Yes Kira?"

Kira was looking at Athrun, and turned red. "Uhm… nevermind." This made him frown.

"No, what?"

"Well… can I… uh… can I kiss you?"

Athrun was surprised by the question and instead of answering, leaned forward and kissed Kira gently.

The next day at school, all the girls were curious about the ring, and all the guys were jealous that Athrun had Kira. Apparently, people hadn't realized that they were serious about the engagement. But from the way Athrun and Kira were acting; they all know, it was serious. They were in love. The guys had all thought they had a shot with Kira, but now, they were sure they didn't. No one could stand up to Zala.


"Do you really have to go?" Kira whispered.

"I'm sorry… you know I do." Athrun said, holding Kira. They were at the spaceport. Athrun's and Kira's parents were talking, and the two teens were a short distance away, saying their goodbyes. "Kira, you'll follow me to the PLANTs right?" She nodded, trying not to cry, even though she knew it was futile, she would cry; she missed Athrun already.

Athrun's parents had known about the ring, but hadn't seen it until Thursday morning. Kira's parents weren't really surprised, the Zala's had mentioned it to them that Athrun had been talking about getting Kira a ring before they left. They all loved the ring, it was beautiful, and it looked amazing on Kira.

"Athrun… we have to go hun." His mom called, and Kira frowned, she had tears on her cheeks, Athrun was wiping them away, and he just nodded so they knew he heard them.

"I'll try and call as often as I can, will you too?" Athrun asked the weeping Kira. She just nodded, to upset for words. Athrun placed his hand under her chin, and tilted her face up, he kissed her gently, and whispered "I love you Kira. Never forget that. Please don't cry, it makes this so much harder… we'll see each other again soon."

"I love you too Athrun." She whispered, hugging him one last time before he and his parents boarded the ship. Athrun turned and waved goodbye right before he entered the plane.

"Goodbye Athrun." Kira whispered, wiping away some of the tears.

A few months later:

Kira's POV

I was sad, I couldn't help it. I missed Athrun, and every time I called he wasn't at home. I left messages, and he always ended up calling back when I wasn't home.

I hadn't seen his face since he left, and I hadn't talked to him since then either. It felt so hopeless, and now, mom and dad said we were moving to Heliopolis, not the PLANTs. I had tried to call Athrun, and let him know what my new number was, and I just hoped he got the message. I didn't tell him we weren't moving to the PLANTs, I just said what our new number was.

I finished packing my things, and I grabbed the jacket Athrun had left behind. It was too big for me, but it reminded me of him, and made me feel safe.

"Kira, you ready?" I glanced at my ring, I miss Athrun so much… maybe when we get settled in at the new house I'll be able to talk to him.

"Coming mom!"

With Athrun: (Athrun's POV)

Damn… I missed her call again. I frowned, it was so depressing, I hadn't seen the love of my life since I had moved. I just wish I could go see her. I listened to the message, and smiled. I tried calling her, but it said the number was disconnected. I frowned, and replayed all the messages I had saved, they were all from the same number, and none of them mentioned anything about a number change. I left my room and made my way to my dad's office; I knocked and he let me in.

"What's wrong?" he looked concerned, I usually didn't bother him when he was working. I told him what had just happened. He tried calling, and the same thing happened. We didn't know what to do. Mom didn't know anything either.

"Just wait a few days, Athrun. I'm sure she'll call and explain."

"Okay dad."

February 14, C.E. 70 (The Bloody Valentine does not happen.)

The Moon Tragedy.

"27,000 people died today when a moon school, was blown up today." Athrun heard it on the radio, horror filling him. He was at school when the announcement was made. No… Kira! Panic filled me. Everyone around me was whispering, the teachers all looked horrified. We were all in the auditorium, and they had the news on the screen. "There is speculation that ZAFT is to blame." There was a huge uproar in the auditorium. People were yelling that it wasn't ZAFT.

Kira… please be okay… please….

With Kira:

"27,000 people died today, when a moon school was destroyed. ZAFT is suspected." I felt the panic run through me. ZAFT?! But… Patrick would never… NO! It couldn't be ZAFT… no…

February 16, C.E. 70

With Athrun:

We were sitting in the auditorium again; school had been different since the incident. "It has been discovered that ZAFT was innocent in the moon school bombing. The true perpetrators were Blue Cosmos. Who attempted to frame ZAFT for it." There was a stir in the room. People were angry, the coordinators had nothing to do with it, and they had been blamed. "ZAFT has declared war on the Earth Alliance." The hall went dead silent.

Something has to be done… dad's been talking about me joining but… I think I need to now. I have to do my part and protect the PLANTs. Blue Cosmos killed innocent people to set ZAFT up, and the Earth Alliance just turned a blind eye. I have to do something…

With Kira:

I was sitting under the balcony with Tolle, Mir, Sai and Kuzzey when we heard the announcement. "It has been discovered that ZAFT was innocent in the moon school bombing. The true perpetrators were Blue Cosmos. Who attempted to frame ZAFT for it. ZAFT has declared war on the Earth Alliance." My face fell. No… Athrun… Patrick… Lenore…

"Kira, what's wrong?" It was Tolle.

"Nothing… I just hoped it wouldn't come to this."

"Yeah… but at least Orb is neutral."

For now…

February 21, C.E. 70

With Athrun:

Mom took it better than I thought she would. I was filling out paperwork for the ZAFT military academy. There was a teenager my age sitting next to me, named Yzak Joule. We had walked up to the desk at the same time, and that's how I knew. I had heard him give his name.

I finished my paperwork quickly, and so did he. We turned it in, and she told us that we would be receiving a call with instructions about where to report to.

Kira… I know we both hate war… but I have no choice… I have to do something… please, forgive me. I hope you understand…

With Kira:

"Kira! Can you help me with the Algebra homework?"

"Sure Tolle. What's the matter?" He explained, and it was a simple mistake, he just had dropped a negative, so his numbers were off. Tolle thanked me and went back to what he was doing, and so did I. We were sitting in the gazebo in the park, Mir, Flay, Sai and Kuzzey were here to. This was kinda like our study hall.

Athrun… I miss you so much…

September 20, C.E. 70

With Athrun:

Graduation day, finally.

I was getting ready, I knew mom and dad were already here. Kira… I wish you could be here. Mom was going to take a lot of pictures, and I knew it, so I'd be able to show her later, but I still wish she was here.

We followed the procedures, and I was one of the few red coats that were in this class. I was on stage, and Commander Le Cruset came by, if he tapped your shoulder you stepped forward. He tapped mine first. I was surprised, out of the corner of my eyes I could see Nicol, Dearka, Yzak, Rusty, Miguel, and Olor.

"These seven men have been chosen for the Le Cruset team. It is one of the highest honors to be accepted into this team. These men were chosen by Commander Le Cruset himself." Applause echoed through the room. We were led off stage by the Commander.

"Your first briefing will be in three days at 0700, in the main briefing room." We saluted, "Yes sir!" "Also, there will be a team meeting tonight. I believe you work better as a team if you are familiar with each other, you will be sharing personal details, so get used to it now." We saluted and he left, our parents walked in then. My mom hugged me, and dad said, "Congratulation son!"

The parents were all talking now, and we sat around talking with them for awhile, before we had to leave for the team meeting. It was obvious we were all nervous, and excited at the same time.

At the team meeting:

"Good, you're all here early. We can begin." The Commander had told us to wear casual civilian clothing; he was too. Most of us had a ZAFT Academy t-shirt on, and jeans.

The commander smiled, "I want to start by asking you all to share one event, unique to you, that would throw you off, something that would greatly upset you. Whether it be on leave, during battle, whatever the case may be. Think about it. Athrun, you go first, take your time."

"I don't need time to think commander. I already know my answer."

Everyone looked surprised, "Go ahead then Athrun."

"If I were to run into my fiancé… it would be a very stressful situation for me."

Yzak chimed in, "You have a fiancé? Since when?"

"Since I was nine," I laughed, remembering, "we announced it at a political dinner for my dad." I pulled the chain with the ring out from under my shirt, and showed it to them. "I moved from the moon when I was 13. I gave her the matching ring to this three days before I left. I… haven't spoken to her in a long time… I'll be the first to admit, my weakness is her. I miss her. I haven't seen her since I moved, we talked when we could, but it's been rough because every time she called, I wasn't home. Every time. She left messages, and when I called back, she wasn't home."

"So, you've played phone tag for 4 years?" Rusty asked, amazed.

"Ya, basically."

"Damn, that's rough." Yzak muttered.

"What's her name?" Miguel asked.

"Kira. Kira Yamato." I felt the smile on my face.

"It's a beautiful name." Nicol commented.

"I'm glad you chose to share this, Athrun, now we all know what to expect, should be ever hear that name." The commander said, gently.

"Ya, well, I don't think it'll happen."

"Why's that?" Olor asked, confused.

I explained how she had moved, and I didn't know where, and I told them how I accidently deleted the message before I got to write down her new number, and how I hadn't gotten to talk to her since. I didn't know if she even wanted to see me anymore. I told them everything, and when I was done they all were shocked. "Damn…"

We went on like that the rest of the night, and I just wondered, Kira… where are you?

With Kira:

Mir, Tolle and I were at my house, mom and dad had gone out for the night.

"Okay, Kira, it's killing me, I gotta ask." Tolle said, I looked surprised.

"What is it?"

"You've had that ring on since we met, why?"

"Oh… uhm…" I blushed, "My… fiancé gave it to me, four years ago, right before he moved to the PLANTs."

"Why haven't we heard of him before now?" Mir prodded.

"It's complicated."

"We have time."

I sighed, "Alright. I haven't seen him since he moved, we played phone tag for a long time, he was never home when I called, and I was never home when he called. But, when I moved, I left a message with my new number, but he never called. I have a feeling he never got it…" I frowned.

"Hold it, you moved here years ago. That's rough…" Tolle said, sadly.

I explained the pure panic I felt when I heard about the moon bombing, I knew that ZAFT was innocent, I knew Patrick wouldn't have let it happen; I told them about his position on the council, and the fear I felt when I heard ZAFT declared war. I explained my fear that my fiancée would get involved in the military.

"What's his name?"

"Athrun. Athrun Zala."

"The son of supreme councilman Patrick Zala right?" Mir asked.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"I can see why you'd be worried about him joining the military…" Tolle said.

"I hope… we get to meet him one day. He's gotta be special if he won your heart Kira." I felt myself blush at Mir's words. "Please, don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, we won't." Tolle and Mir promised.

January 25, C.E. 71

"Ready Zala?" Yzak was asking me.

"Yeah, let's get those bastards."

We all walked out to the meeting area. We knew the plan, infiltrate Heliopolis, take the Mobile Suits, and get them to the Commander safely. The other team would work on destroying the new warship. The plan was flawless from what they could tell. They'd gone over it a hundred times. They all knew their parts.

"Let's go." Miguel said. And we did.

Yzak, Nicol and Dearka got three of the machines without much of a problem. Rusty and I went after the other two; we made it inside without much of a problem. "There are the other two!" Rusty called.

We ran towards them, and a shot landed next to me. "It's an earth forces officer!" Rusty got shot in the arm, and had to fall back, over the communication lines I heard Miguel coming to get him. When I got on top of the machine I had my knife drawn, the gun had jammed. And that's when my heart stopped.


"Athrun?" She whispered, we were both frozen, then the officer fired at me and I fell back and got the other machine.

Kira? Was that really you?

I saw the officer knock her into the other mobile suit, and I prayed it wasn't Kira, but in my heart, I knew it was.

End Chapter 1.