A/N : Well hello again my beautiful people~

So I thought of this wonderful One-shot while i was at a chinese resturant...My reactions were exactly chibi japan's so this is basically my own exprience with chopsticks! Although I never really got any better with them...^^;; oh well here ya go!

Disclaimer: Still sadly own NUTHIN! ...Except for plot of course...and my own failed attempts with chopsticks

Chibi Japan tried once more, awkwardly moving the two wooden sticks together between his skillful pudgy fingers. He grinned triumphantly as he finally managed to pick up a small strip of salted salmon. Glowing with pride the small nation slowly brought the raw fish up to his small mouth.

So happy in his success, the young nation forgot to watch his fingers and moved the lower stick, sending the fish flying and into his lap. Chibi Japan pouted, looking up from his lap, sending a pleading look with his dark brown eyes, across the table to his big brother China.

China chuckled amused at his younger brother's failed attempts to eat with chopsticks. Silently he fanboyed inside at the cute expression his little Japan gave. Giving in, the elder nation picked up his own set of chopsticks.

"Like this, aru~ Pick up the first stick and hold it like you would a quill Nihon."

As he instructed, the elder nation moved his fingers and chopsticks accordingly. China picked up the first stick and held it securely under his thumb, the movement coming naturally to him. He looked across the table and smiled at the adorable face of determination the young nation wore as he fully concentrated on his fingers.

Chibi Japan looked up at his big brother once he had managed to keep the first stick in place. He waited for further approval, or the undoubtful advice China would give him. The brotherly nation looked at his charge and shook his head giving a small smile.

"No, aru. Loosen your grip. Hold the stick too tight and it will be harder to move second one, aru! Less tense more loose….If you don't want the fish to fly into your lap again, aru~"

The dark-haired boy nodded and loosened his grip. He noted how much easier it was to hold it, and smiled. Looking back up he waited for his next instruction.

"Pick up second stick, aru and place it between index and ring finger. Let it rest on first stick, making sure it forms an 'X' so it makes it easier to pick up food, aru."

China picked up his second stick and as he instructed placed the sticks in its rightful place, but slowly so Chibi Japan could learn. It was more difficult for the chibi nation, but nothing he couldn't manage. Soon Chibi Japan mirrored his big brother, smiling proudly.

"I reary did it Nii-san!"

China chuckled amused. Anyone can hold chopsticks properly, but it was another to eat with them. Nonchalantly, the Chinese nation picked up a piece of his own salted salmon and ate with no trouble. He looked back over at chibi Japan raising an eyebrow.

"Now try, aru~"

The Japanese nation nodded determined to prove to his nii-san that he was capable of eating with chopsticks. He quickly set to work fully and whole heartedly accepting the challenge. Staring down at his plate he opened the small gap between the sticks slightly and reached for a new piece of salmon. He gave a huff of frustration as he began to chase the fish around his plate, successfully making a mess and giving China a heart attack.

The chibi nation glared at the chopsticks and silently cursed them in his small hands. He through one stick over his shoulder, not particularly caring where it landed, he began to stab the piece of fish with his reaming stick.

Grinning proudly chibi Japan ate the rest of his salted salmon happily. He thought silently wondering how he hadn't thought of this sooner…..and how he would eat his rice like this…. China stared in utter horror and disbelief.

"AYIAH! You don't eat like that aru!"

The younger nation blinked confused. Hadn't nii-san thought he was so smart for thinking of a simpler way to eat?

"Hai, but it is easier nii-san~ Rot rike that other more comaracated way with two sticks….right nii-san?"

China banged his head repeatedly against the table. IF he didn't strangle the adorable new nation….he would kill him by cuteness overload or heart-attack worthy things like this. Being an older nation didn't seem so appealing to him now…..

A/N: Well thats the end...if I get any feed back on this...I'm thinking of making this a series of one-shots..Let me know what you guys think as always~