Chapter 4: Confrontations

Aoi wasn't a happy camper. His aunt made him wear his unflattering, uncute school uniform to the cafe. Yes, MADE him! She had snuck over sometime while he was at school and stole all of his cute dresses, wigs, shoes, and tights. He could try to get them back but she was holding them hostage with the threat of never giving him any of her other clothes when his dad went all macho postal on his only son. He couldn't just buy new clothes without embarrassing himself and as much as he didn't care what any of those losers thought of him, he needed his wig so he could properly gage how good the clothes looked on Aoi-chan. Imagination only got him so far. He desired perfection and would never settle for second best.

And so he sat, grumpily sipping a latte as he noted how many new customers he was missing out on fooling. 'Goodbye new Aoi-chan worshippers...' he thought with a sigh. However, a group of new guys were suddenly getting excited, blushing and gushing at how cute some girl was. Those blushes should have been his, that praise belonged to him! Not a girl who probably couldn't compete with the cross-dressing middle schooler!

Blue eyes casually looked over to see what the fuss was about. He unfortunately had been taking a drink and was now struggling to breathe. As he coughed, the bluenette's watering eyes took in that lovely honey blond hair, large green eyes framed by dark lashes, full lips the color of country roses, and a body that was framed by a dark blue dress.

Green orbs locked onto blue with an oddly innocent gaze. Those eyes only widened when Aoi moved from his table, grabbed his arm, and forced her into the back. Fury replaced the tears in his eyes as he growled up at Satsuki. "Why is she wearing my dress?! She's stretching it out with her flabby body and huge butt!"

The maids gasped in shock and anger. Miami seemed outrage, mouth opening to scold the rude boy when a slender hand took hold of his chin and forced him to look towards the young blonde. She had moved her body so her chest was pressed into his arm. The blush on the boy's cheeks made it obvious that he noticed.

"Satsuki-san risked her life so that you could see me in something cute... I thought this was good, judging the customer satisfaction. Maybe I should have put my hair up?" Her eyes flashed for a second. "Perhaps that would have distracted you from my...flabby body...and huge butt..." She moved away from him and went into the changing room, door closing softly.

Silence blanketed the others until Satsuki realized that no one was tending to the front. Everyone raced to attend to the guests, only shooting the shocked boy disapproving looks as they passed.

And so Aoi found himself alone. Waiting for...whoever she was to come out. But it wasn't like he was waiting for HER! No, not at all! It wasn't like he felt bad. He had no reason to apologize. It was just...she had his dress and he had a feeling his other clothes were never returning to his room...

The door opened suddenly and SHE came out in an outfit that showed off her body in a way that was just not cute. Not bad but not cute. The boy noticed that she was holding two dresses. The dark blue one and a lavender dress with bows that he'd sewed on by hand.

Those green eyes once more looked into his as she handed them to him. "Sorry. Satsuki-San seemed so happy to have me wear one. I thought the blue one was pretty but perhaps I should have put on the purple one instead." Aoi noticed a senses of unease within her. Normally, he would have ripped her to shreds. But he just couldn't. She hadn't said or done anything to him. The very idea made his stomach cramp. So he did what he did best.

"...bows don't suit you. So you made the better of the two choices. But I might have something better for you if my aunt doesn't throw my stuff away."

The blond blinked before her lips pulled into a dazzling smile that made his heart skip a beat. "I'm glad... my name is Izra Usui. It's nice to meet you."

That made him stop for a moment, looking apprehensive yet thoughtful. "Usui...? Wait, are you...?" He jumped in shock as a body appeared behind Izra, a tanned arm wrapping around her shoulders as similar green eyes looked into Aoi's with confident disinterest that irritated the younger male.

She looked back towards the face on her shoulder. "Nii-san..." Her voice sounded irked. "You're still sick. Misaki-nee-san will be so angry at you..."

A screech from the nearest door indicated that the student council president was indeed not pleased with her nemesis. Izra sighed as she began to listen to her brother's love interest chew him out.