Me: I just randomly had this idea while thinking of more horror stories. Super horror fans should enjoy this, because this whole fic is a reference to a famous horror movie. Enjoy!

Characters Alive: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Yoshi, Birdo, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, Ludwig, Wendy, Rosalina, Goombella, Goombario, Toad, Toadette, Flurrie, Bombette, Sushie, Koops, Vivian, Parakarry, Watt, Toadbert, Toadsworth, Lakilester, Lakilulu, DK, Diddy, Dixie, Tiny and Funky.

Characters Dead: None

(Note: Yeah, I know there is a lot of characters. Yay for characters! XD)


The Mario gang were heading down a street, all together in a group.

'You know, guys, it has been a while since all of us have been together' Peach stated, who was at the head of the group.

'Peach, this is the FIRST time all of us have been together' Sushie muttered, bouncing along.

'Oh yeah' Peach said dumbly, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. 'It is because nobody likes Lakilulu'

'WHAT'S THE HOLD UP!?' screamed Flurrie from the back of the line. 'PAULINE ALWAYS GIVES US FOOD WHEN WE VISIT HER AND I'M STARVING!'

'Shut it, fat ass!' shouted Vivian, proving that they didn't get over their argument about the cookie 5 days ago.

'I agree with Fat Flurrie' admitted Daisy, stretching. 'I haven't eaten since, gosh, since Luigi cooked last'

'Shut up, Daisy!' shouted Luigi, slapping Daisy hard.

Daisy tripped over and stumbled onto the road. A van was approaching her, the Toad driving inside not seeing her. She screamed as it came right close to her.


The van froze, turning blue. Icicles hung from the van, the Toad inside in an ice block. Daisy got up, shaking, and went back to the group.

'Thanks, Rosalina' Daisy said and smiled at the cosmic princess.

'Ugh, whatever. I hate saving people, wasting my magic on pathetic weaklings' Rosalina glared at Lakilulu, who backed away.

'Well, SORRY! I didn't mean to get almost eaten by a shark, or almost murdered by Peach, or-'

'God, I am going to push that bitch on the road on PURPOSE in a minute!' shouted Luigi angrily.

'ATTITUDE!' shouted Lakilulu, floating around.

'Hey, Lakilulu, do you want a cookie?' asked Toadsworth, his moustache twitching as he brought out a cookie.

'Oooh, yes please!' Lakilulu squealed, catching the biscuit and eating it.

Suddenly, she began to get bigger and bigger. They all glanced at Toadsworth, who was grinning. Lakilulu turned red as she got extremely huge. Suddenly, smoke appeared from under her cloud. Then she got blasted into the air, screaming as she spiralled towards a mountain.

'There! No more Lakilulu!' Toadsworth cheered, and the others screamed in happiness.

Then Lakilulu floated back, completely black, muttering to herself.

'Can we just go already!?' she cried, bursting into tears as the others laughed.

They continued to walk, chatting cheerfully all the way, until they eventually came to a narrow hill. It was dark, and lead eerily up to a huge, dark, purple house, with black clouds floating round and round it, lightning flashing out.

'Um, I don't remember Pauline's house being like this...' whispered Yoshi, turning his head to the side in confusion.

'I know. It was WORSE' muttered Peach, folding her arms as she stared up at the great house. 'I don't even know why I agreed to come on this stupid trip. Something bad will happen like it ALWAYS does'

'I hate to admit it, but I agree, Princess' said Toadsworth, slowly making his way over to Peach with the help of his walking stick.

'Let's just knock on the door. If Pauline doesn't answer, then we will just leave. Ok?' Mario suggested, and the others nodded.

'I have a real bad feeling about this...' whispered Toadette who was hiding behind Toad at the back of the group.

'Toadette, you have a bad feeling about EVERYTHING' Diddy rolled his eyes, running to the front of the group with Peach, Toadsworth, Watt, Bombette and the rest of his family.

'I do NOT' protested Toadette angrily, putting her hand on her hip as she frowned. '...Do I?'

'Well, um...' Toad said awkwardly, looking away. 'Um...'

'I do, DON'T I!?' cried Toadette, bursting into tears as she ran to the middle of the group where nobody could see the mushroom girl.

'Toadette!' shouted Toad, running after her.

It took about ten minutes for the whole gang to make it to the front door.

'Here we go...' whispered Bombette silently, flying up aper knocking the door.

They all gulped, sweating as the sound of footsteps came nearer and nearer. It opened, revealing the Koopa Master from Pagoda Peak!

'Koopa Master?' gasped Peach.

'Um, yes. I was actually in the middle of my bills, but you can come in for some Koopa Tea and some biscuits'

'BOO-YAH!' screamed Flurrie in happiness, running into the house laughing maniacally. 'Finally, I am going to eat some FOOD!'

They all entered the house. It was very dark, candles on the wall being the only light. They all walked down a long hallway, well, not ALL of them. Flurrie was running.

'In here' said the Koopa Master with a creepy grin, opening a metal door and pushing them all in.

'God, that dude is freaky' said Goombella, shuddering as she thought of the Koopa Master.

Suddenly, the door slammed and locked, making them all jump and turn around. DK, still not scared, walked towards the door and pulled gently. When it didn't open, he pulled harder. Soon, he was pulling with all his might and it still didn't open. Suddenly, the handle burst off, sending the ape flying into the wall.

'Guys, I'm scared' whispered Lakilulu.

Everyone ignored her, however, and began talking about what was happening.

'I think it was just a mistake, the Koopa Master is probably trying to get us out right now' Parakarry said hopefully, giving a weak smile to the group.

'I don't! That freaky idiot has trapped us in here and is trying to kill us RIGHT now!' screamed Goombella. 'We are all gonna die!'

'Goombella, you just put all of our fear meters on 100. Great job' Mario said sarcastically.

'Guys, fighting won't help right now!' exclaimed Dixie, flipping her hair around as she did a pose.

'Ugh, you SERIOUSLY won't be a model if we survive this' DK said in disgust.

'How do you even know we are going to die?' asked Yoshi.

'Because there is a lot of us' stated Birdo simply. 'Have ANY of you seen any horror movies? Whenever there is a big group they always die. Not to mention Master fucking Koopa!'

'THANK YOU!' exclaimed Goombella. 'I am not the only one who thinks he is a freak!'

Suddenly, there was a crackle, and someone began speaking from the microphone in the corner of the room.

'Hello everyone. I am Master Koopa, and you are my victims. As you can probably see, I have tricked you into coming to my house, pretending I was Pauline, one of your friends. You are trapped in a room. On the floor are saws that will never stop moving up and down. On the roof is a big container attached to a wire. That wire is attached to the door on the other side of the room. What you must do is fill the container with blood so when it is heavy enough it will fall down and the door will rise up. You will need to fill it with 20 litres of blood. Decide what you are going to do. I will continue in the next challenge. Good luck'

It was silence for a moment.

'I told you guys...' whispered Goombella as they all stared at the saws, moving up and down on the floor vigorously.


A/N: Did you like it? Please review, I would really appreciate it. Also review who you want to survive and die, although I already got one of the characters that will die in the next chapter. Next chapter coming soon!