There are times when I go into the forest by myself. I find myself at peace there. It's calm, quiet, and just so much fun to play in the trees. Most children tend to stay away from the woods. Whenever I mention going they shake and cry in fear. I don't know why. I see it as a magical place where I can be myself. That is, until I saw him. He leaned against a tree watching me. A very, very tall man wearing a black suit and black tie. His skin was completely white and he had no hair. His face...he had no face. It was just blank. He was still as he kept an eye on me. I stared back and tilted my head. He copied and put his head straight when I did. I raised my hand and waved and he did the same. Putting my hand down I took a step forward. As did he. Each step brought us closer until he towered over me. His shadow loomed covering me in darkness. I gazed up at him and smiled.

"My name is Nancy! What's your name?"

He didn't answer me. Instead he bent down and put two fingers on my cheek. They were ice cold and I shivered.

"You're cold are you okay? You aren't sick are you?"

Still he said nothing. He ran his fingers down my face.

"Do you want to play with me? All the other kids don't want to because they're scared of this place and I'm getting rather lonely with no one to play with." I held out my hand to him.

Carefully he enclosed his long fingers around my tiny hand. We ventured deeper into the woods and played a game of hide-n-seek. He always won due to being able to blend in with the trees. Then we spent the entire afternoon walking. Once it began to get dark I giggled to the man.

"Well I have to go! Good-bye friend! I'll be back tomorrow to play again!" And I ran home.

Mother asked me what happened to me today. I told her and she gave me a concerned look.

"Really sweetie, you shouldn't make up such stories."

"I'm honest! He was super tall with no face! Oh, but he was really nice he even played hide-n-seek with me!"

"And where did you say you met him?"

"In the forest." I happily chomped down my cereal and drank my milk.

"Nancy I don't need any of these stories running out of your mouth. Go to your room."


"You need to go to sleep for a while. When you wake up then tell me what you really did today."

I hopped off the chair and went upstairs to my room. Going to my window I looked out and saw the faceless man. He stared up at me and I stared back at him. I waved and he waved too.