Chapter 1

The students swarmed the halls of McKinley High trying to avoid the late bell. Kurt Hummel stormed furiously out of school. He's had enough of the bullies and teasing for far too long. He smoothed out his cheerios uniform and walked to the parking lot towards his Navigator.

He dug his keys out of his backpack, looking around. He started humming a too familiar tune.

"….When you feel too tired but you can't sleep…"

He was so caught up that he didn't hear the sounds of footsteps behind him.

Poke! Poke! Poke!

Someone was poking him, poking him roughly on his shoulder. He turned around, startled, and met a pair of beautiful hazel-green eyes. This mysterious boy had on skin tight leather pants (and Oh, God, Kurt was staring!), a muscle tight, short sleeved v-neck under a black motorcycle jacket. And his hair? Oh God, tons of curls. Dark curls.

Hmmm…..Kurt wondered what it would be like to run his fingers through it….

Stop it! Kurt thought, realizing that he was still staring, with his mouth hanging open.

"Do you have a lighter?" the boy asked in a low, gruff voice.

He raised an eyebrow. "Um….does it LOOK like I have a lighter?" Kurt answered, amused. He straightened his cheerio shirt with a nervous expression.

"Oh! Nice. A smartass! I like you already. What's your name, gorgeous?"

Kurt blushed up to his ears.

"Mmmmm, glad I can make you blush." He grinned. "Well, I need a damn lighter. I'll let you get back to your flips and tumbles, gorgeous." The badboy smirked and walked away.

Kurt sighed and began to unlock his door.

"By the way, that uniform is hot…." He heard the badboy mumble under his breath walking away.

Kurt couldn't stop thinking about "mystery badboy". There was something striking about him. Striking, and yet, something mysterious, but in a good way. Kurt spent his nights wondering how his plump, pink, kissable lips would taste and feel on his own.

The sound of Kurt's cell phone ringing brought him back down to earth. He noticed the screen read Mercedes.

"Hey, 'Cedes." Kurt sighed.

"Hey! Why weren't you at cheerios practice?"

"Uh…I got caught up in homework, sorry." Kurt lied.

"Uh, huh. Yeah right. Well, Ms. Sylvester is gonna be upset. And homework? It's Friday, Kurt. Wanna try that again?" she rustled around on the other end.

"I'm tired. We'll talk tomorrow. Do you wanna meet me at the Lima Bean?" Kurt fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"Sure. It's a date. Pick you up at 8."

"Ok, G'night." He sighed.


Kurt hung up and practically threw his phone on the dresser next to him.


Tonight, hell, this weekend, was going to be long.

Kurt changed into some blue silk pajamas and crawled into bed, shutting off his lamp.

He drifted off into a deep sleep.

That next morning, the Lima Bean was extremely crowded. But it was Saturday, so he should've figured that. The Lima Bean was a well-known coffee shop in Lima, Ohio.

Kurt ordered his usual, a grande non-fat mocha, and Mercedes got a blueberry scone.

They sat down at their usual table. Mercedes looked over at him.

"So… what's REALLY going on, Kurt?"