What if Ana never interviewed Christian, never met him at her graduation but instead meets him when she's dating Luke Sawyer? Is Ana's fate in the hands of her boyfriend's kinky boss who obviously likes her or is she destined to be happy and normal with one of his security guards?

I don't own FSOG, FSD, FSF, or any of it's characters or storylines, this is for entertainment purposes only and not for profit.

Ana's old battered Nike's pounded the pavement as she ran, this was her new routine a part of her new life in Seattle. Having recently started working at Seattle Independent Publishing Anastasia Steele was beginning to really grow up and get her life together. She was twenty two years old, a new graduate with an English Literature degree under her belt and the only thing she felt missing in her life now was a boyfriend. At twenty two and still a virgin Anastasia really didn't know what it was she was missing out on when it came to sex but she did know that she was ready to insert herself into the dating scene and see what was out there for her relationship wise.

As she ran she imagined a handsome dark haired man with a firm body by her side, maybe a couple of kids and a house with a white picket fence, the American dream, a cereal box family. Her imagination conjured up a little dark haired boy with dark eyes and a blue eyed fair haired little girl playing on the green grass of a family home, she was lost in her day dream and didn't see the man in front of her until she ran straight into him.

She yelped as she tripped over her own feet in the process of trying to steady herself and she expected to hit the pavement with a thud but she didn't. She found herself about three inches off it in the arms of a man slightly older than herself, with dark hair and dark eyes and a very firm body. His lightening reflexes had stopped her from hitting the pavement and his now piercing gaze had her breath hitched in her throat.

"Ma'am are you ok?" His voice was soft, gentle which was the opposite of his hard exterior.

"I think so." She whispered, her voice fragile showing her shock. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, I'm going to lift you to standing now, keep hold of me." He said kindly and Ana did as she was told unsure what else to do in this very awkward situation. "Ok?" He asked as she stood in front of him, he held her biceps in his large hands while she gripped his black jacket. To Ana he looked like a smart business man of sorts, with his business suit and tie and a Bluetooth piece in his ear.

"I'm ok, thank you and I'm really sorry…"

He stopped her from talking with a finger to her lips and a kind warm smile.

"It was an accident, I wasn't looking where I was going either." He said making Ana giggle nervously, this man unnerved her some and his touch flamed her body. "I'm going to let go of you, you won't fall on me right?"

"Right." She said and he smiles as he let go over her biceps and took a step back. His eyes flicked over her body, drinking in every inch of her.

"I'm Luke Sawyer." He said extending his hand to her.

"Anastasia Steele." She said taking the gesture and giving him a firm handshake, Luke could tell for such a small thing she was quite strong with a manly handshake, she probably had a good background, strength in the family.

"Miss Steele, what are you doing out on these streets this early in the morning?" He asked politely.

"Just a morning run to clear my head." She said sheepishly. "I like to run in the mornings."

"Me too though I don't get the chance as much anymore. Are you sure you're ok? You seem shaken."

"Just a little." She gave another nervous laugh. "It's not every day you almost face plant the pavement."

"I should hope not." He laughed. "Come on, there's a little bistro just up the road, let me get you some coffee and calm you down some." He took her hand before she could refuse and lead her away.

They walked in silence to the bistro and once inside Luke ordered two coffees and two chocolate chip muffins with separate cream and sugar. Ana didn't have the heart to tell him she wasn't a big fan of coffee and preferred tea; he was after all just making sure she was ok after crashing into him.

"Thank you." She said as the waiter finished putting down the muffins and the coffee before leaving them.

"So Miss Steele…"

"Please call me Ana." She said shyly and he smiled.

"As long as you call me Luke." He replied and she smiled back and nodded. "So Ana, what is it that you do?"

"I'm an assistant to an editor at Seattle Independent Publishing." She replied with a proud smile, it was obviously something she wanted to be doing. "What about you?"

"I'm in personal security."

"A bodyguard?" She asked making Luke laugh and herself blush. "Sorry…"

"No you're right, basically I'm a bodyguard but we don't really call ourselves that." He said with a smile that made Ana smile, there was really something about this guy that she liked. "So how old are you? Twenty one?"

"Twenty two actually, you?"

"Twenty nine." He replied. "Getting nearer to the big three oh every day." He said rolling his eyes and sighing dramatically making Ana giggle again, she felt like a child around this man, he was so strong looking but his personality was so soft. "So are you working today?"

"Nope, Saturday's I'm off but I couldn't sleep so I thought an early run would do me some good. You?"

"I was on duty last night until this morning so nope technically I'm off."

"Technically?" She asked relaxing more every minute.

"Well we're on call though I did work last night which means I'm less likely to be called in." He explained and Ana nodded, he obviously had a very demanding job.

After they'd shared muffins and coffee and Ana had filled him in a little about her degree, moving to Seattle and her job and he'd told her about his FBI past (what he could tell her) and about his job (again what he could tell her) it was clearly time for them to part ways.

"Where do you live?" Luke asked as they stepped out into the early morning sunshine, it wasn't even eight am yet.

"Pike Market Place."

"Can I walk you back?" He asked his hands in his pockets while he rocked on his soles, it was obvious he was shy in asking her. Ana smiled, she trusted this guy and she also really liked him.

"Sure." She replied and he grinned before slipping his hand into hers.

They'd only met about an hour before but it was clear to any passer-by that these two were comfortable with each other as if they'd been in a relationship for years. Ana was relaxed completely, she'd never been attracted to anyone like this before and she definitely had never let a man take her to coffee and then walk her home, she'd never dated really not unless she knew them well enough and by then they were already on the friend page and there was no hope of a relationship transpiring.

At Ana's door she hesitated unsure what to say. Luke tucked a strand of her long brunette hair behind her ear and gave her a smile.

"What are you doing this evening?" He asked and her eyes widened in surprise as words caught in her throat. "I mean if you're not busy, would you maybe like to accompany me to dinner?"

"Uh… sure…ok… yeah…" Ana spluttered making Luke grin like a school boy as Ana blushed pink.

"Good, ok, if I pick you up at say six thirty?"

"Ok." She squeaked making Luke chuckle, he really was attracted to this young woman and he wasn't going to sit back and wait and hope to bump into her again.

"Here's my card, shoot me a text so I've got your number just in case something comes up with work or you change your mind."

"Ok." This time her voice was a little more normal and she was breathing easier.

"It was lovely to meet you Ana." He said before leaning in and surprising her with a kiss on the cheek.

"You too Luke." She replied and he smiled, nodded his head and turned to walk away.

Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back. He chanted in his head as he walked, he could still feel her piercing blue eyes on his back as he walked away from her after kissing her cheek, damn her skin was so soft beneath his lips and he was desperate to know if the rest of her was as silk smooth as her cheek had been. She was beautiful, so beautiful, even slightly sweaty with no make-up in just trainers shorts and a tight tank top.

His cell phone ringing was the only thing that distracted him from his thoughts of Ana Steele. It was a shock for him as he never got lost in his thoughts, it was his job to be on the ball, eyes and ears always open and alert and this had been drilled into him for so long.


"Hey Sawyer it's T, get your ass back here we've got a situation."

"ETA Twenty minutes." He said before hanging up and quickly flagging down a cab.

As he muttered the address to the driver he sat back just as he received a text from a number he didn't know.

Ana xx

Was all the message said. He smiled as he saved the number and just hoped whatever situation Taylor had mentioned would get cleaned up quickly so he could keep his dinner date with the delectable Miss Steele.