
Marshall smiled as he crept behind Fiona. "Ugh, cake, go away!" she said swatting the air next to her as she read the Enchiridion intentively. "Wait… cake isn't home… she's out with Monochronicorn…" she said silently. "Boo…" Marshall whispered. Fiona gave a subtle leap then came to her senses. "I hate you." She whispered looking at the book. "What? I can't come over?" he smiled sitting next to her. "Not if you're gonna scare the globs outta me!" she pushed him. "Sorry, I didn't know you would flip!" he giggled. "You're a blob." She smiled returning to her book.

"So watcha doing?" he asked floating over her. "Reading up on some old-time-Bella (Billy) adventures." She smiled. "Sounds boring…" Marshall shrugged. An idea hit Fiona's brain. "yeah… it is. So… whaddaya wanna talk about?" she smiled closing the book. "Meh… you choose the subject." He looked at her hoping she'd want to see him suck the red out of something.

"But you have to promise me you'll answer my questions honestly…" she said clearly. "Fine…" he sighed disappointed she didn't want to see the color being sucked from an apple. "Um…" Fiona began to stutter and roll her fingers around. "Come on, bro, spit it out!" Marshall yelled nudging at her with a big smile on his face. "Well…" "Come on, Fiona!" he screamed. "Tell me!

"WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH YOU AND ICE QUEEN?!" Fiona screamed out then covered her lips with her two hands after she realized what she had blurted out. Marshall blushed. "Oh… um, sorry." Fiona blushed too and set her head down. "Nah… its fine, you deserve to know I guess." He said nudging at her arm. "Well, what is it? I saw how you guys were singing together… what was that all about?" she asked turning over to see him.

"The Ice Queen's real name is Simone… she saved me when I was still a kid." He sighed. "Oh… y-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Marshall." She shrugged. "No, I have to tell you now, you should know what this is all about. But tell anyone I told you and I'll suck the red outta you!" he hissed making one of his legendary vampire faces. Fiona smiled and gave out a giggle. "Alright…" she laughed.

"It was during the Great Mushroom War, when humans were still around." He began. "My mom had been captured and father went back to the nightosphere, I was all alone. I was by ma favorite toy store when she found me." He said remembering the day. "She saw me crying and gave me a teddy bear… the one Ashley (Ash, Marceline's old boyfriend) sold for magic that one time." He sighed. Fiona stared at him, his eyes started to glimmer… what was going on? "She was there for me that whole time… that stupid crown made her crazy!" he punched the table.

Fiona gasped. Marshall was crying! "A-are… are you… are you crying?" she felt nothing but the urge to hug her friend. She dug her arms under his. "That stupid thing keeps her alive… how am I supposed to help her?!" he yelled hugging her back. "I don't know what to say, Marshall." She whispered. "Ya don't have to say anything." He began letting go. "No." she squealed grabbing him again. "I'm the last human… I know what you feel.