New chapter! Yay! Hope you like this one!

Marshall set the items he managed to scavenger on his coffee table. He stared at the pictures and couldn't help but cry. He began forcibly rubbing tears from his face. He sat his bear on the couch and opened the journal.

"I found a boy without anyone… all alone. I told him he could stay with me… poor thing, he doesn't yet know I'm going crazy, but then again, I don't know sometimes either. His name is Marshall Lee… he's a young vampire, the prince of the nightosphere he told me. I wonder if he knows what happened to this place… does he know why this war was started? He is the only sane creature in this barren world… maybe he could answer this."

He flipped the page.

"He took it… he wore it; placed it on his head! NOTHING! Nothing happened to him! He is immune to the crown's power! I wanted to take blood samples to see if I could make an antidote for myself…"

Marshall widened his eyes at these words… she really wanted to use him as an antidote for herself? A wave of anger hit his heart! He wanted to pull out his hair! (Okay, he didn't really want to pull out his hair.)

"But there are two things keeping me from doing that… he is a vampire; no blood… and I could never do such a thing to him, he's beginning to mean a lot to me, I couldn't just use him, he doesn't deserve it."

Marshall wanted to say something, but he remained speechless.

"Hey, Marshall, what'd ya get back at the castle?" Fiona asked peeking from behind him. "GAH! When'd you get here?!" he yelled. "You brought me here." She said calmly sipping from a bottle of RED. (bottle of cranberry juice mixed with honey and liquefied strawberries) "What is this stuff anyway?" she asked shaking the bottle. "The last of my human blood." He said seriously taking his bear in his hands. Fiona made a yuck face that Marshall saw from the corner of his eye. "I'm kidding… its berries and honey." He smiled. Fiona gave a relieved sigh and sat down next to him.

"Do you miss her?" she asked. "Nah, I don't think there's a way I could save her… and she cared about me and was okay about letting me go." He said staring at the bear. "When do you think she'll remember?" she looked up at him. "She won't… and I'm cool with that, that's exactly the way things should be, Ooo wouldn't be Ooo if The Ice Queen stopped looking for happiness, she was willing to accept her fate, ya know, I think we should just try to forget the past." He smiled taking all the items he found and began walking off.

-Meanwhile in the ice kingdom-

The Ice Queen stood in front of her mirror, she looked around to make sure she was alone. She brought her hands to her head and took off her crown. Her hair slowly began to turn black and a gentle shade of skin came to her face. She smiled as a shock of hear hit her spine. She sighed. "My little vampire… I hope you're okay…" she was again Simone. "I wanna remember you forever… but I cant… not for long." She frowned and placed her crown on her head once more before walking off.


That is the end of this story! The ending is terrible, because Adventure Time endings suck too! YAY! But I love it either way! Thanks for reading!