Hey guys! Heads up, this is the final chapter :c Sad, I know *tear, tear* Anyways, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Ninjago, for the 27288287th time :p

On The Training Deck

Zane and the others were training hard on the deck of the Bounty, waiting for further instructions from Sensei Wu who just got back from a family vacation with Lloyd.

Zane had yet to tell either of them about his new look, and since Zane hadn't talked to Sensei or Lloyd since they got back, his secret was well hidden.

Sensei Wu spoke up, "My students, to test your abilities for your moments in the battlefield, you must battle each other, and test each other's strengths and weaknesses. First up is Kai and Jay!"

Kai and Jay both stood up and started walking towards the center, weapons in hand. "Ninja-Go!" As soon as they heard that, it was battle time. They fought for a good 2 minutes before Jay side stepped a punch to Kai's shoulder and swept him off his feet, pointing his nunchucks at his throat in victory.

"Next up Cole and Jay!" Kai took Jay's hand and pulled himself onto his feet, and went to go sit on the sidelines with Zane and Lloyd.

"Ninja-Go!" Cole swung his scythe at Jay who leaped into the air over Cole, landing clean on his feet behind him. Cole turned around to be met with a punch in the face, but he wouldn't go down that easily. Cole regained his stance and swung his scythe once again, but this time it made contact with Jay's leg, making him stumble to the floor. Cole held the tip at Jay's throat making sure that he wouldn't stand.

Jay mumbled about the fight being 'not fair' and got up and slumped down on the hard wood floor.

"Next is Lloyd and Zane!" Lloyd teased, "Yeah, like some robot could defeat the Green Ninja!" Zane smirked after Jay yelled, "He's a nindroid!"

Both got up and took their signature battle stances. "Ninja-Go!" Lloyd tried kicking Zane in the arm but Zane turned and grabbed his leg, making Lloyd squirm.

"Let me go!" Lloyd made a powerful kick that made contact with Zane face. Everyone except Sensei Wu gasped.

Zane let go of Lloyd and stumbled to the floor, holding his mouth, blood was once again seeping through his hands.

"Zane? Whoa, dude I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad." Lloyd told Zane as he tried to apologize, but he was still confused as to why the guys were so shocked. They've all been kicked in the mouth at least twice.

Cole, Kai, Jay, Nya, and Sensei went over to see if Zane was alright.

"Is your mouth okay Zane?" Cole asked.

Zane removed his hands from his mouth and saw all of the blood then stood up. Everyone got in front of him, and Lloyd finally saw why everyone was shocked. Braces. Lloyd started to laugh, but was stopped when Kai hit him in the back of the head.

"This is not funny Lloyd! He's been through a lot of pain lately!...Zane are you okay? That is a lot of blood, I think you should go back and see that doctor of yours just in case."

Zane took his top layer of robes off and cleaned his face with them, everyone watched with wide eyes. He then started walking to the bathroom like nothing happened, leaving everyone else staring at his retreating form.

With Zane

He walked into the bathroom and took put his hand under the running luke-warm water, cleaning off the blood. He scooped some water into his hand and sipped it, then gargling it in his crimson mouth. He tried the best that he could to get rid of the rusty taste. Just as he was about to drink more water, his brothers walked into the bathroom.

"How ya feelin' Zane?" Jay said as he walked in.

"Good, I'm just trying to get thith taste of blood out of my mouth." All of the boys cringed their faces as Zane spit out the water, that went in clear but came out tinted with red.

"Zane, look I'm sorry man, if I knew that you had braces, I wouldn't have kicked you in the face. But don't ever grab my leg again."

Zane snickered and returned the apology, "It ith okay, I thould've told you and Thenthei. But I thould be fine, to my observations, I didn't theem to brake anything, my gums just tharted to bleed again when the force hit all of my teeth at once, thats all, nothing to worry about Lloyd."

Lloyd laughed awkwardly, wondering how Zane could manage all of that blood and pain coming from his face everyday, but he just shrugged it off.

This was a teaching moment for Zane, like everything else too. He felt like if he used different techniques for fighting, he should be able to avoid incidents like this.

Zane's life went back to normal over the next months. Eventually the pain went away, he because more cautious while training and in battle, but he also felt like a new person. He felt human. Zane figured that robots wouldn't need braces, right?

He became grateful that Cole made dinner that night, because that one mistake made him feel like he fit in, like he was closer to his family... and even closer to the world.

It's over! NOO! How was this story? Good? Bad? Love it? Hate it? Tell me in the reviews, but don't forget to check out my poll for the next story! See you soon my awesome sugar plums!(:

-ZaneWalker, signing off this story for the last time.