Sorry for never really updating. I don't plan on making this much longer... two more chapters sound good?

Disclaimer: Not mine.

"Len?" I whispered, wondering where he was. Today was our day to meet up, yet he wasn't anywhere here. I looked around the clearing, my heart pounding furiously.

Somethings off, Kira said


It's too... Quiet.

And I realized that she was correct. Even if Len wasn't here, there should still be noise coming from the forest. Here, no crickets were chirping, no owls hooting. It wasn't ride.

My hand crept down to my belt, where I kept two of my knives. Even though I didn't wear all of my weapons when I meet up with Len, I still had some on me.

After hearing a small sound somewhere to throw left behind me, I threw one of my knives, seating on my feet slightly.

Get ready, Kira.

Of course.

A small screen of pain told me that I had, in fact, hit a man.

In an instance, fourteen shots rang out into the night. One barely touched my cheek, scratching it. However, two lodged themselves into me, one deep in my shoulder of my right arm, the other right below my heart, shattering several ribs.

My vision swarmed as I reached for my other knife. Taking a few shaky steps, I attempted to throw it before collapsing onto the forest floor, pain completely consuming me.

Two dozen solders soon surrounded me. I caught snippets of their conversations:

"...Monster...Can't believe its still alive..."

"...get out of here..."

"...Thank god... Yes... Without Len...wouldn't have captured it..."

I blacked out.

I awoke to find myself in a small cell, hands and feet bound to the wall by chains that gave me little room to move. My neck also had a choker and chain around it. My shoulder was bandaged up, my cheek covered. I could feel that something was wrong with my ribs; every time I breathed in, my vision would black for a couple of seconds.

My cell was plain: dingy gray walls, poor lighting. I was lying on top of some a bed. In the corner there was a small toilet, a table right next to it. My stomach growled at the meeting thought of food. All I could see outside of the cell was a long, gray hallway, cells on each side. There were six or seven guards standing there.

"What's going on?" I tried asking one of them. It was then that I realized that my bangs bad been cleared off to one side, so every could see both of my eyes in all their ugly glory. Joy.

"Silence. Don't speak," the guard said. I was about to snap, and say something, when he pointed a gun at me. "Quiet. Now." I snickered, despite myself.

"Right. Shoot me," I said. The guard didn't say anything, but I did notice that his hands were shaking. "Come on."

"I will," he said.

"No you won't. If I were to die, I would be dead by now. My wounds wouldn't have been treated. However, when it comes for me to die, I give you full permission to kill me. Until then, lets be friends. What's your name?" I said, in a mocking-polite tone. Before he could respond, the door to the end of the hallway swung open.

I heard footsteps, and suddenly a lady with short brown hair and matching brown eyes was standing in front of me, a sneer playing on her lips. "So, here you are, Kira... who would have imagined the day that you would be captured? Alive, at that."

"Who would have?" I agreed. "Certainty not myself. So, what do you want with me. Information?"

"Actually, no. I trust that my spies will be good enough. And, I doubt that Hatsune would entrust you with anything important." I just shrugged, not bothering to try and give anything away. "Perhaps we should start by introducing ourselves. My name is Meiko Sakine, and I am leader of this entire army, and side in general."

"Snazzy," I said sarcastically. "I'm sure you know me," I said.

"I know you are KiraMashin. But I also know that you must have a real name, so you will tell me what it is."

"Really? I thought that your spies would have known that, hence that they have good information. A name should be easy for them to figure out."

"Answer the damn question."

"Make me."

She growled, obviously angry that I wasn't cooperating, and then pulled one of her guns out of her holster. I smirked, knowing full well that she wouldn't shoot. "Go ahead. I've had enough of this hellhole as is," I said, semi-true.

Meiko growled once again, but put the gun away. My smirk widened. "Okay, how's this... if you tell me your name, I'll tell you how I captured you. I know that you are interested... I can see that you are dying to ask." I shrugged once again, secretly knowing that she was correct, and then sighed.

"It's Rin."

"Last name?"

"You said 'name.' You didn't say 'full name,' so I have no reason to tell you." The guards began fidgeting uncomfortably, obviously afraid of how much I was pushing Meiko. I began laughing silently to myself.

"Well, Rin. A deals a deal." She waved her hand, and then whispered something into the guard's ear. He nodded, and left the room. "While we are waiting for what I need to show you, I have a proposition."

"That's nice," I said dully. "Although, I must admit, if you want someone to agree to something, try not to threaten them with a gun first."

"Anyways, I want you to work for me," Meiko said, ignoring my words completely. I raised an eyebrow.

"And, why the hell would I do that?" I asked. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm on Miku's side. And, I've killed thousands of your soldiers. I don't think that they would like this very much."

"I know that you only do this for bloodlust," Meiko said. "I know that you really don't care about this war, who is winning, who is losing. And finally, I know that you make up most of Hatsune's army."

"No," I said, without much hesitation. "Miku provided me with a better room," I said, gesturing around my small cell. I heard the door to the hall open once again.

"I'll give you a better room," Meiko said through gritted teeth, but I shook my head.

"No, you won't."

"And why is that?"

"Because, as soon as I take a single step out of this cell, it will be slaughter. Of your men. And then I would go back to Miku's side, and the whole cycle would start all over again," I said.

"Why stay loyal to her?" Meiko asked. "I mean, even her old lover came to this side. If he couldn't put up with her, who else could?"

I pondered the question, not even sure how to answer the question to myself. I felt an odd loyalty to Miku, one that was indescribable. Maybe it was because she was actually being to nice to me, or perhaps because she was like me, with the person she loved on the other side. If I left her, as weird as it seemed, who else would she have left?

Before I could answer, however, Meiko began smirking. "Here's the answer of how we captured you," she said. Meiko waved her hand, and a soldier stepped forward.

And, although deep inside of me, I had known that there was only one way for them to capture me, I didn't want to believe it.

"He informed us of how you only let your guard down... and then told us it would be simple enough if we just kept shooting at you, making sure that you couldn't see us through the trees." Meiko leaned forward, and put her arm through the cell bars, placing her hand onto my shoulders. I was too shocked to care. "Poor little Rin. This must be terrible for you, yeah?" Meiko asked, her voice taunting.

And suddenly an angry red obscured my vision, and I lunged for Meiko. The chains restrained me, and I began coughing as the one around my neck choked me. Meiko moved to pull her hand back, but I grabbed it as six guns were drawn and pointed at me. Len didn't draw; instead he stared at me with vacant eyes.

"Go ahead," I said quietly for the third time. This time, however, I meant it. Meiko just waved her other hand and dismissed all the guards except for one, as I let go of her arm. They all left the small hallway except for him.

I moved so that I was looking at the wall instead of at him, the chains rattling as I went. I sat their silently, waiting, but Len didn't say a thing.

"Are you going to explain why you gave me up, or will I have to beat it out of you?" I asked, unable to keep the anger of my voice.

"I figured... I don't know..."

"You don't know?" I snapped. "You just handed me over to the other side, and you don't know?!" I hissed.

"Well, I do have a reason."

"Then, please do try to explain. I would be honored to know the reason of why you did this?"

"I did it for you!" Len said. I laughed dryly.

"Right," I said. I turned to look at him. "That makes complete sense," I said. "I knew that you were loyal to your side, Len, but to this extent? What did they offer you? A promotion in ranks?"


"Then what?"

"I figured that you would have taken Meiko's deal. Then we could have been on the same side, actually together," Len said. I stared at him, not sure how to feel. One thing for sure, I was not 'happy,' or 'touched' as other people would be.

"So, you figure that I'm just a blood-thirsty monster, who had no sense of loyalty, and would join any side as long as I was still allowed to kill?" I asked, my voice dripping with anger.

"W-Well-" he started.

"Just leave," I spat. "I don't want to see your ugly face." He looked at me helplessly for a couple of seconds before turning and exciting the hallway. I sighed, and willed myself not to cry.

A guard came in and placed some food onto the table, moving so that I wouldn't be able to grab him. Well, I could, but I didn't feel like escaping just yet; I was too pissed off to think properly. I attempted to reach for the food, but it was too far away, and the chains restricted my actions. The guard snickered, and my head whipped to him. He immediately stopped, but I could see the laughter in his eyes.

Screw him.

I stopped reaching for my food. Might as well stay hungry than make a fool of myself.

Len's P.O.V

I trudged lifelessly, walking down random halls. Everyone was staring at me, obviously thinking that I am some sort of hero, instead of some sort of sick coward who is willing to give someone else up. I swayed slightly, wondering how this even happened.

These last few hours had been a complete blur. One second I'm mourning over Yuuma, the next Meiko manages to make me feel guilty enough to give Rin up. Then suddenly, my tongue slips, and I tell Meiko everything, hoping that Rin would understand how much I wanted us to be together.

Snide laughter interrupts my self-loathing and I stop walking. Suddenly a soldier, ranked higher than me, is standing in front of me, a smirk playing on his lips. "How must it be, to be the only one able to tame the KiraMashin?" He asks, his friends laughing right along with him. "Of course, the wild ones are always the most fun."

I grabbed the man by the shirt, and then pinned him up against the wall. "What was that?" I hissed. He raised his hands as if to say 'I surrender.' His eyes showed with fear, and reflected through them, I could see mine, wild and unforgiving.

"D-dude, calm down," One of the men said. I glared on last time before letting him down and continued walking again.

I wonder what's wrong with me.

"She isn't eating," Luka tells me. We're in the shooting range together. I don't know why I'm there exactly, but I go along with it. It's been a week, but I don't know how Rin's been doing. I'm so much of a coward that I can't even face her.


"KiraMashin. She isn't eating. I figure that you would want to know," she continues, giving me a meaningful look. I nod nd then head down to Rin's cell.

"Why aren't-" My words die in my throat when I catch sight of the way she looks.

Rin's face, and her body is covered in bruises. Her hair is cut shorter than before, and it's tangled. Every time she draws breath, she winced, and her right arm doesn't have proper bandages on.

But what really catches my attention are the bandages wrapped around her red eye.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice choked.

"Since I decided not to enlist into your pathetic army, they began interrogating me for information. I obviously didn't comply," she says, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Your eyes?"

She pauses for a second. "It's a devils thing, having two eyes like this. Let, that's what the guard said before stabbing. I think that he was either out for revenge, under orders, or both."

"Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine! In fact, never been better. What could be wrong? Does my eye, arm, and every other fucking part of me hurt? Why should it?"

"Rin," I say gently, but she glares.

"Don't you dare 'Rin' me," she spits. "And if you apologize I will rip your arms out of their sockets."

Guilt plagues me as I turn to leave, passing Kaito as I go.

Rin's P.O.V

The blue haired man, Kaito, dismisses all of the guards from the hallway. He then opens up the doors to my cell, grabs the food tray from the table and hands it to me. I take it wordless, and begin eating.

"My name is Kaito, but I take that you already know that," He starts, and I nod my head yes. "Ahhh, well... I need your help."

"Doing what? Why should I help?"

He ignores me. "Would Miku shoot me on the spot if she saw me?" He asks and I shake my head.

"More like... She would be happy, but wary not knowing what your intentions are. You would have to somehow gain her trust before hoping for any sort of... Relationship."

"Okay, that's all I need. Anyways, I need you to take me to headquarters. What you would get? Well, you would come back with me, obviously. Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm going to break you out."

Arrrg... I wanna finish this story soon, hopefully.

Anyways, please review :D