
Warnings: there is swearing, blood, and various other things in this story you have been warned.

Disclaimer: I don't own the anime, if I did it would be very differently.

Sakura's pov

It had started out as a pretty normal day to be completely honest. I wake up to silence and that blasted sun shining in my face, And realize that I have no life. All my so called friends just kind of deserted me when Akira and ariana showed up. Story of my life pretty much.

"Time to stop moping and to get my ass out of bed." I mutter as I crawl from my place on the floor. My so called loving father decided that I was unfit for a bed when mom died. Damn that wave of sadness, loneliness, and anger that came with her name. I almost doubled over with how hard that wave hit me. Grabbing my bare pink wall for support I tried not to cry again.

After about 15 minutes of trying not to cry the tears were finally subdued. Looking around my room was a little saddening everything I had as a child was gone. other than my makeshift bed and my sparsely filled closet nothing was left. It was a sad sight indeed. Oh well.

Leaving my sad excuse for a room and wandering to the bathroom I noticed how my father had yet to return from his nightly drinking. I sighed knowing that this meant trouble for me later. Walking into the bathroom with the cracked mirror I checked my hair which I had grown out slightly, now it reached my shoulder blades. Once it had been shiny and healthy now it could barely pass as alive. Shaking my head I turned on the faucet and washed my face with the ice water. Looking for the toothbrush and toothpaste I had hidden, along with some concealer and deodorant, I started to brush my teeth.

Finishing the rest of my daily morning ritual I headed back to my room to change for the day. My outfit consisted of a baggy gray sweatshirt and barely fitting black sweatshirt. While my clothes weren't the greatest things in the world they worked. Walking out my room and passed the kitchen( we have no food anyways) I headed for the door. Not even bothering to lock the door behind me(we have no valuables) I headed to the bar to pick up my father.

Passing by citizens and shinobi alike I ignored them all. Keeping my head down I hurried to his favorite bar, hoping for once he didn't try to sell me off. And if he did that the person he tried to sell me to realized that I was worthless.

"" A shy voice whispered next to me. Hinata was right next to holding out an apple and some water. Her hair had gotten longer too it now reached her shoulders. Her outfit had changed too it had dark blue pants and a purple and white jacket (An: It;s her shippuden outfit guys) while her clothes were as baggy as ever she still managed to pull it off. She held out a apple and a bottle of water.

"Thanks hinata." I said quietly as I took them both and ate the apple. She and Ino were my only friends anymore. Staring up into the now cloudy sky I had no idea what was gonna happen tonight.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this preview of a new story that I'm working on. The couples have been decided and no matter how much you beg and plead I'm nt changing them. And sorry to my fans from LOVE TRIANGLE TROUBLE that story was hideous and since it seemed that no one else wanted it I deleted it.