I'll be impressed if anyone can remember this far back, but can any of you spot the reference to another chapter? Maybe I'll write a sequel, maybe I won't-perhaps I'll even write my own version of New Moon. Only time will tell.

This is a short one-the final chapter of Temporary Residence.

Disclaimer: It makes me really sad, to say that this is the final disclaimer in TR. I renounce any claims on Twilight. All I have is this ruddy brownie. I'm going to go cry now.

Emmett and Jasper were playing video games again, arguing over who was going to kill who. Rosalie and Alice were upstairs, most likely plotting my demise-I never planned on death-by-makeover, but oh well. Edward was sitting on the couch, and I was sitting on Edward, while Carlisle and Esme bemusedly watched Jasper and Emmett duel from the other end of the couch-they could have been sitting closer, but the illusion of privacy was nice.

"I'm winning-there's no way you can beat me!"

"I don't even have to try, it's going to happen anyways!"

I had been discharged from the hospital with only a broken wrist and a giant bottle of Ibuprofen pills. I didn't really need them, but Edward insisted that I take them-always worrying about me.

So now there was a giant bottle of Ibuprofen pills in my bathroom.

I had only missed a few days of school-part of the crisis had been over the weekend-and now it was just another normal Sunday in the life of Isabella Cullen. If any of my Sundays were normal.

Explaining the absence was easy-just tell them I fell down the stairs, and I was kept home for a few days. The broken wrist reinforced my rationalizing, even if they didn't know it was broken for an entirely different reason. They didn't need to know.

Suddenly, Emmett let out a loud yell, standing up and walking a few steps away, ending up next to Edward and I, and Jasper pumped a fist in the air, yelling, "Yes!"

Rose and Alice trooped down the stairs at that moment, Rosalie going over to comfort Emmett, and Alice hugging Jasper for no apparent reason other than he won, and Emmett lost.

Jasper sat down in between Carlisle and Edward, and Alice sat on his lap, smiling. Well, now that we were all gathered together...

"Guys," I said, looking each of them in the eye. "I'd just like to thank you for everything. I can't even begin to name every time one of you has helped me, and-"

"Bella!" Alice scolded. "We appreciate the effort, really, but there's no need to thank us-anything we did was of our own choice, and we didn't sacrifice anything."

Emmett was laughing loudly. "To see that little pixie yell at you, Bella-"

"I am not a pixie!"

"Bella, this is why we all love you!" Emmett continued, once he had stopped laughing from Alice's comment.

I grinned. "Is that the only reason?"

Everyone laughed, and Edward kissed me firmly.

No, I would never forget what had happened. But I wouldn't remember all the bad parts. I would remember everything good that had happened because of it.

Ever since I was 13, my life had been filled with turmoil. I could never really settle down anywhere because of it, I could never really feel comfortable. But one thing I had learned, since becoming a part of this family, was that I could be accepted. My fears were gone-I wasn't going anywhere, not for a long time.

I had a reason to live.

This house, this family-this was no longer my Temporary Residence.

This was my home.