Prodigal Klutz

Summary: Kagome Higurashi; once upon a time, her last name was Kagome Akutagawa. That was before her mom and dad started fighting, and before the divorce. Her mother took her, her father took her older brother, and her mother, taking her place by her brothers side in Hyotei, she is going to show him, and everyone else that she is not just a klutz...but a prodigal klutz!

Anime/Manga: InuYasha/Prince of Tennis

Pairing: Kagome/Shuusuke

Genre: Romance/Humor

Rated: M for Mature Content


Kagome ran after her brother. She had just been told by the Hyotei team captain that she was to play for a spot on the team, against her newfound friend. "Keigo-Senpai just told me that I would need to play against Ootori-Senpai in a singles match to decide who will be placed on reserve and who will be placed on the regulars team! Is that true Nii-San!?"

Jirou smiled, yawning a little due to having just woken up after his two o'clock nap during English Literature, "Yep, Atobe-Sama will most likely use both of you, and with you being completely new to the team, you'll be more of an asset. No one knows how you play, including us, which actually isn't so good. We will learn however. It'll just take a bit of time."

Kagome sighed, "But still...I have to play against Ootori-Senpai...that means I'll be taking his spot if I win..."

"Well, yes and no. You will replace him as a regular, but you will play as my partner, not Shishido-San's."

Kagome smiled widely at that, "I'll do my best, so that I can play with Nii-San! I want to play with you, and be able to help you in any way that I can."

"Kagome...mah! Imouto-Chan, you're making me feel all sappy! Wah~! Let's go, I'll take you to your next class. I think its Chemistry...right? I only saw your schedule for a moment."

Kagome followed her brother down the hall, "Chemistry was the one I just came from; I have a free period right now."

"Then why don't we go practice some on the tennis courts?"

It was an idea to be sure, and Kagome was quick to accept the invitation. Any moment that she could get with her brother, she would take. Tennis time was even better. She wanted to play against her brother, with her brother, every moment that she got.

"Imouto-Chan, you still with me?"

Kagome smiled, "Yeah, sorry...I sometimes drift off in my mind. I get lost in thought."

Jirou grinned, "Same, but I drift off so much in thought that I just drift off."

"That's an excuse! You just like sleeping..." Kagome laughed as her brother pouted. Walking to the Tennis room, they grabbed their bags, hers was with her brothers. Both were quick to change in the changing stalls before heading to the courts only to find the Tennis Captain running through hitting drills with the ball machine across the court from him.

Kagome smiled, running across the court from Keigo, she returned one of the balls he'd hit back towards the other side of the court, and smiled when his eyes widened in slight. Her brother joined her on the side with the machine, slowing the machine down a bit before hitting another ball back to Keigo. Balls were going back and forth continuously over the net. As Keigo returned one ball to Jirou, Kagome was already hitting another back to him. It was twenty minutes later that the three found themselves being watched, ogled, by a crowed of students and Hyotei tennis fans.

Gakuto sat watching atop the fence as Kagome, Jirou and Keigo continued their three ball rally. "Wah~! Sugoi! Atobe-Sama is playing with three tennis balls! Crazy!"

"Intense, this is really intense..." Shishido put down his bag to watch the match beside Ootori. "Higurashi-San is much better than I had originally thought she was..."

"Akutagawa-Chan is really good, but what I find to be even more interesting, is that Akutagawa-Senpai...his playing has changed a bit. It's more serious than normal...but...rather than playing separately, they're playing as if they are part of one another; as if an arm and leg of the same being."

Shishido nodded, "Yeah, I get that same impression. I bet Atobe-Sama does to." He laughed as he watched his captain sweat from the workout the Akutagawa siblings were giving him.

"Who do you think will be the first to give in to sore muscles and weariness?"

"...honestly?" Ootori asked.


Gakuto flipped down from his perch on the fence above them, "Atobe-Sama...he's already being pushed past his limit, due to the fact that he's got a machine running balls at him by the second, and then the brother and sister duo working in sync against him, he's reaching that edge..."

The trio continued for a while longer when finally, Jirou yawned.

Kagome stopped mid swing and turned her attention to her brother who was blinking sleepily at her. Smiling, she jogged over to him and laughed a bit, "Nii-San is used to sleeping during his breaks..."

Jirou laughed, "Nii-San will get used to being awake for more important things than a little nap. Class will be starting soon, let's go; I'll walk you to your next class."


The two turned to see Keigo with a small frown, "After your classes, I would like to have a word with you, and tomorrow morning, you and Ootori will be expected to play singles at seven."

Kagome gave a small nod, then turned and grabbed her bag before following after her brother. She didn't care to waste time with someone who wasn't her brother. She only wanted to be around him right now, she would deal him and Ootori later; for now it was just her and her brother, and that was all that mattered right now.

"You ready, Imouto-Chan?"

Kagome laughed and nodded, "Yeah!"

Just like that, Keigo watched as the siblings walked off towards the school for their next classes. He would need to corner her no doubt if he wanted a word with her. 'And corner her Ore-Sama will...'


Me: Here is chapter six, I hope you all like it! I have a lot of stories to update, and many more to get back into, stick with me until the end, nyaa~!