Dating Agency (LOL)

Chapter 1: Flyers and Chocolates

PAIRINGS: 1869/6918 (It may include more 6918?), may include All18? I am an oddball~ So don't kill me?

NOTE: Bits and pieces of OOC-ness here and there. I have also decided to add in an extra character ^_^; Don't bash me for the awkward scenes involving her and Hibari. NO SHE'S NOT A MARY SUE/OC. -Dodges grenades and missiles- My first fanfic here, so please be lenient here...

SUMMARY: See above. The full thing's up there. May be changed as the story continues...

RATING: M It can't go any further and there WILL be smut in the future.

WARNING! YAOI LEMON SCENES INCLUDED. This is rated M for A REASON. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Read at your risk. Please review on anything that can be improved on. I would love to receive suggestions :) But no flames/insults please ;_; Enjoy~

DISCLAIMER: Well... I forgot to put this up at first. *Shot* I thought this fact was second nature to all readers. But to play safe... *Clears throat*

I DO NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! All credits go to the mangaka, Akira Amano-sensei and anime producers.

If I owned KHR, Mukuro and Hibari would be the best of friends or lovers, Dino would be already dismembered to smithereens, Tsuna would always stay as Dame-Tsuna and I would have already married Alaude.

So... Here goes.

All that could be heard was the writing sound of pens as they clashed against paper and the ruffling sounds that were the product of doing so. The President of Namimori High Disciplinary Commitee, Hibari Kyouya, was silently scanning through his reports that were stacked mountain high on his table. His unblinking grey eyes interpreted whatever was written or typed on the pieces of paper he went through them.

It was a fine Valentine's day, but while girls were fantasizing about the person who they gave chocolates to on that specialized day for expressing love, the single man was just doing his daily job as the President alone. Being a person who detested crowds, he would want to be alone, much less engage in chummy business with a girl. The checking process seemed to be going smooth when suddenly a fluffy yellow flew through a slightly opened door.

"Hibari! Hibari!" A high pitched squeal filled the room as the source of the sound perched upon Hibari's shoulder, rustling itself in its position as it tried to make it his temporary nest. His lips gave way to a slight smile as he patted the nestling bird with his free hand.

The bird spoke again, "Okaasan! Okaasan!"

He widened his eyes in shock at what the fluffy ball, no, bird was saying. He immediately stood up of his seat and briskly exited his room with Hibird becoming cozy on his shoulder.

As he swung open his door and left the room, a shrill ring reverberated across the house. Before he could get to the door, the bell repeated its chime as he swung open the main door.

What welcomed him was a smiling woman in her early 50s, wearing a simple yet office-chic shirt and knee-length skirt. As she caught a glance of Hibari, she dropped the suitcase she was carrying and pelted towards him, giving him a tight hug as she cried in excitement "Kyouya~!"

He returned the hug and soon gently pushed her away from him, his cold eyes staring at her, giving her the oh-so-what look. Hibird, who was startled by the sudden movement, flew away. She pouted in response and whined "Hey, it's mom here! Why don't you welcome me? Don't you miss me?"

He looked away silently without a word and turned to return to his room, when... "Woah! So many letters and chocolates!" His mother rushed to the dining room table, which was not very far from the main door.

He froze in his steps as he silently wished for his mom not to go near that table, but apparently, the world did not spin for him, much less grant his wish.

Hibari stared in utter shock as she bounded to the table to see the mountain of papers and sweets. He could not help but think: Shit.

As his mother opened the letters decorated with hearts and flowers and flipped to browse through the unlimited stack, she blushed as she read through the cheesy contents of the letters. "Hibari, come here," she called, just as he was about to leave his current position for his room to avoid the incoming flurry of questions he might face.

He slightly broke out in cold sweat as he walked to the dining room and recalled what happened earlier that day.

It was the long-awaited Valentine's Day, and it was the day that girls would come to guys they like with letters of love, confession and their sincerity in the form of chocolates and teddy bears, in the hope that the male party will understand their feelings and hopefully accept them.

It was the most irritating day for him as legions of girls swarmed around him with their painstakingly-made gifts to present to him, oblivious to the fact of his hate of crowds. His chain of thoughts in his head only consisted of getting out of this insane gathering, and blatantly pushed his way out of the lovesick girls, who left Kusakabe and the other prefects to receive the presents by the remaining girls.

As he returned to the Reception Room to start on his daily task, he did not even lift his head as Kusakabe and the other prefects carried the mountainous load of presents to the room and placed it carefully on the sofas. The small sofas could not take the overwhelming volume of the Valentine gifts and literally exploded out of the miniature sofas, many of which spilled to the floor.

The prefects glanced at the gifts with the slightest hint of jealousy before leaving the room. However, Kusakabe stayed behind and stood beside Hibari as the prefects cleared one by one.

When the room became quiet again albeit with the noise of shuffling papers, Kusakabe finally vocalized. "Kyouya, every year you do not care about these gifts..." He stated, looking at the letters and the gifts that were piled high on the two sofas.

Hibari did not reply after a while, then muttered "... So?" He clearly did not hold a shred of concern about them.

"I think you should actually pay attention to them." Kusakabe suggested. "These presents looks like a while load of effort."

This time, Hibari actually reacted. He lifted his head, his concentration *actually* away from his work. He looked at Kusakabe rather fiercely and he felt shivers down his spine.

"Ermm... I was just suggesting." He said in an effort to save himself.

"Ok. Help me carry these stuff after school." The Prefect finalized before returning to his work. Kusakabe opened his mouth in surprise, he could not believe that he agreed to such an outrageous comment. He immediately left the room as he did not want to bother the Skylark any further. And after school ended, Kusakabe carried the entire load and left it off at Hibari's house.

Turning back to the current situation, he broke off his chain of memories as his mother's voice sounded. "You have soooo many admirers! I didn't know my son was so popular~" She boasted to herself about her son as she continued flipping through the letters.

"Hmmm... this chocolate is a weeny bitter. She should have added more sugar." She muffled as she stuffed an entire chocolate into her mouth. The Skylark sweat dropped at the situation. She was doing nothing but trash talk. What a caring mother.

He wanted to leave the room until his mother asked "Why don't you get a girlfriend?"

Hibari paused for a while, shocked yet irritated at the same time. Why did she have to ask this question of all the questions? He did not want to offend his mother and thus replied "It's not important."

"But I want to see you with a girl someday!" She mumbled as she took another sample of chocolate. "Hey, this one is not bad, go and ask her out and introduce her to me. Hahahahahah~ Just kidding." She joked at the same time. Hibari sighed in exasperation. He wanted to finish up his reports. Just as he gave another shot at attempting to return to his room, she shoved him a piece of paper. "Take a look."

"..." He did not say a word as he read the flyer. It was a flyer to a dating center that had just opened recently.

The shop was gaudily designed with numerous hearts and Cupids hung at the sides, and the interior was mainly pink with cutely designed rooms with heart-shaped tables and chairs. And a king-sized bed? It looked more like a love hotel instead of a honest straight-out dating agency. Even the hazy-looking neon lighting added to the not-so-innocent-as-it-seemed-to-be atmosphere.

"Its the hottest thing in town now! I saw it just now and there was a long, long queue outside! A baby saw me and gave me this flyer, telling me to let you try it out. Hey, that sounded like he knew you! Ohohoho~"

"A... A baby?" He reiterated as she recounted her situation. Only that baby would know him. That baby.

"Give it a shot. I would follow you there tomorrow evening after school. I would make sure you are there. It is never too late to find a Valentine, isn't it?" She made up her decision, with a hint of seriousness in her voice, different from the joking tone she usually used.

She wanted him to be there and that is final. He wanted to speak up in defiance, but stopped. She was his mother after all. He would not want to defy his mother.

Instead of skipping the entire thing altogether, he would escape after he entered the dating center and make sure his mother had left. This way, he will be able to escape while she does not even notice a thing going on. He nodded slightly and left his position to return to his room to FINALLY finish his papers.

Thankfully, no one stopped him.

He entered his room and closed behind his door as he left to finish up on what he had left behind. How he dreaded for the next day to arrive.

Japanese Dictionary: (I learn Japanese, still an amateur though)

Okaasan - Mother

A/N: Yay! Done~ Although this chapter is NOT M-rated, but this fic is M for a clear reason, which will be posted in the *future* chapters. Sorry for the anti-climatic truth :P -Dodges rotten eggs- Ok, bye! *Signs off*

Version 1.01: To TheSatanicNightmare, I changed the first part to avoid further confusion and all ^_^ Hopefully it's ok now.

Version 1.02: My friend told me my paragraph was shitty and all and was too chunky for comprehension, so I edited it a lil' bit and corrected some small errors. If there's any more writing problems with my fic, do not hesitate to tell me! JANJANJANJANJAN~
