
I DO NOT own anything related to the Kim Possible franchise in this story. I own nothing except for the plot itself and any OC that will be presented.

This story delves on the Electra/Oedipus Complex.. For reference please check Google.. If incest and such psychological mentality offends you then please DO NOT READ PASS THIS POINT LIKE YOU DID THE FIRST..

The rain continued to pour harder as the night moved on. The four occupants of the Possible's residence restlessly paced as they tried to get news of what was happening. It had already been a couple of hours since the down pour started and it was still due to stop.

"I can't get stuck here." Bonnie said in irritation as she took a peek outside the window once more.

"It's still raining hard outside, Bonnie. You and I don't have a choice in this matter." Kim said to Bonnie as she took a seat in the living room couch.

"Kim is right, it's raining hard outside. Just stay the night, you can take Kim's room and she can just sleep in the twin's." Ann offered making both Kim and Bonnie take a look at her in unison.

"No!" Kim exclaimed as she suddenly jumped up and faced Ann.

"Bonnie can't be left in my room unsupervised. Who knows what kind of things she could do?" Kim said as she tried to make a point.

Bonnie wanted to say something in her defence but James took charge and got in between the three women. It was a difficult thing to do but the man of the house needs to take charge and this was definitely one of those situations where he needed to.

"Honey, why don't we just let Kim and Bonnie sort it out?" James told Ann as he wrapped one arm around her.

"But..." Ann's sentence trailed off as James guided her out of the living room.

"I am not sleeping in the same bed as you." Bonnie said as she looked at Kim sternly.

"As if I want to sleep in the same bed as you," Kim replied with venom.

The two looked at each other for a few awkward seconds before one of them finally spoke up to finalize their agreement with their sleeping arrangement.

"I'm not leaving the room." Kim told Bonnie with conviction.

"Fine, but I'm not sharing the bed." Bonnie answered.

"Are you happy?" Kim asked.

"No, are you?" Bonnie asked back.

"No." Kim replied.

"Good." The two said in unison as they came into an agreement with what they'll be doing with their sleeping arrangements. Since they have already settled on that topic, they once again headed for Kim's room and then prepared to crash for the night.

After changing into some clothes Kim lent her, Bonnie quickly jumped into Kim's bed and then made herself comfortable.

"Give me some of those pillows." Kim said to Bonnie as she tried to grab some that were underneath Bonnie's head.

"Gah! Fine... Here... and here's your stupid stuff toy as well." Bonnie replied before throwing Pandaroo towards Kim. Kim quickly moved to catch her beloved stuff toy and sure enough she caught him without a hitch.

"You're lucky nothing happened to Pandaroo." Kim said as she patted and checked Pandaroo.

Bonnie simply raised her eyebrow at Kim before turning her back on the redhead. Kim didn't bother to say anything else but instead fixed her blanket and pillows as she made herself comfortable on the floor. They had both already gotten comfortable when Bonnie spoke once more.

"You're clothes are a little tight in the midsection." Bonnie commented as she tried to loosen the midsection of the shirt she was wearing.

"Go to sleep Bustzilla." Kim replied before covering her head with a pillow to block of Bonnie's voice.

Meanwhile inside James and Ann's room, the couple continued the talk that got interrupted during dinner. They both had already changed into their pyjamas and have made themselves comfortable in their bed.

"I love you." James said while holding Ann's hand.

"I know you do." Ann replied.

She had already heard it a couple of times since they've seen each other this morning but no matter how many times he said it, it didn't have the same effect on her like it used to. Ann tried to question herself whether it's because she was now feeling something for Kim or if it was something else.

"I want to tell you something." James said after a couple of seconds.

Ann could see how nervous he was and how his eyes couldn't look into hers. It was very rare that he was this nervous around her and the last time he was, it was the time that he had proposed to her. She was confused at the way he was acting and it wasn't helping her with summoning up her courage to tell him about her and Kim.

"I want to tell you something as well but you first." Ann replied.

"You too? Oh... okay..." James said as he panicked in trying to gather his thoughts.

It was all so nerve wrecking and totally disorienting. He thought that he could gather the courage to tell her during the science camp but he was completely wrong. The dinner earlier and all the sweet nothings in between didn't help with what he was trying to do now.

"You know I love you right?" James asked, seeking assurance before he dropped the big news on her.

"You've already said that James. What do you really want to say?" Ann asked as she looked into his eyes.

James didn't reply but instead hugged her tight and started to cry. Tears rolled down his cheek and onto Ann's shoulder as the emotion suddenly bursted out. To say Ann was confused was a total understatement with what she was feeling.

"I cheated on you." James admitted while still holding onto Ann.

"What?" Ann asked, unsure if she heard him correctly or if she was just in denial.

"I'm sorry... I cheated on you with another woman when I was back with the twins in summer camp." James explained in between sobs.

Ann pushed him apart from her as she tried to look at him. James was a complete mess and he was obviously crushed with what he had done. She wasn't sure of what had happened back at camp but she knew how he felt for she was feeling the same guilt as him.

"I'm sorry." James muttered before leaning in to kiss her.

She couldn't tell him now, not now that he was mentally weak. It's true that what he did was wrong but she did the same to him. The only difference between them was that he cheated with another person were as she did it with their own daughter.

"You're just a coward." A voice inside her head said.

Ann could only let herself be taken by James as he tried to show her how much he still loves her. Words and actions of passion were all given to Ann by James and with each he tried to show her how sorry he was. He whispered apology after apology until Ann answered back each kiss and each touch, neither of them knowing if Ann responded because she had forgiven him or if she simply responded due to her instinct.

Back in Kim's room, she was awakened by Bonnie's snoring once more. It was the same as when they were back in cheer camp only this time she didn't have the privilege of a bed. After a couple of gruelling seconds of listening to her snore, Kim suddenly stood up as something started to pull her towards her closet.

Looking back at the brunette and seeing that she was still soundly asleep, Kim started to move the boxes out of her way. One-by-one she placed them on the floor, carefully and without a sound. As soon as she got all of the boxes out of the way, she turned around to check if Bonnie was awakened by what she had done. Fortunately, Bonnie was still soundly asleep.

Slowly she peeked into the familiar hole on the wall once more. She didn't know what to expect but what she saw completely surprised her. Even though the room on the other side was completely dark, she could still tell what was happening due the silhouette of their body being shown by the light of the moon from the window.

An audible gasp escaped her lips as she saw Ann straddling James, her hips gyrating in time with his. Kim couldn't bear to see the woman she love in bed with another and the sight of her glistening in sweat as she made love with James was something her heart couldn't take.

"How could you?" Kim asked herself in a whisper.

She wanted to turn away and escape under her blanket but something was pulling her closer, telling her to keep on watching what was happening on the other side. Unknown to her, while her mind continued on this mental struggle, her hands were slowly moving, sliding over her skin until they were cupping both of her mounts.

"That should be me." Kim whispered as she saw James' hands wandering all over Ann's nakedness.

Kim's hand slowly started to wander down inside her pants when she saw Ann's breathing starting to become heavy. She started to feel herself, pleasure herself in time with each of Ann's movements. It was a slow build up until she saw Ann moving faster on top of James.

She knew that look on Ann's face and it only meant that she was near her climax.

"Ann!" Kim exclaimed as she felt herself come at the same time as Ann did.

Kim felt her knees give out making her land on her bottom. Sweat and tears rolled down her cheek as the realization of what happened on the other side hit her. She couldn't think clearly of what to do so she did the only thing she could. Slowly she started to move towards the boxes she put down but was interrupted midway by someone calling attention.

"Little Miss perfect has a thing for her mother." Bonnie said while standing beside the bed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Bonnie..." Kim said in surprise before moving closer to the brunette.

"Don't even touch me you sick pervert." Bonnie said as she brushed Kim's hand away.

"Please Bonnie don't tell anybody." Kim pleaded.

An evil smirk formed on Bonnie's lips as a thought occurred to her. For years she had been nothing but second to little miss perfect but here and now, a perfect opportunity presented itself.

"I won't but you are mine now Possible." Bonnie said as she looked at Kim with malice.


Author's Note:

I hope you liked this chapter guys.. ^^There were a lot of things to swallow in this chapter but I hope I got things across smoothly.. Before anyone asks for my head on a platter.. Let me just say that I decided to end the story here after the climax so that we can delve more on the development of things better.. Now, if you are past the initial shock or disappointment.. Do you guys want to follow the story which tackles into James betrayal with Ann or do you want to follow the development with Kim and Bonnie first?

2nd story A: James & Ann plus the other woman..

2nd story B: Kim, Bonnie and Ann..

Just because there are three characters doesn't mean it's a threesome.. (Just saying..)

I already have a rough draft for both stories as they would both be in the series.. I'm only asking so that I can post the 2nd story base on which of the two you want to read first.. Again hope you liked this chapter.. Please read and Review.. (Really please do.. ^^)

BTW We only have a couple of days till the end of the nominating period for the Fannies.. For those who haven't checked out what it's about.. Please spare a couple minutes to check out Zaratan's forum where you can see a thread which talks about the Fannies.. Nominate you favourite story & author for 2012.. And help them win.. ^^