Sherlock sighed, his hands perched in a familiar, easy, comfortable place under his chin. John walked over, his hand brushing against his shoulder before he set down a cup of tea in front of him. Sherlock smiled at John as he sat down in a nearby chair.

"You're welcome," John said, a hint of playful annoyance in his voice.

"Yes, of course," Sherlock murmured absent mindedly. He smiled even bigger as John looked at him and shook his head.

Suddenly, David came running into the room, eagerly waving papers in the air. "Look! Look! Look!" He shoved a few of the papers into Sherlock's hands and urged him to look at them.

Sherlock chuckled and looked at John before arranging the papers in his hands. "Well, is this what you've been working on, David?" He smiled at the young boy's enthusiasm at the papers. "I can already tell this is going to be a masterpiece."

David grinned proudly at his father. "Do you really think it will be?" His voice raised excitedly at his father's approval.

"Of course it will be. How could it not?" Sherlock passed the papers to John, nodding at them encouragingly. "I could tell by the way the notes were arranged that only a beautiful song could be produced from it."

John looked down at the piece. "Well," he began slowly. "I don't know that much about music, David, but if Sherlock says it is, I can only believe it." He handed the papers back to David as he ran out of the room. "Would it really have sounded good?" He asked Sherlock once David was gone.

"It wasn't Mozart, but it would sound good, great even. He enjoys it, so that's what it will be," Sherlock said as he moved his seat by John.

It had been quite a long time since the two had exchanged vows, a shorter time since David had been added to their family. Still, to the both of them it seemed like only yesterday they met. John reached for Sherlock's hand, and Sherlock obliged, squeezing John's hand as a response. Perhaps one day, the three of them would move out of the flat, but not today. John and Sherlock had held onto the memories of the flat and enjoyed making newer ones there with David. It was their home, down to every last bullet hole in the wall. David enjoyed being able to escape his fathers to spend time with Mrs. Hudson downstairs, but at the end of the day, he returned to the flat and hugged both Sherlock and John.

"Do you ever think-" John began only to be cut off almost immediately by Sherlock.

"Most likely." Sherlock turned and grinned at John.

"Shut up for a moment," John said jokingly. "Do you ever think we'll leave the flat for a different place?'' He looked at Sherlock, searching his face.

Sherlock paused for a moment, half a second maybe. "John, for once, I don't have the answer. But trust me, believe me when I say, I will be with you, and I will be with David, no matter what."

John smiled as Sherlock leaned in and their lips met.

in my opinion, this was not my best chapter, so I might write another otp thingy, but this took me quite a while longer than I thought. My mistake! I do apologize for taking so long to finish this by the way! Thanks to everybody for reading, reviewing, favoriting and following! 3 3 3