Well….here I am.



Omelette du Fromage.

The next morning Airachnid slowly opened her optics at the sound of her internal alarm going off.

She yawned and proceeded to slowly get off the berth before putting on her old armor and heading for the bathroom.

She stopped and spotted Tailgate sleeping on the couch, one of his legs over the top of the couch and the other in front of him. Airachnid couldn't help but be amused in the ridicules fashion in which he slept. But then she noticed a rather large container on the small table in front of the couch. She cocked her helm slightly in curiosity before Tailgate began to stir in his sleep, his whole frame turning more and more towards the edge of the couch.

Airachnid started to continue to the bathroom, she wasn't worried. Tailgate was far too agile and experienced to do something as embarrassing as falling off a cou-CRASH.

Airachnid froze and blinked before turning around to find Tailgate wrapped in his blanket on the floor.

He quickly grunted in surprise as he fell before quickly trying to get up yelling "SCRAPLETS! I'M BLINDED BY SCRAPLETS!"

He bumped the small table with his helm, causing the container to shake slightly before emerging victorious from the ground with his blasters activated and ready to fire. The steel wool blanket still covering his helm.

He seemed to snap out of his nightmare before ripping off the blanket and meeting the surprised optics of Airachnid.

Silence was soon followed.

Tailgate blinked before looking around at the mess he caused by his recent outbreak.

"Uhhh…." He began with a small blush. Deeply embarrassed. "I….uhhh had a…nightmare." He explained with a halfhearted chuckle, looking down at his pedes like a scolded sparkling.

Tailgate was about to reluctantly look up at Airachnid before he heard a noise come from her.

It was soft at first. A small grunt, then a chuckle, then to Tailgate's surprise.


Airachnid was laughing. Laughing quite loudly.

Tailgate smiled hopefully. He had made her laugh.

He watched her slightly bent over, her right servo resting against the small door frame. Her optics closed as her other servo covered her mouth slightly.

Tailgate stood up straight, still smiling as he looked at Airachnid.

He turned when he heard a small noise coming from the door behind him.

The top of Sylvania's helm was exposed through the doorframe. Her bright but tired Red optics looking at the scene in front of her. Upon seeing that Airachnid was laughing, her optics lit up, she bolted from behind the door and ran to Airachnid, dragging her steel wool stuffed animal behind her.

"You're happy!" She yelled as she hugged Airachnid's leg tightly.

This snapped Airachnid out of her laughing fit. She looked down as Sylvania looked up.

"I just knew you'd be happy sometime." She beamed at Airachind before snuggling her leg again.

Airachnid's 'breath' caught in her throat as she was hugged by the tiny seeker femme.

She was speechless, shocked.

Airachnid looked up at Tailgate. Her optics shining in uncertainty at the current situation.

Tailgate only looked at her with a somewhat goofy grin before talking.

"Alright Sylvy, Airachnid needs to use the bathroom." Said Tailgate as he crouched down to Sylvania's level.

Sylvania pouted as she looked at Tailgate. "My name's not 'Sylvy'." She said before burying her faceplates into Airachnid's leg once more.

Tailgate chuckled before noticing Airachnid's movement. She slowly pulled Sylvania from her leg.

She in turn looked up at Airachnid with curious, innocent optics.

Airachnid lowered her helm, expression covered in shadows before quickly going to the bathroom. The door closing quickly behind her.

Tailgate picked up Sylvania before they both looked at the bathroom door with curious expressions.

"What was that all about?" Asked Tailgate to himself.

"D-did I make her sad?" Asked Sylvania with a sad tone in her voice.

"Oh nonono." Said Tailgate as he hugged Sylvania in his arms, Sylvania reaching her small arms around his neck, her wet optics looking up at him.

"You did nothing wrong!" Said Tailgate with determination, a smile on his faceplates. "In fact, I think he loved it." He said with a determined fist raised.

"T-then (sniff) why did s-she (sniff) leave like that?" Asked Sylvania with a broken voice.

"I….." Began Tailgate. "I…think"

A few seconds passed before Sylvania began to cry. "She hates me!" Cried Sylvania.

Tailgate focused Sylvania's gaze at his own stern one.

"She does NOT hate you." He said whispering before softening his gaze at her.

"She's just overwhelmed."

"Over…w-what?" She asked, calming down a bit.

"She isn't used to receiving such affection." He said as he rubbed Sylvania's head.

"But deep down, she wants it." He glanced at the bathroom door. Sylvania sniffed again before following his gaze.

"She needs it."

He looks back at Sylvania with a small smile. "And you are helping her be happy." He said.

Sylvania looks at him with wide optics. "R-really?" She said hopefully.

"Really." He said as he gave her one last hug.

Sylvania squealed with renewed enthusiasm and happiness.

Tailgate chuckled at her reaction as he put her down on the ground.

As soon as her pedes touched the ground, she bolted off to the bathroom door and stood in front of it, bouncing on her toes with bubbling enthusiasm. A big smile on her faceplates.

Tailgate walked over behind Sylvania. "Just what are you doing?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I wanna make her happy." She started before looking back and up at Tailgate's amused optics.

"Just like you do to."

I jolt of…something… passed through Tailgate, causing his spark to jump slightly.

He smiled softly. Before remembering something.

"Oh!" He exclaimed as he slapped his helm slightly. "I almost forgot." He walked over to the table and picked up the large container. Sylvania tiled her helm in curiosity.

"You want to make Airachnid happy?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

Sylvania was bouncing with energy and anticipation. "Yeahyeahyeah." She said while nodding her head furiously. Optics never leaving the container in Tailgate's servos.

He smiled and lowered the container on the ground next to Sylvania, she stood on the tips of her pedes trying to look over the slightly tall container.

"Surprise her with this." Whispered Tailgate as he got close to her audio receptor.

Sylvania beamed with excitement as she quickly turned around, anxiously awaiting the bathroom door to open.

Tailgate chuckled as he walked down the hall and turned into the kitchen.

Airachnid rubbed her optics as she drearily looked at them in the mirror. She still felt the slight squeezing sensation on her leg Sylvania's hug gave her.

The…affection. The fearless affection.

The genuine affection.

Airachnid smiled. Imagining Tailgate's optics.

It felt good to be loved.

As soon as she thought that her head lowered with a blush.

'It can't be that.' She thought. 'Not love, he's only helping me out. That's it, Nothing else to it, zero, no emotions, no love, only helping, that's all there is to it.' She kept repeating herself.

She met her optics in the mirror before taking a deep breath in order to cool her systems down.


Her systems were heating up?

Airachnid blinked before looking at her system's readings, and indeed her core temp had risen slightly.

'Why would that happe-' She started to think before a hushed laugh was heard from the other side of the door behind her.

Airachnid raised her optic brow before turning around and placing her audio receptor against the door.

Silence. Although she could hear Tailgate walk away from the room.

Airachnid mentally shrugged before opening the door.

"SURPRISE!" Came a voice below her.

Sylvania Jumped slightly as her servos were flailing in the air. A bright smile on her faceplates as her steel wool doll leaned against the same large container she saw earlier.

Airachnid held her confused stare before speaking.

"W-what's this?" She said as she looked at the large container.

Sylvania reached up and grasped Airachnid's servo excitedly tugging it for her to come closer.

"Open it! Open it!" Sylvania said with giddy emotions.

Airachnid chuckled slightly as she kneeled down and unsealed the container.

She lifted the lid and set it aside.

"Woah!" Exclaimed Sylvania as she peaked over the edge of the container, looking inside.

Inside was brand new deep purple armor.

"Look at this! Awesome!" Said Sylvania as she pulled out a mirrored shoulder piece and placed it in front of Airachnid's shocked servos.

"I-I…" Stuttered Airachnid as her optics began to moisten.

She softly grabbed the piece that Sylvania handed to her and looked at it with wide optics.

A tear landed on the brilliant mirrored surface before she carefully placed the piece down next to her.

Sylvania and Airachnid continued to unpack the Armor and laid it on the floor in front of them.

"That looks so cool!" Said Sylvania as she looked at the armor with fascination.

Airachnid just stared, her frame numb.

Overwhelming emotions.

"It came out pretty well." Spoke Tailgate as he leaned against the door frame, watching the scene in front of him.

"Backlash said the changes were easier than expected due to your measurements." He said as he walked over and kneeled down next to her and picked up the chest piece.

"So the armor was finished earlier than expected and I went to pick it up before you woke up." He said with a cheeky grin as he placed the piece back down.

His grin faltered as he noticed Airachnid staring at him intently with dazed optics.

Tailgate scratched his neck and looked down and to the left.

"So uh…..you should try it on. See if it….uhh…..fits…well." He said awkwardly.

Airachnid blinked before shaking her helm, breaking her trance.

"Y-yeah, sure."

Sylvania beamed at their reactions.

"YOU BOTH LIKE EACHOTHER!" She beamed at her realization.

Tailgate chuckled…a little too nervously while Airachnid quickly picked up the pieces of armor and scurried into the bathroom with red faceplates.

Downpipe quickly ran into the room after hearing Sylvania's loud voice. He yipped when he felt a heavy weight land on him.

"DOWNY!" Squealed Sylvania as she gave the Turbofox one of her frame crushing hugs.

Tailgate laughed at Downpipe's attempt to get back up.

"Be careful with him Sylvy. We don't want his wounds to re-open."

And with that he went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast

"I see them." Said a Mech from on top the building across from Tailgate's building windows. Spying on the four beings in the small apartment.

"You do? How adorable." Responded a sarcastic voice from the Mech's radio. "I bet if I was up there I could see them as well. So do you Wanna bet? If I win I get to drink the energon from your slashed neck lines as I do *ejem* inappropriate things to your frame. If you win, you get nothing. BECAUSE YOU WON'T WIN YOU SLAGHEAD! OFF COURSE YOU CAN SEE THEM!" Yelled the Mech through the radio.


And with that the radio cut off.

The Mech on the roof just swallowed nervously before quickly looking back into the apartment.


The past ark will soon be complete. Hopefully my next chap will be longer.
