Sucky Author's Note

*cough* Well, um... This is embarrassing. Let me start off this sucky and irritating author's note by dropping the big fat I'm sorry bomb on you guys. You see— *cough* I'm not even gonna try to BS you guys— I don't really have an excuse for the lack of updates in, like, almost five months. I'm a little biotch, I know, it's just that I'm disappointed in my work. I had started to re-read my story, just to see what I thought of it, and... I got really depressed. I started beating down on myself because I thought I could do so much better, and I thought that this story wasn't any good, so I kinda just abandoned it. Jerk move. It's not an excuse, I know, but it's some sort of an explanation. I go away for a little while, then I get curious to see wether or not people are still reading my story. Let me just tell you, I was BLOWN away to find out that I got about 30 reviews when I didn't even post anything new. Now it only made me feel worse to know that not only had I been slacking off, but that you guys still kept up with my story even after I abandoned it for 5 months! :O - You see that face? That's the face of someone who's flabbergasted. Now, because I was so flabbergasted, I decided what to do with my story...


"Well, it's about time, Tris."

"Shut up, conscious!"

Alright, as I was saying, I've decided to keep going on with my story!


Well kinda.

After thinking this through, I really, really, just wanna start this over. *groans* Yeah I know, it took me FOREVER just to get through the first six chapters.

Sucks to suck.

Jk, Jk. I'm gonna try my hardest to get the first chapter up and running by next Sunday, and the following chapters coming shortly behind. Please, bear with me. I really need your guys support to keep me motivated. The only reason I had the sudden idea to keep going was because of all the support you guys gave me. I wouldn't be able to keep going without you. So could you guys be even more amazing by leaving a quick comment telling me you still support and follow this story. I promise guys, the new version of the story will be even better! I'm gonna work extra hard to make it that way. Don't worry, the story will have the same idea and plot, it just won't be as awkwardly worded.

Thanks a billion guys, you don't realize how much I love you all (as creepy as that sounds, it's true).

-Tris :)

P.S. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the contest. I already know the winner, but I won't notify s/he or you guys until the next chapter's posted and I finally have my crap sorted out.