Phantom Phoenix

Paris February 5, 1881

Christine Daae's point of view:

I have been twisted in every way these past couple of days, but nothing compares to how I feel at this moment. Just a short time ago I knew that I had to save Raoul from the monster, who I once thought to be my angel, before he started killing people, and before I saw his dreadful face. It was a choice between freedom and slavery, between good and evil, but then, just now, I realized how wrong I had been. As I pleaded with the Phantom to free Raoul, and made my choice to stay with him, I had a sudden urge to show him that I meant to stay by kissing him. I could not believe my own actions, as I suddenly pulled his repulsive unmasked face to mine, and kissed his misshapen lips. It felt so glorious, so warm, so right that I did it again and this time I clung to him as if I wanted to be there forever.

I was engulfed in a warm feeling of love and understanding for him. At that moment, all of my fear and loathing for him vanished. I could feel his tears and absorbed all that he had said in the preceding moments. I knew that no one had ever done such a thing for him and I could feel his bitterness and anger leave him, to be replaced by something else. He gently, so gently, released me and stared into my eyes, with his sad emerald eyes, I returned his gaze and for the moment our souls gazed into each other's deepest part and met. The monster had been vanquished and replaced by a fragile man.

He whispered "Thank you", and then looked over to Raoul, who watched us in concerned wonderment, as he too could feel the change that had come over us.

Suddenly, with one fluid dexterous motion, he cut loose the noose that was choking Raoul and shouted to us to leave him. He begged us to do so, and to forget about him, and all that had just passed. The voices of the mob were coming closer and closer. You could hear them shouting for vengeance. Raoul came over to me, and grabbed me by the hand, and led me to the waiting gondola. He did not want the Phantom to reconsider what he had just done, but the Phantom had no intention of doing so. We started to leave, but I could hear his sobs and my heart and soul screamed in pain for him. I walked over to him intending on giving him back my engagement ring, and he looked at me again, with the same sad eyes and told me that he loved me.

Raoul once more took my hand and led me to the boat. At that moment I could hear that the mob was getting very close and I turned to Raoul and said to him softly.

"We cannot leave him here to die, we must help him."

Raoul looked at me in shock and replied "Are you crazy Christine? He almost killed me but a few minutes ago and he has killed others, you have already told me that he will never let you go while he lives."

I looked at his handsome visage and answered softly "But he did not kill you Raoul, he let you go. Don't you see Raoul? We were wrong about him, in his heart he is not a bad person. He is not like us, he has never known love or compassion, he has only known hatred and yet somehow he has shown us both. I believe that we need to teach him both, as he has taught me." I pleaded " Please Raoul let me speak with him."

Raoul sighed, in defeat, and released me. I, once more, went over to the where the Phantom was seated, and waiting for death to catch him. He looked up at me again and whispered in his silky soft voice that I had always loved, "Why do you stay when I have told you to go and leave me? I do not want the mob to hurt you."

He looked over to Raoul and calmly told him "Monsieur Le Vicomte, they will be here any minute to punish me for my crimes, I do not want Christine to see this and weep for me, I told you before to take her and go and take care of her."

Raoul looked very uncomfortable. "For once Phantom I agree with you but Christine has her own ideas."

I looked at the Phantom and stared into his eyes deeply. "I will not let them hurt you."

I looked over to Raoul and insisted. "Raoul, please let him come with us, if you love me as you say that you do help him for me."

I looked at my once beloved teacher's face and pleaded. "Do you truly love me?"

He answered softly "You know that I do."

I looked him in the eyes "If this is true then promise me that you will never kill anyone again except if you are in danger. Can you do this for me?"

He looked at me and smiled sadly.

"You know that I would do anything for you my Christine, anything."

"Then you do promise me this?" He nodded his assent.

I looked at Raoul and pleaded with him "Please Raoul for me, can you forgive him and help me save him?" He looked away from me to the Phantom, and back at me. He hesitated "Do you love me less than he does that you cannot do this for me?"

He paused again. "Do you think that he can really do this? How can we trust him?" He asked.

In my heart I knew why, he had never done anything to hurt me, not really. He knew that I had betrayed him only an hour before and yet he did not hurt me. I could hear the mob almost upon us.

"Please Raoul in a moment it will be too late." Raoul finally nodded his assent and I looked at the Phantom, "Come with us we will help you." I touched his arm and motioned to the Raoul and the waiting gondola.

"Why do you want to save me? You will be better off if I am dead."

"Please just come with us." I pleaded. "I will not leave you alone to face them."

Raoul added his voice to mine. "Please Monsieur, let's not waste time arguing here. Christine will not leave you and time is running out. I told her that I will protect you and I will, you have my word of honor, and she has yours."

The Phantom rose up and came with me to the boat. He grabbed a pole and helped Raoul guide it away from his lair. I breathed a sigh of relief, both men were now safe. I could hear the crowd breaking into the Phantom's lair and smashing his beautiful things. The Phantom glanced back at the noise but the lair was no longer in view. He wordlessly motioned to us to enter one of the many secret passageways that led away from the catacombs into the streets of Paris. We exited several blocks beyond the catacombs.

Raoul motioned to the Phantom and said "Wait here Christine and I will get my carriage, we will take you to safety." I grabbed the Phantom's arm and said to Raoul. "I will stay with him while you bring the carriage."

"No." insisted Raoul "I will not leave you alone with him. Not when he just kidnapped you and tried to kill me."

I looked at Raoul and pleaded once more. "Please Raoul." I said "He will not harm me. I trust him. Just go." Reluctantly he agreed leaving us alone.

I looked at my mentor and smiled. "We need to talk." I stated.