Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Part of my Angelic Smiles universe. Related to Closet Rhymes and Healthy eating, thought you don't need to read that(though you should since its Angel Pair and there are references).

Two-shot this time woot~

I love you reviewer guys. Just. Ugh. Let me hug all of you. Come, come to big sis~!

Brown eyes glanced over at the two nations talking together every few moments. His hand was clenching his fork rather tightly, and there'd surely be a dent in it tomorrow. Forcing his smile wide Italy tried to pay attention to Ludwig. He never needed to force a smile but Feli found it quite hard to maintain one with Artu still chatting away with big brother Antonio.

Would it be appropriate if he just, walked by and happened to drag Artu with him to go eat lunch? They're friends, Feli swears on his sacred pasta that they are(even if Arthur sputters and goes red, didn't that mean yes for the island nation?). So it would be perfectly fine to do it.

"Italy! Are you even listening?" Germany's gruff, irritated voice snapped his attention away from England.

"Ve~I'm sorry Doitsu I was just thinking about pasta I had the other day an-" Ludwig rubbed his temple and held up his right hand to stop him from continuing.

Perfect! Now Germania would believe he was thinking about pasta, and not that Artu had been adorable that one time they ate pasta together and Feliciano got to hand feed him-

"Feliciano!" Oops, Doitsu sounded more annoyed now. "Mein Gott, you and your pasta obsession…At least my gift was useful to you?"

Feli cheerfully nodded, a spark lightening his whole face, "I love it! I've been trying out all those new recipes and variations ve~. Thank you Doitsu!"

Italy leapt at him and gave him one of his (in)famous hugs. The Italian was surprisingly strong with a tight grip that made the German grunt for a second.

"Er, you're welcome Feliciano." Ludwig patted him on the back, cheeks a light pink while his lips went upwards just the faintest bit.

He was oblivious to this though, and let go after a moment when he felt a pair of eyes on him. Emerald eyes hurried looked away, strangely irritated. Feliciano was just hugging Germany like usual, no reason to get all shirty.

"So England do you want to join Francis, Gilbert, and I for some drinks?" Ugh, spend more time with that pompous frog?

"No thank you Spain. I'd rather not get pissed tonight especially with that bloody frog nearby. Goodbye." With a polite nod Arthur turned away, missing the frustrated look on the Spaniard's face.

Oh dio! He was free then? Italy quickly stuffed his leftover pasta into a container before smiling at Germany.

"Ve~Sorry Ludwig but I need to go meet someone! Ciao~!" He nearly skipped after the blond.

"B-But Italy I-!...Damnit."

The brunette strolled behind Arthur, curl bouncing a little while he chattered. Currently the topic was to once again convince Artu to give the cookie recipe to him. They had been rather tasty, sweet and soft enough that the cookies just melted in your mouth. Would Artu's lips taste just as sweet since he liked sweet stuff? He still remembered how soft they were that day in the closet. Ve~Those lips were probably super sweeter than the cookies.

"No you git I will not give you the recipe. It took me ages to master and I just know you'd be able to make a perfect batch because of bloody Italians and you being good cooks and, ugh." Britain huffed, pouting since he could never cook anything right.

"…Are you jealous? Ve! That is molto carino Artu~!" Laughing a bit, Feli walked up to his right side and tugged for him to stop. "You're still quite good at other stuff my amico! Not many can knit a perfect scarf like the one you made me ve~!"

Arthur flushed a bright red, and not from the compliment mind you! (He had in fact brushed up on his Italian. He was not cute. At. All.)

"Well, er, yes wait no. I am not jealous." Here he scoffed and made quotation gestures with his hands at jealous, "The scarf wasn't that well made Feliciano, you're a nation with good fashion taste. I'm sure you'd be able to find or make yourself an even better one."

"…But it wouldn't be the same as the one you gave me." Feli frowned, putting on his best kicked puppy look.

His curl even looked droopy and sad.

"Yes well….Git." The last word was muttered, though more fondly than you'd expect, and Arthur patted Feli on the head.

Seeing the man smile again, and so very brightly because of him well, Arthur could let it slide this one time that Feliciano and he were walking while holding hands.

He still swore he heard a camera click somewhere though.

More Kiku cameos. I'd let him take pics of my OTP anyday.


Plus onsided GerIta and SpUk. I actually do support those pairings but, there needs to be some conflict besides Iggy's stubbornness.

I'm going to add another chapter this and make it a two-shot like Closet. Expect it tom!...Or the day after. idk.


Germania: Germany

Artu: Arthur

Carino: Cute/Cutie

molto carino: Very cute

Ciao: Bye

Amico: Friend (though they should be more than that-spoilers next chap there will be hearts exploding)

Mein gott: My god