Chapter 1: Gekido 激怒 (Rage)

Written: 1/29/13

Edited: 3/24/14


Author's Note/Shenron

Special attacks/ Computer speech

"Telepathic Speech"/ Flashback


A/N: Hello, how are you doing? I hope all is well with you. This is a short introduction to my third DBZ story. I've had this idea stuck in my head for several days, possibly weeks and just decided to write it out. Some of you may know me from my previous story DBZ: A Warrior's Path (which I'll still be continuing and updating regularly).

This story was spawned by an idea from Greg Penders, written on page 422 of Dragonball Multiverse. I owe him greatly for thinking of the core idea behind the story. The story will not follow the entire idea that he created, but he did set the foundation for this story. This is an Alternate Universe story, where Frieza follows his father's idea and simply blows the Earth up from space before Goku returns. That's all I'll say at the moment, the rest will be revealed as the story progresses.

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or anything having to do with the Dragon Ball franchise. This is just a fan fiction made for personal pleasure and writing experience.

Chapter Cover: Goku in his Super Saiyan form marches through a pile of corpses.

Chapter 1: Gekido 激怒 (Rage)

Age 769

Frieza Planet #300

Molten fire rained from the sky as shrieks of terror and panic filled the air. Fulvous bolts of lightning traversed the once azuline sky, striking and imploding against the ground every few minutes. The booming sound of the lightning was only matched by the horrified cries of the planets inhabitants. Before their very eyes, their planet was being annihilated by an unstoppable force of nature.

Torrents of wind slashed across the planet, slicing and obliterating any unfortunate object placed in its way. Trees, rocks, houses and even people were tossed to the wayside as the wind blew. The only being that managed to stay uprooted against the torrent of wind was its conductor; Son Goku. His radiant golden hair illuminated the surrounding darkness, shining as lone ray of light. His teal eyes beamed with intensity, adequately matched by his glowering facial expression.

His golden aura sparkled as he continued his march, piles of slain soldiers littered behind him. With each mighty step he continued his journey to the capital of the planet. His eyes and mind remained fixed on a single goal; revenge. It had been five years, five entire years since everything he had come to love had been destroyed and taken away from him. His planet, his home, his friends, his family had vanished; never to be seen again. Everything he held dear had been taken and destroyed by him.

It was his fault. It was all his fault. Everything that happened to this point had all been his fault. If he hadn't been so kind, so compassionate, so forgiving, so misguided, none of this would have happened. But it was his nature to be kind, to be loving, to see the goodness in everyone. For as long as he could remember he had always inherently been like that. Grinding his teeth as his march came to a halt, he paused.

He had been raised to be hopeful, to have faith in people, and most importantly to love all beings; but it had all turned against him. His faith had been disproven in the most horrifically imaginable way; his planet had been destroyed. The being he had given a second chance to, had given him the harshest conceivable slap in the face.

Thinking about it sparked his anger causing his luteous aura to flare around him. If only he could go back to that day, if only he could correct his transgression; if only he had killed Frieza. If he had done the rational thing that day, none of this would have happened. Throughout his lifetime he had given his greatest enemies a second chance, a chance to reform their ways. For the most part they had accepted it and turned from their ways, and the ones that didn't were simply killed.

Never before had extending a helping hand come back to literally and figuratively shoot him in the back. The galactic overlord had denied his outstretched hand then, and had even attempted to kill him seconds after. When his body had been sliced in half Goku thought it was end of his battle with Frieza; but he had been dead wrong. The Arcosian had not only survived planet Namek's destruction, which he himself had caused, but also managed to repair his body.

Immediately after his body had been re-assembled, the emperor of space once again began his mission to kill Goku. Goku had been in space, traveling and training when he'd heard the awful news. Frieza had destroyed Earth, along with its unsuspecting inhabitants from space. The tyrant hadn't even given the people of Earth the chance to fight back. He had simply wiped them out, vaporizing the planet as if it were a menial task.

The anger Goku had felt that day resonated across the Universe. He had nearly destroyed the planet he was visiting when he found out. His anger had rose and exploded to new heights, nearly resulting in the annihilation of that planet. It took several people to restrain, and finally calm him down. Even then his anger still lingered, only truly dispersed when he had unleashed his fury on an uninhabited planet. It took weeks of attacking various uninhabited planets.

Even though the news had been truly heart breaking, what hurt the most was the people Frieza had killed. (#1) The Arcosian had destroyed Earth while the displaced Namekians had still been on it, completely wiping out all hope of reviving his friends and family. That and that alone was the true breaking point for Goku. He would never hear Gohan's joyous laughter or smell Chichi's delightful food ever again. His life as he knew it….had ended.

Shaking his head as he cleared his thoughts, Goku marched forward. All of that, everything had led him to this moment. This was the moment he had waited for. The moment he had dreamed of. The moment that he desperately needed. It was the moment Frieza would die! His Saiyan blood would not allow Frieza to live any longer. He would rectify his previous mistake; he would destroy Frieza once and for all.

Peeking through his peripheral Goku observed a lone soldier struggle to his feet. The soldier was badly injured, nearly on death's door, as he summoned Ki to his fingertips. Goku remained still as his sensed the buildup in Ki, the soldier was pouring everything into it; which wasn't much at all. Deciding toamuse himself, Goku allowed the soldier to fire his puny Ki beam. The soldier's face glistened with hope as he watched it soar towards the Saiyan, completely believing he had caught the mighty warrior off guard.

Without bothering to turn around, Goku easily slapped the beam away, exerting little to no effort. The soldier's facial expression twisted into one of disbelief before the Saiyan's Ki beam ripped into his body, instantly killing him. Not batting an eye at what had occurred Goku continued walking; he was nearly there. Soon he would be at the capitol of Frieza planet 300, home of the overlord himself.

Frieza planet 300 had been the tyrant's crowning achievement, his flamboyant celebration of finally overtaking his brother. The planet was extremely beautiful, more so than any other planet that Goku had visited. The humongous planet also held an array of treasures and exotic life forms, the rarest in the galaxy, possibly the Universe. It was easily understandable why the Arcosian prince had decided to make it base of his operations. Unfortunately for him, Goku had destroyed it all.

Goku could have easily destroyed the camps, and cities he had been through from the sky, but no; he wanted Frieza to suffer. Goku had arrived on Frieza planet #300 five days ago, marking the beginning of his death campaign. He walked straight through the planet from where his ship had landed. During those five days he traveled through several camps, cities, and bases; destroying them all as he passed through. He had obliterated everything and everyone in his path up until this point.

There were no innocents on this planet, if he even still knew what that word meant. Everyone on this planet had sealed their fate by deciding to work for Frieza, and they had received their reward. There was only one person left, one person to destroy, to eradicate, to torture; Frieza himself. Goku had already disposed of every soldier, mercenary, and warrior on the planet; doing so relatively easily. The only group that had even slightly opposed him so far had been the battalion of warriors known as (#2) F.A.S.T. Frieza's Assassination Special Troops.

They were what Goku assumed to be, the new Ginyu force. They had provided an adequate challenge…..before he had transformed into a Super Saiyan. Once the legendary transformation had occurred, the group was powerless against Goku and was easily slaughtered. Goku felt no remorse for their deaths; they had it coming.

Finally coming to halt as he approached the massive golden steps to Frieza's palace, Goku smirked; he was finally here. He didn't know if the frozen lizard had anything else to throw at him, but he was anxious to find out. Igniting his golden aura once more, Goku ascended into the air, hovering lightly above the staircase as he floated to the top. Finally arriving at the top of the staircase, Goku powered down to land, but was blasted away by a Desubīmu.


To be continued….

A/N: This concludes the first chapter of The Legend of Son Gokū. It was a basic introductory chapter setting some of the framework behind the story. It wasn't a short chapter because it needed to be one. The next chapter and ones beyond that will be far longer than this one. I hope you all enjoyed it. Any and all criticism and feedback is welcomed.

Remember to review please

Till Next Time JA Ne…..

Chapter Notes:

(#1): The destruction of planet Earth happened during Age 763, August 19. Occurring before Age 763, September 9th, the day in canon when the refugee Namekians were transported to New Namek by a wish to the Namekian Dragon Balls.

(#2): I don't own F.A.S.T. they belong to ChaosGhidorah; I'm simply borrowing them for this story. I will be informing him of their usage in this story.

Technique List:

Desubīmu: "Death Beam"