Getting To Know You. Getting To Like You.

Sometimes we judge people, sometimes we're wrong. Maybe that's what Fionna did to a certain vampire. Will she ever mend her mistake? Now she's slowly getting to know him more and more. Maybe she doesn't hate him at all.

Appearances lie

On a lovely afternoon, Prince Gumball and Fionna sat at the hill watching the sun set. They were resting after a mission to save the candy people.


They both laughed. "And when the troll tried to hide Peppermint maid behind that tree."

"I know! And when Cake scared him from behind!"


The prince stopped laughing and he glanced at his candy clock. The sun was almost down. "It's getting late, and it was a very tiring day."

Fionna seemed disappointed but hide it with a smile. "Y- yes."

"Hmm? Hey! If it's no other than Gumbutt." Someone said sarcastically from behind.

They both turned around and saw a thin boy floating a few inches from the ground. He had black messy hair, pale skin and strangely pointy ears."

'And who's this hobo?' Fionna eyed him suspiciously but before she could say anything, the prince stood up and faced him.


"So? New girlfriend?" He smirked at Fionna.

"Oh, no, no. She's-"

"Whatever." He interrupted selfishly closing his eyes and turning around ready to leave.

Fionna got angered and stood up. "My name is Fionna, the human." She said rising her voice. "And you'd better remember me, you freak!"

He turned to his side slightly and chuckled. "Fionna, the human. Sure." He winked and kept floating away.

When he was lost in the woods she turned to Prince Gumball. "Who was that?" Her voice still holding a hint of anger.

"He is Marshall Lee, the Vampire King." He explained. "I know him from some diplomatic meetings. He's not exactly my best of friends."

"Sure not. He is really annoying." She murmured.

That was the first time Fionna ever saw the vampire. And she hated his guts. But we all know people are more than what they seem, even the annoying Vampire King.

"Here, there you go."

"Thanks Fionna." A little worm thanked the adventuress for healing him after a fight with another worm.

"No prob. Just don't get into any more trouble." She offered a smile and the little worm left.

She cleaned her sweat from her forehead and sighed. "Helping all this lovely creatures sure is tiring." She walked to her coach and saw a small piece of paper near her door. "Huh?"

It was from Prince Lumpy. It was an invitation to the anniversary of his coronation or something like that. Fionna chuckled to herself.

"He sure is self-centered."

"Let me see, let me see." Cake said grabbing the small papper.

"Uuu.. a party this weekend."

"What time is it?..." Fionna started.

"It's party time!"

"It's party time!"

They both said in unison and shared a laugh.

"I wonder if Prince Gumball is going." She suddenly wondered out loud.

"Looking for a slow dance with your crush?"

"Uggh. I don't do dancing. But maybe talk to him and stuff." She said blushing slightly.

"Sure babycakes."

At the party…

"Where's Prince Lumpy?" Fionna asked Cake.

"Oh I don't know… but I saw Lord Monochromicorn over there." She sang happily.

Fionna rolled her eyes and let her go. 'It means he's coming.' She thought. She started to walk and everyone greeted her happy to see the local heroine. She smiled kindly and greeted back. Then she spotted Prince Lumpy near the punch table and walked to him.

"Hello, Prince. Congratulations." She said politely.

"Oh my glob. Fionna, dear. I'm glad you came. And where's Cake?"

"Oh she's-" Then the little cat showed up from behind. "-here."

"Good. Have fun. The party's just started."

They both nodded.

"Fi, it's seems Prince Gumball is not here. He had some stuff to do and he'll show up later. I'm sorry, honey."

"Uhh.. Well it's okay. It's still party time!"

Cake was about to reply when she felt her tale frizzing out. Fionna turned ready to take out her sword when she saw no other than Marshall Lee.

"You." Fionna muttered through gritted teeth.

Marshall eyed her slightly surprised and then smirked. "Oh it's you, Fionna the human." He said 'Fionna' in a funny way that only made her angrier.

"What are you doing here?"

"Relax Fi, I just came to enjoy the party, just like you." He answered now taking a glass of red punch.

"I bet you were not even invited."

He took a sip of his punch and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you take me for?" Somehow, he seemed offended, but she didn't care.

"A really annoying dude who's probably just trying to scare some people."

He saw Cake trembling behind Fionna and then hissed with his bare fangs. Poor Cake jumped to the roof and Marshall began to laugh.

"Nope. Just your cat. Bye Fi." He waved a hand and floated back to wherever he had come from.

"Uggh. I hate that guy!"

The party had started two hours ago and Prince Gumball was nowhere to be seen. Sure Fionna was having fun with Cake and the others, but eventually everyone started to dance and she just had to stay back on her seat by herself.

She rested her head on her arms and watched absentmindedly as the others danced. She never noticed someone else's presence approaching her until she saw a glass of punch offered by the vampire himself.

She looked up at him and turned to the other side with a groan.

"Oh come on. Why do you hate me?" He asked floating in front of her.

"Because! You're really obnoxious. You're egocentric and selfish. I don't like your attitude at all! And I don't trust you. "

He sighed and sat on the next chair. He offered once again the glass of punch and Fionna's eyes softened as she hesitantly took the glass.

"Thanks." She muttered.

"Why aren't you dancing?" He tried to start a different conversation. "You're pretty popular, it seems."

"I don't do dancing."

"Even if it meant dancing with Gum Head?" She almost choked her drink and he laughed mockingly.

"So you do like him."

"Quiet you!"

"Well, would you dance with him?" He asked.

She quickly tried to say something to hide the truth but it was too late. Marshall smirked mischievously but then stood up abruptly.

"You're boring, human." He said now walking away. His eyes were closed and his hands on his pocket.

'There's that attitude again!' Fionna thought angrily. Then she saw him pointing at the entrance still not looking back.

She glanced to the entrance and saw Prince Gumball standing there with a smile. She looked back at Marshall but he wasn't there anymore.

She walked timidly to Prince Gumball and he smiled wider.


"I thought you wouldn't come."

"What?" He asked as he couldn't listen through the music.

"I thought you wouldn't come." She repeated louder this time.

"Sorry. Some pending business."

"Some what?" She asked, again not listening.

Gumball smiled and took her out by the hand; it made her blush at the instant.

Now they stood a little further from the entrance and the music was barely noticed at the distance.

"Better?" He asked and she just nodded.

"Sorry. Don't you prefer to go inside and well… party?"

He laughed quietly and shook his head. "It's fine. Parties are planned to have fun. And I always have fun with you." She couldn't help but smile foolishly.

Then they heard a different kind of music.

"Huh?" They both were surprised with this new music.

"Where does it come from?" She wondered as she looked around. It was soft but not completely a sappy melody. It was some kind of rock ballad.

Then at the distance she saw him, Marshall Lee. He was sat at the tiled roof playing his weird axe bass. He turned to her and winked suggestively.

Gumball didn't seem to notice any of this so he graciously asked her to dance. She rolled her eyes at his courtesy but took his offer. At least there was no one around to see them, except for Marshall, of course. As she laughed with each clumsy step she took as they danced, she couldn't help but feel grateful to the vampire. She smiled to herself. Maybe he wasn't a bad person at all.

I don't own Adventure Time or any of the characters.

Oh well. It's done. My first Adventure Time fic so.. be nice :)
Just tell me what you think about it, k? ;) Any review is welcomed!