Ok, Donna was my favourite of Ten's companions. Bite me.

Again, due to the fact this was written late at night, it may be utter rubbish...

Not going to put a 'completed' thing on this because I have every intention of continuing it at some point. One-off until further notice but there'll probably be more

The phone buzzed on the TARDIS console.

"Aren't you going to check that?" Donna said, watching him ignore it.

"I already know what it says."

"Any plan on telling us where we're going?"

"America!" he said with his stupid grin. "We're going to see an old friend."


"I have to do something for him."

"So what is it this time? Daleks, Lizard people?"

He gave her a gone out look. "No. A boat"

"A boat? Really?"

"Well," he said, throwing a few switches as the TARDIS stopped. "It's not going to move itself."

The familiar noise filled Gibbs' basement. He'd just put the finishing touches on the new boat. Somehow, he always knew when to come.

He took another drink of the bourbon then put the jar down on his workbench again.

The blue box appeared just in front of the newly finished boat and a man in a long brown trench coat stepped out.

"Jethro!" he grinned

Gibbs gave a rare smile.

"Who's this then?" a woman with red hair stepped out behind him.

"This is Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs." he turned to Gibbs. "And this is Donna Noble."

Gibbs nodded at her. "What happened to the blonde girl?"

The Doctor's face fell. "Something. Let's get a move on then." he said, throwing the TARDIS doors open.

It took all three of them to push the boat into the TARDIS.

"Isn't there an easier way of doing this?" The Doctor said, staring up at the vessel now taking up most of the control room.

Gibbs shook his head. "How else am I supposed to get it out of the basement?"

Well, it's the only logical explanation really.