This is my first fic. It is going to be a M rated fic with a godlike Naruto. Don't like it don't read it. Constructive criticism is appreciated though!

I do not own Naruto or any of the characters in this fic, the story though is all mine!

"Bijuu/Summon/Shinnigami" speak




And now on with the show!

Naruto: Eye of the fox


Death and Taxes

Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, Kohonas yellow flash, was enjoying his last few seconds with his son. He had just completed the Reaper death seal, and had sealed what remained of the Kyuubi into his son Naruto. He could feel himself fading into the darkness and so gave his last orders to his subordinates, the Sandime Hokage and his sensei, Jiraiya.

"Hiruzen, Jiraiya, I'll be leaving you in a few minutes…" Minato said weakly, "so now I'm giving you my last orders and wishes". Hiruzen was already wearing a very solemn and sad face and Jiraiya, who had gotten there only seconds after the seal was completed, was very close to crying.

"Hiruzen, I'm giving the title of Hokage back to you. Sorry that you couldn't enjoy your retirement reading ero-senseis books, but someone's got to do it." He said with a small chuckle.

"I understand Minato, and I'm sorry I couldn't do something more to help you." The now reinstated third Hokage said sorrowfully. Minato just nodded, he felt too weak to do anything else. Swallowing, Minato continued "Sensei" he said.

Jiraiya managed to choke out "Yes Minato?"

"Sensei, Kushina and I made you and Tsunade Naruto's godparents. Take care of him." He said.

"I will Minato." The toad sage responded before he took Naruto from Minato's arms. Minato suddenly shouted out to the crowd that surrounded him, "Kakashi, don't mourn me as well! Move on! Get a wife! Become a teacher! Have kids, grow old! I'll be waiting for you!" Minato finished.

Toward the front of the crowd, a solitary ANBU with a dog mask on had unseen tears streaming from his uncovered eye. He felt like shouting out to his sensei and friend to hold on, but he restrained himself, as ninja, much less an ANBU, should show no such emotions. So instead he bit his lip and thought to himself "I will do my best sensei. I will watch over your son for you."

Minato then turned back to the third and said "Hiruzen, this is my final command to you." Hiruzen nodded.

"I want Naruto to be hailed as a hero, as he should be, for he was the one who saved the village tonight. Make sure he grows up right. Oh and old man. I suggest you get a ramen account set up. You will need it." And with that, the fourth Hokage, the hero of the leaf, died, laughing at the Sarutobi's dumbstruck face. Or so everyone thought.

Minato's eyes opened slowly to reveal himself in a world of white. He was in a white room with high white ceilings and a window facing out to nothing but light. There was a white table with white chairs sitting in the middle of the room. There were clear sake glasses and a white jug of sake resting on top of the table. The only thing of any interest or color was a door on the opposite side of the room.

Deciding there wasn't any real point in just standing around, Minato stood up from the bed he was resting on, and poured sake in all the cups, guessing that the table wouldn't be laid out like it was without there being guests to fill the table. As he finished pouring the last cup, he heard women's laughter coming from behind the door.

"So this is the Shinigami's stomach eh? It's not so bad."Minato thought with a smirk. Suddenly a distinctively male laugh came from the door as it swung open. Minato just looked curiously at the new arrival.

"Hahaha! Mortal you are not within my stomach!" The Shinigami laughed in an ominous tone. Minato paled as he realized he was looking at THE Shinigami. Shinigami continued "This is the space between life and death, used to make deals between the living and dead. Death is my domain, and so here I am! So for this meeting you can just call me Shimi." He said, his voice slowly losing the demonic tone it held.

Minato, who was still stunned by seeing the god of death in person, simply said "It's an honor to meet you and all Shimi-sama, but what are we doing here and why aren't I in your stomach?"

"To be honest Hokage-dono, I have no idea…"replied the Shinigami. Minato simply sweat dropped at this. If the death god didn't know what was going on, something really weird was about to happen. "Oh well" Minato thought, "At least I won't get beaten up by Kushina about sealing Kyuubi into Naruto…" Oh how wrong he was.


The old Sarutobi sighed. All he had wanted was to enjoy his retirement and be with his family and to live out the rest of his days in peace. "But nooo…"the now reappointed sandime thought, "A giant fox just had to go and ruin my retirement."

He looked at Naruto and paled at realizing that his future ramen budget might be as bad as having to do paperwork. Chibi Hiruzen started weeping at the piles of money disappearing and the paperwork piling in its place.

Still watching Naruto, and slowly becoming depressed about his job, he failed to notice the fact that little Naruto was slowly getting brighter until he was blown back into a tree by an an explosion of light. Slowly standing, he watched with awe apparent in his eyes as his shinobi, in particular Jiraiya, tried to get into the light, only to be deflected and thrown like he was.

"What in Kami's name is going on!?"shouted a random shinobi.

"Is the demon escaping?!"another yelled.

"Hold the line!" Sarutobi shouted "Whatever is happening do not move to engage until we know what's going on!"

"HAI!" rang out among the shinobi present, though many still looked unnerved.

"Minato, please let the seal hold" thought Hiruzen "Without you here, if the fox escapes the village will be destroyed. Please Minato, no, Naruto, hold on!"

This was echoed in both the thoughts of Jiraiya and Kakashi, but everyone else was still praying to Kami to help them.


The past two minutes in the shinobi world had been hours in the white room. Hours of uncomfortable silence between Minato and Shimi… Finally getting tired of drinking sake Minato decided to try and talk with Shimi.

"So Shimi-sama, what's it like being the lord of the dead?" Minato asked.

The Shinigami simply turned toward the blonde and said with a smirk "Fun." He then went back to drinking.

Minato paled at Shimi's reply, and suddenly wished that someone, hell anyone else was there if only to make him feel better. He'd even go for an angry Kushina right now.

Then, like an answer to his prayers, the door on the other side of the room opened revealing a red head that stood at about 5'7, wearing a stylish black battle kimono that had bright orange streaks running along the sleeves and black shinobi sandals. Minato then looked behind her, quickly noticing the 9 bright red tails lazily wagging behind her.

If Minato wasn't surprised by the shinigami, he certainly was now. "Yo-u" Minato said shakily "I t-thought I s-sealed y-you into Naruto! How'd you get out" Minato at this point was roaring about how this wasn't possible, but before the Kitsune queen could respond, from behind her a voice shouted "SHUT UP MINATO-BAKA!"

Minato paled. Only one woman would ever call him that, and she was dead…and so was he.

Minato gulped and timidly said "K-k-Kushina?"

The woman in question stepped out from behind the swishing tails and with a smile said "The one and only!"

The fourth Hokage then only had one thought "OH SHIT!" before hitting his head on the table and promptly passing out.

ANND that's a wrap! First of all I don't really like writing, but I have had some ideas that I want to develop before I give them away! I will stick with this story until after the chunin exams and maybe the sauske retrieval arc. After that I may put it up for adoption.

That being said I want to have pairings and eventual lemons in this fic, but the pairings are up for grabs. Any and everyone are available to vote for, except for hinata and sakura. The reason for this is they are both over done. This will at most be a 2 person harem.

This story will be updated on a weekly basis (hopefully).

Lastly I am also going to start a PJOXNaruto crossover, with an M rating. Not Yaoi in case you were wondering.

That's about it! See ya next week! The polls are now open for pairings!