I appreciated every review, follow, alert, et cetra that come my way with this story! You have no idea how nice it is to see/hear what people thing. It inspires me. :)

Sorry for the long delay in getting this chapter out. Life has been crazy and to top it off, I decided on Monday that I'm going to Vegas (leaving on Friday) for 6 days…apparently I thrive on sending my life into complete and utter chaos! LOL!

Tara sat behind the desk in the TM Office. She could hear Tig and Kozik bickering in the garage as she tried to focus on the paperwork in front of her.

"Tara?" Piney called from the doorway.

She looked up at him quickly, and regretted it immediately. The room started to spin again. Even though she was seated, she was dizzy and nauseous. No amount of saltines had helped the morning sickness.

"You OK?" he asked, stepping forward to the edge of the desk.

She pasted on a small smile. "Yeah. Just not sleeping too well."

Piney nodded, but knew she was lying.

She took a deep breath, hoping to quell the urge to reach for the garbage can and empty the small amount of food she'd so far managed to keep down since she'd last eaten. "What can I do for you?"

"Brad needs to know when the parts Gemma specially ordered for the Civic will be in."

"Oh, yeah, I saw that a minute ago," she started shuffling papers around on the desk, trying to find it again. She sighed in irritation. "This place really needs an organization system."

Piney looked around the office at the clutter then out to the garage, which was a mess. "Can't argue with that."

"Here it is," she looked it over, scanning the invoice. "Parts are back ordered. Looks like it'll be at least another week. Possibly longer."

"Great," he grumbled. "The asshole owner wants to take it to the Desert Race Wars in a couple of weeks. He's gonna be up our asses about the delay. Rich kids and their God damned problems…if only my life were that simple!"

Tara smiled somewhat sympathetically. "Yeah. I know what you mean."

"You sure you're OK? I know the last few months have been difficult…Jax wanting to go Nomad, the stuff with Gemma…then Abel."

She shrugged. "I knew what I was getting into."

"Doesn't make living through this shit easy," he pointed out.

She swallowed around the lump in her throat. "Well, Jax doesn't want me around anymore so I guess I won't have to worry about it for long."

Piney sat down in the chair across from her. "He loves you, Darlin'."

"He's got a funny way of showing it," she fumed. She grabbed a file from the lower drawer then angrily threw it down on the top of the desk. She stood up and walked over to the window, glancing out at the TM parking lot that was bathed in sunlight. "I hate this. I hate the danger. I hate the secrets and the half truths. I hate the double standard. If a man even glances my way, he's infuriated." Piney chuckled. "But when a woman looks at him and likes what she sees? He puffs out his friggin' chest!" She looked over at Piney…"And those God Damned Crow Eaters who act like I don't exist? I'd be nice if they just backed right off!" She could feel her blood pressure rising. "And then there's Ima," the thought of that bitch made her blood boil and stomach churn.

"Sit down, Doc," Piney instructed, noting that the she had turned pale.

"I need air," she said, holding on to the wall for support, as she made her way to the door.

The warm California air felt glorious as the breeze gently swept over her.

"Jax fucked up. You know it. I know it. He knows it. I think everyone knows it." Piney placed a hand on her shoulder trying to reassure her.

"He did it deliberately," she whispered. "He knew cheating was a deal breaker for me." Piney nodded, but stayed quiet. "I can't live like that. I know that there'll be times in the middle of the night where he'll have to take off and deal with club business. I can deal with that. He'll have people there to back him up and make sure he comes home to us safely. Because of that, I can share him with the club. But I can't, and won't, share him."

He was about to say something when he noticed Tara's gaze turn to steel. He looked out into the parking lot and saw a small, white compact car parking. A few seconds later, a slender blond haired woman appeared and started making her way into the Club House.

"That bitch!" Tara fumed. Over come with rage in her veins, she quickly started making her way from the opposite, far end of the parking lot towards. She could vaguely hear Piney calling after her, trying to stop her.

She could hear the blood rushing through her body when she stepped into the clubhouse. She waited a second for her vision to adjust from the natural light of the outside into the dark interior of the clubhouse that was lit with only artificial incandescent bulbs.

"Where is she?" Her voice was low. She sounded far more in-control than she felt.

Tig and Kozik, who had moved their bickering from the garage to the bar in the Clubhouse, turned their attention to the brunette. But neither man said a word.

"Where is she?" Tara repeated.

"Any of you Tigers seen my bra lyin' around here?" She looked around the main room of the Club House, searching for the bright colors on her zebra print bra.

"You mean that fugly pink and purple thing?" Tara asked.

Ima's head snapped over to where Tara stood. She smirked. "The one and only. Think Jax broke the clasp when he ripped it off me."

Tara took a few strides forward and Tig quickly stood up to place himself between the two women. Any other situation and he would've sat back and watched the cat fight. But since he spent time with Tara at Gemma's Dad's place, he'd grown fond of her. He felt bad that she had witnessed Abel's kidnapping and Half Sack's death. He also saw how affected she was when she'd killed Nate's care-aid to protect Gemma. Of course, the fact that she'd bailed him out and helped arrange to get his bike out of impound after his license had been suspended didn't hurt either.

Tara placed a hand on his arm and gently pushed on it, silently telling him he needed to move out of her way. He sighed and after a moment, did as she silently asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight to one leg. "You have some nerve coming back here."

Ima chuckled. "Last time I was here, I had an invitation."

"It expired." Her tone left no question of just how serious she was.

"'Til next time," the blond chirped, clearly in the mood to press Tara's buttons.

It was Tara's turn to smirk. She walked forward, her left shoulder harshly bumping into Ima's right shoulder, causing the Porn Slut to stumble.

She walked behind the bar and located something on the shelf. "This what you're looking for?"

"That's it," Ima said, stepping towards the bar. "The animal print was a real turn on for him. I guess it'd been a while since he was fucked good."

Tara snickered. "I can take care of his needs and then some. And, at least when mine comes off," she held the bra up to emphasize her point, "he doesn't think it's false advertising." She smiled. "How much padding is in this thing anyway?"

Ima's smirk turned into a frown as she tried to grab the bra out of Tara's grasp.

Tara was faster. She took a step back and inspected the clasp carefully. "The clasp is fine. Seems brand new to me. Guess it wasn't as much of a turn on as you thought. Though, I guess, I can understand why."

"Oh, and why's that?" Ima hissed.

Tara stepped forward again, her hands now flat on counter that separated the two women. "You wouldn't know real passion if it slapped you across the face. The men that you have sex with? They aren't with you because they want you…you're their job! They're being paid. You're a low-rent cunt, Ima."

Piney was shocked to hear Tara, a woman he'd known since she was a quiet, shy little girl, speak in such vulgar terms. Being a member of an MC, he was no prude…but Tara? He never imaged such words would pass her lips.

Tig stood off to the side, chucking at Ima's expression. Her mouth was hanging open in shock. Kozik was amused.

Her eyes narrowed as she continued on. "I'll make sure Jax knows exactly where his dick is and is not allowed. He'll be punished appropriately for his little…" she looked Ima up and down with disgust, "indiscretion."

"You own him now?" Ima finally retorted.

Tara smirked. "He calls me his Old Lady, doesn't he?" The bitch was silent. "If I'm his Old Lady, that means I'm his. And he's mine."

"He wasn't yours the other night," she countered.

"I'll grant him one slip up," she held up her pointer finger. "But if he wants to work things through with me, it's going to be on my terms."

"If he came to me once, what makes you think he won't do it again?"

Tara grabbed a large butchers knife from the knife block behind her. She held the knife up, the steel blade level with Ima's line of vision. "If he steps out of line again, he'll find out just how similar I can be to Lorena Bobbit."

"I don't believe you have it in you," Ima countered.

"I'll make sure you believe it," Tara answered. "I'll bring the same knife to where ever you are and I'll gut you like a fish. Considering that I'm a doctor, keep in mind, I know exactly where to inflict maximum pain before finishing you off." The emphasize her point, she tossed the bra on the counter of the bar and impaled the knife in the padded material and shredded it.

"You're crazy!" Ima said, putting her hands up and backing away, wide eyed.

"You haven't seen crazy yet," Tara responded, coming around the corner.

The blond was fearful of what Tara might do, but she was unable to turn and run. She continued to walk backwards, hoping to find the door of the Clubhouse so she could flee to the safety of her car.

Tara was mere inches from Ima's face, her foot steps matching the slow, unsure pace that Ima set. "I don't need Jax or any man to take care of my problems. And you, Ima, don't want to be one of my problems. I've learned a few things. Like how to make something look like an accident, and how to not leave any evidence behind."

"I don't like being threatened," Ima swallowed.

"And I don't like whores sniffing around my boyfriend," Tara shrugged. "You stay away from Jax, we won't have a problem, understand?"

Ima nodded then felt the sunlight on her skin. She suddenly turned and fled towards her car.

"That was impressive, Doc," Tig clapped his hands in a one-man applause.

The adrenaline that was pumping through her veins suddenly vanished and she felt sick. She grasped her stomach as she rushed forwards toward the garbage can near the picnic table.

Kozik grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and handed it to Piney to take to Tara.

He walked forward and handed her the chilled bottle.

Gratefully, she took the drink and twisted off the cap. She noted the look on Piney's face. "I'm fine."

"No, you aren't," he argued.

She held the cold bottle to her forehead. "Trust me, I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about. I'm handling it, OK?"

He still wasn't convinced. "I'd feel better if you went home and took care of yourself."

"Piney's right, Tara," Kozik hollered over to the two. "You don't look well."

"Gee, thanks. You sure know how to make a girl feel good," she said sarcastically. She knew they were just concerned, but her emotions were all over the place and she knew part of that was because of her ever changing moods caused by the pregnancy hormones.

"You know what he means," Tig offered.

"I have one more thing I have to do here, then I'll go home. Get some sleep, OK?"

"We can call Karen or Olivia. Get one of them to cover for you in the office," Tig announced.

She shook her head. "It has nothing to do with the office work." She started to walk towards the back hall that lead to the two apartments at the back of the Club House. "I'm gonna need two sets of hands, though. Can you spare the prospects for a few minutes?"

Kozik shook his head no. "They're running some Bitch errands for us right now."

Tig stood up and glanced at Kozik for a second before he headed towards Tara. "We'll do whatever it is you need."

"Thanks," she said as she continued on down the hall. She stopped outside of the door that led to Jax's apartment and took a deep breath before turning the knob. The last time she'd walked through the door, she'd seen the imagine that she feared would be forever burned into her memory. Stepping over the threshold, she could smell the cheap, knock off perfume that assaulted her senses. Granted, Ima had just been in there moments before looking for her now shredded bra, but it didn't sting any less.

"What do you need?" Tig asked, feeling awkward standing in Jax's private space.

"I need that," she pointed to the mattress of the unmade bed, "out of here."

"Where is it going?" Kozik asked as he and Tig, unsure of what they were getting themselves into, stepped over to the bed.

"The dumpster," Tara replied. She saw the guys starting to remove the sheets. "Oh, no. Those go as well. So do the pillows."

Five minutes later, after some grunting as the two men hefted the mattress over their heads and tossed it into the empty dumpster, it landed with a loud bang.

"Satisfied?" Tig asked.

"Almost," she declared. A moment later, Piney returned to her side with a small gas can. He handed it over to her.

She unscrewed the cap , stepped on a small ledge on the dumpster, attempting to find a decent foothold.

Tig placed a steadying hand on her lower back and heard her mutter a soft "thanks" as she awkwardly attempted to pour the gasoline on the material of the mattress. Once the can was empty, she stepped down and Tig stepped away.

Again, she accepted something from Piney's grasp.

With ease, Tara struck the match. She looked at the small flame before tossing it in, easily igniting the offending object. Orange flames danced above the top of the top of the dumpster.

"Now I'm satisfied." Tara affirmed.

Sorry it was a relatively brief update. I look forward to the hearing what you all think! I really wished that Tara and Ima had a confrontation after she and Jax slept together. The little interaction they had in season 4 was not the confrontation I had been hoping for!