"Spencer? Spencer"-

I felt dazed, Toby's hand poking my side gently. The buzzing of the airplane still rang through my ears, and I could feel new warmth surrounding me.

"We're here" I heard his voice give out in a yawn.

I opened my eyes to him.

His hair was in a frenzy of a mess, but I reached out my hand, and pushed his soft hair behind his ear, smiling at his crooked smile hanging on his face. I took in his figure in the sun, his leather jacket seeming more warm and welcoming in the evening light. He stretched gently, and his shirt beneath lifted slightly over his waist, and I could see a part of his tattoo.

"Ready to go?" He asked, smiling at me through tired eyes.

"Yeah, let's go" I replied, my voice strained.

Toby stood up, opening the compartment for out bags. I unbuckled the seatbelt, and pulled myself up. Toby walked down the aisle, making sure I was behind. My eyes were still not adjusted to this new sun.

We walked down the staircase, and I looked around at the sandy mountains bristled in cacti, and the sun was peaking behind the mountains, a rim of purple dashed across the sky.

I stayed behind Toby, and looked at the people around me. Most of them were suntanned, with sunglasses. I realized I was still wearing Toby's beanie. Oh well.

Toby checked us in for the baggage claim, and he didn't hesitate to grab my bag as well. I took my black suitcase from Toby's hand, and gave him a generous smile. Toby gave my side a small hug, and said,

"Okay, I'm going to talk to the front desk about the rented car. You can get a snack or something if you want, I can meet you at the Café"

I nodded, too tired to say anything back.

I headed towards the food court area, most people noticing my six-and-a-half-month pregnant stomach. Some heads turned, some even I caught were whispering.

I turned into the nearest store, too embarrassed to keep walking through the crowd. I let out a shaky breath as two young girls ran out of the store, and both glanced at my stomach, and then shuffled away.

This store was small, with the typical Arizona shirts. Some had sports on them, like the Phoenix Suns and then the Cardinals for football. I picked up a small airplane from a wire basket looking at the yellow print that read "Southwest Airline" on the side. I put the toy back in the basket, and spied a coffee area.

I let out a relieved breath, and shuffled over to the iced coffee fridge, choosing an iced Mocha. I placed it under my arm, and walked timidly over to the cash register, dragging my suitcase along with me. The manager was an old man, maybe late 60's. He had on a French black cap, and wore a blue t shirt that read, "Be Happy".

I placed the coffee on the counter, and the man looked at me and smiled. I smiled back; amazed he wasn't giving me the poker face that everyone else had given.

"You should know better than to wear a beanie in this weather" The old man joked, his voice surprisingly smooth and strong. I smiled.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting this place to be so"-

"Hot?" He interrupted, smiling.

"Ha, yeah, I guess that's what you could say"

The old man checked the coffee, and began looking at the cash register.

"So, where you from?"
"Wow, that's the first from here!"


"Yeah" He answered.

"You'd be surprised how many people just want to leave this weather"

"Well" I answered placing a five dollar bill down,

"I'm fortunately not like many people"
The old man had a glint in his eye, and he smiled in the cute old person way that warmed my heart.

"Then you're very lucky" He then pushed my coffee towards me.

"You have a nice day ma'am"
"You too!"

And I walked out of the small shop, the old man waving at me with his French cap in his hand.

I entered the Café, and saw that Toby was already there. He turned to me, and his face then filled with sudden relief.

"Hey, where were you?"

"Sorry, I started a conversation with someone"

Toby just smiled, and waved a set of keys in front of my face.

"Let's drive"

Toby and I pulled our luggage through the parking lot, and Toby spot a black Nissan parked to the left side of the airport.

Toby popped the trunk open, and I shoved my suitcase into the back of the trunk, tired. I began pacing myself to the passenger side of the car, but I felt Toby, of course, open the door for me like the gentleman he was.

"Thank you" I said with a small curtsy, pulling my shirt slightly up and taking a small bow.

Toby smiled, and he looked up at me, bowing back slightly. I laughed, and sat down into the car.

Toby sat next to me, and put the car in ignition.

"Are you tired?"

"Mmmm, very" I answered, honestly. I stretched my legs and noticed the sun was starting to set.

"Okay, let's get some sleep, and if you want to do something tomorrow, I have stuff planned"
"Stuff?" I looked over to him, intrigued.

"Like what?"
"You'll find out soon" Toby said as he drove off, looking over to me, and then looking back at the highway road, the sun setting over the peaceful horizon of mountains.