NARUTO: Legend of the Force

Planet: Arcadia 806 BrS

Location: Konoha, Sandaime's Office, October 10th 194 ABN

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood looking out the window of his office comptemplating how the village he grew to love and protect could fall so low as to attack and kill an innocent boy. And although the people involved paid with their lives it did nothing to sooth his anger towards such a horrendous ordeal which lead to another problem he has to rectify.

"What am I going to do, the council needs to be reformed but I need to be more careful who is given the position of councilmen." thought Sarutobi as he turned slightly to stare at the Hokage portraits. "Damn you Minato, you should be here in this office not me. If you were here Naruto would be alive and safe. I fail him." said a sullen Sandaime.

"Hello old friend." stated Minato as the Sandaime whipped his head around back towards the window.

"Minato what are you doing here, to haunt me for failing Naruto?" questioned a pale Sarutobi.

"Funny. Why would I spend my time haunting you when I could spend be looking over my son?" laughed the Yondaime.

"NARUTO IS DEAD DAMMIT!" screamed an irate Sandaime angry at carefree attitude.

"From a certain point of view." replied Minato as Hiruzen's eye to start to twitch.

"From a certain point of view... FROM A CERTAIN POINT OF VIEW?! The damn villagers killed your only son and that's all you can say?" cried Sarutobi.

"Yes. From a certain point of view Uzumaki Naruto is dead but I assure you Namikaze Naruto is very much alive." stated Minato with a smile on his face.

Location: Outpost Lab, October 11th, 194 ABN

Naruto woke up with a dull headache "Whoa!" he said as he sat up too fast.

"Easy Naruto, it will be disorientating for a minute or two while your mind adjust to the neurochip." replied Serina.

"So are you going to being inside my head like Kurama?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, while my A.I. Core will be here in this complex I will be able to uplink with you wherever you are."

"So what now and what is Kurama up to?

"Kurama is currently sleeping inside the seal do to healing and adjusting your body." "Now you will take a tour of this facility and get situated at your home, then we will set up your lesson schedule and training routine." stated Serina.

"My home, but I'm an orphan. I don't have a home." A downtrodden Naruto exclaimed.

"You will be staying at your father's home on the Namikaze Estates." Replied Serina.

-Hokage's Office-

Sarutobi sat at his desk mind blown as he thought about the previous night's revelation.

(Flashback Begins)

"Namikaze Naruto is very much alive." Said Minato with mirth as he watched Sarutobi gaped like a fish.

"How, Where is he?" asked Hiruzen.

"Naruto is safe for now, Kurama is looking after him." replied Minato.

"Kurama, can you trust this person Minato?

"Yes I do, and to answer your question Kurama is the given name of the Kyubi no Kitsune. Kurama used his power to save Naruto from falling to his death, he will also train Naruto with his bloodline when he is ready." Answered Minato.

"Minato how could you trust the Kyubi? It is evil!"

"What you say is true from a certain point of view." Stated Minato.

"What is that supposed to mean? And why do you keep saying that?" asked a puzzled Hiruzen.

Minato sighed as he knew he would have to explain everything to the Sandaime from the beginning.

Ten minutes later….

To say that the Sandaime was stunned was like saying that his former students didn't have vices.

"So Naruto will learn to use his "blood limit" so to speak to use this living energy called the "Force" and the Kyubi no Kurama is what you call a Force Entity." Stated Sarutobi.

"Simply put yes." Replied Minato.

"And Uchiha Madara, a founder of Kohona is alive and still trying to destroy Kohona?"

"Yes." Said Minato

"Troublesome." Was all Sarutobi could muster for an answer.

Somewhere in the Nara compound one Nara Shikaku sneezed in horror as his wife found him and proceeded to hit him on the head with a frying pan while yelling at him to spend time with his son Shikamaru.

"Come on Shikamaru let's play Shogi." Said Shikaku

"Troublesome!" said Shikamaru.

-Sarutobi's Office-

Sarutobi sat in his office going over ideas about how to reform the Village Council asking Minato how he would go about dealing with the Council.

"So what do you suggest that I do to limit the corruption Minato?" asked Hiruzen.

"Well seeing that only the Clan Council is still active I would bring in the heads of the shinobi departments such as ANBU, T&I, Barrier Division, Medical Nin Division, and the Shinobi Academy. Also section I would only create positions where the village absolutely needed them such as Business and Agriculture, Finance, Education, and Health while putting someone to oversee all civilian departments." Stated Minato.

"That is brilliant Minato, you truly are a genius" exclaimed Sarutobi.

"It was how I was going to reestablish the council anyway so might as well go through with it anyway, right?" said Minato.

"Indeed this plan will most definitely work, thank you Minato." Replied the Sandaime.

"Well my time is up and I must be going now I have lingered on long enough." Said the Yondaime.

"Remember Naruto will come to you when the time is right so be prepared Sarutobi."

"I will be and this time I will not fail Naruto again. This you have my word Minato." Replied Sarutobi.

"I know you won't. May the force be with you." Minato said as he began to fade away.

(Flashback Ends)

Sarutobi could only smile at what the future had in store. He then called for his secretary to bring in various personnel files on both his shinobi forces and civilian citizens; he had a long way to go in choosing the right people to fill in the vital seats on the village's new council.