Okay so this is my first shot at writing. I really love this couple and of course I feel as if their story was a bit unfinished. Tell me what you think and I may continue. This is just a little preview of this story if I wish to continue it.

Chapter 1: I miss her

Tate's POV

Five years had gone by and it felt like a lifetime. Being without violet did that to me. I don't go a day without thinking about her. She avoids me at

all costs. I try to catch her eye in hopes that she'll remember everything. She won't even be within twenty feet of me. You'd think that it's

difficult to do in this house every single day, but she manages. I love her. I need her. She's everything. Since she told me goodbye I can't find

meaning. I want to do bad things again. I want to slip into my old ways, but I know I can't. Not since I met her. She made me a better person. I

hold on to the thought that she may let me back into her life someday. I know that's not true, though. It hurts. I hate this. I just lie in the

basement and scream her name. It's so cold and dark there. It's a parallel to this life I'm condemned to now. I deserve that I guess. I want to

take everything back.

I leave her a rose outside of her room every day. I paint them black. I don't know what she does with them. I never leave

anything but the single rose. That alone gets my point across. I know she doesn't need words, nor does she want any. I wish I could tell her in

some way to make her understand. All those things I did were never meant to hurt her or her family. That was a different time. I only knew

darkness. I had been dead for a very long time. I had nothing to lose. Doing terrible things was the only way I could feel something. When she

came into my life it was the first time I felt alive again. Really alive. It was better than being alive. Being with violet was everything. I never

wanted to do bad things ever again. All I wanted was to be good for her if nothing else. Now it's all shattered. I feel even more dead than ever.

I've got to do something. I can't take this any longer. If I could kill myself I would. Actually, I wouldn't because I could never see her again. My

angel. I'm going to fix this.

I manage to pull myself off this cold dark floor and walk out into the garden and get one of the roses from the garden

Moira keeps up. I tear it off the bush. You would thing that Moira would be furious with me. She knows it wouldn't do any good. I'm broken. I

don't speak to anyone, none of the other ghosts. If I'm not with Violet I'm completely alone. I might as well embrace it. Normally I would go down

into the basement to continue this sad ritual of painting the living rose black and kill it. Then I stop at the basement door. Maybe Violet doesn't

want this darkness anymore. She didn't like normal things before, but that was before she had this horrific life that I inflicted upon her and her

family. I walk turn around and go directly up the creaking stairs just like I do every other night. I bend down to place the rose directly in front of

her bedroom, my former bedroom.

So much of our time was spent there. I long for it. Right as the bright red rose hits the cold floor the door

swings open. "Tate, you've got to stop this." I freeze. She's so beautiful. This is the first time I've heard her speak in so long. I've forgotten how

to breathe. It's a good thing it doesn't matter anymore. She eyes the rose with a puzzled look. She looks at me for an explanation. I guess she

saw on my face that I wasn't going to offer one, partially because I couldn't think straight. "What the hell?" Her tone was harsh.