This is just a idea I had that I was wondering if anyone would like. I read crossovers between these two already, but there was never any Ginny or Luna who are my favorite two characters from Harry Potter. So just wondering if I should add Luna into the story later on with some love between her and Hawkeye, but I would like for you to tell me what you think. I really hope you all like this story, because if this works out I have another Avengers crossover I would like to write.

Love Nicki Riggs.

Tony Stark sat in his living room as he waited for Pepper to arrive with his new personal assistant. After Natalie had been revealed to really be Natasha Romanoff- the Black Widow – he was in need of another assistant. And seeing as Pepper had already hired herself a new one, Tony declared it was now his turn for a new assistant. He was pulled from his tablet as the elevator doors binged opened showing Pepper with a younger woman following quietly behind her. She was a lot younger than he was expecting – maybe twenty-three at the most – but she almost resembled a younger Pepper with her hair. Though Pepper was a strawberry blonde the younger woman was an orangish red falling straight down her back and creamy pale skin with striking blue eyes. She was average height for a woman around five 'five with a thin waist, but the right amount of curves. She was dressed in a high waist black pencil skirt and a white button up topped tucked in. On her feet were some blood red heels that gave her a few good inches. She clutched a stake of papers to her chest.

"Tony, I would like you to meet your new assistant. This is Miss Weasley." Pepper said introducing the younger woman.

"Weasley? First name?" He questions posing his hands over the tablet as he waited for her answer.

"Ginevra, but I go by Ginny Mr. Stark." Answered a floating voice with a British accent. Which surprised him – Pepper had never hired a foreigner as an assistant before. He typed her name in and waited for a few seconds before a few basic facts popped up. Nothing in detail like he was expecting so he looked up and watched the nervous woman for a second.

"I'm not really finding anything on you, what's your story?" He questions. Ginny seemed a little confused, but answered anyway.

"I was born at my family home and have been home schooled my whole life until I was eleven and went to a private school in Scotland. I am twenty-two years old and just recently graduated from the University of Cambridge were I started attending right before my seventeenth birthday. I have six older brothers, Bill who is married to Fleur and has Victorie age five, Dominique age two, and is now pregnant with my first nephew. Next is my brother Charlie who lives in Romania and then my brother Percy who is married to Audrey with their one year old daughter Molly. Next there is my brother George and his twin Fred died almost seven years ago in an accident. And lastly my brother Ron who is engaged to Hermione Granger. I was the first Weasley female to be born in generations. I hope that's enough information for you, sir." Ginny rambled as she gave out the most basic facts. Tony seemed impressed with the fact that she just recently graduated from Cambridge and gave a smirk at her sassy tone. Pepper looked between the two of them.

"Well I have to get back to the office. If there is any problems call me right away Ginny and I'll take your forms from you." She said taking most of the papers Ginny had clutched to her chest. Pepper said good bye to Tony and a last few notes for Ginny and headed toward the elevator.

"So you have a boyfriend?" Tony questions after a few second of silence. Ginny was right when she took this job, it was going to be very stressful.

As the weeks went on Ginny fell into an easy retinue with Tony Stark. He had first just thrown random comments out to her, but after the first three weeks he started actually having conversations with her. He learned how good of an assistant she really was and how precise she was. She was a nice woman who tended to keep her distance, but she always made sure that he ate when he was supposed to, got to meetings that he was supposed to, and slept on an almost normal schedule. He just recently allowed her access to his workshop where most of his Iron Man suits were stored. Ginny typed away on her phone to an email that Pepper had sent her. She was on the subway headed to Stark Tower from her apartment. Tony had two meetings he had to be at today and she knew it was going to be a challenge to get him there. She was dressed to impress the board in a simple black dress, with a white suit top left open over it, and her trusty red heels. Her hair was pulled into a loose, but controlled bun at the back of her head and she wore light make-up. Looking up from her message she saw a man sitting across from her looking over his cellphone and looking seconds away from throwing it across the train. He let out a frustrated huff and Ginny let a small smile grace her face. That's almost how she was when she was trying to learn all about muggle gadgets from Hermione. Putting her phone in her pursue she stood up and moved over toward the man. He was large with broad shoulders incased in a simple plaid button up and pressed jeans. His blonde hair was parted perfectly and he seemed troubled.

"Excuse me." She said softly and was almost taken away when the man looked up. He was very handsome.

"Yes, miss?" He said in a deep voice.

"I was just wondering if you needed help with your phone. You seemed to be having trouble with it?" She said moving to sit next to him on his side of the subway. He gave her a kind smile.

"If you wouldn't mind. I'm just trying to text someone back, but I can't seem to figure out how." He said handing his phone over. She was surprised by how much bigger his hands were than hers. She took the phone from him and saw that it was one of the newer most high tech phones on the market. She remembered when Hermione taught her all about muggle devices and the few times she got flustered with everything that there was to take in. Now though she knew more than ever her dad about muggle devices. She held the phone in front of the strangers face and started clicking buttons explaining as she went along. After a few seconds she handed the phone back to him.

"Now all you have to do is type the message that you want to send and after everything is all typed out you can just hit send…right there." She said leaning over again to show him where the send button was. After leaning back again she watched him with a small smile as she watched his face looking so serious as he tried to type on the small keypad. His face was so serious she couldn't help the small giggle that came from her lips. The stranger looked up at her from his phone.

"I know, it's funny that I don't know how to use a phone that well." He said with a smile his cheeks turning a light pink. "Thank you again for helping me, I'm Steve Rogers, ma'am." He said with a polite nod of his head.

"Ginny Weasley, Mr. Rogers and don't worry I was that way a few years ago. My parents were very strict about what we can use and such and I didn't get my first cellphone until I was nineteen." She said.

"Well still I want to thank you for helping me out." He said again. "How about I take you out for coffee?" He questions his cheeks turning a brighter pink than before. Ginny looked him over again and gave him a small smile hoping to calm is embarrassment. Looking out the subway window she realized they were coming to her stop. Hoping up she turned back around to grab Steve's hand and pulled out the pin that was always in her pocket. She started scribbling on it quickly. When she was done the door had opened and she headed toward it turning around to see Steve looking down at his hand.

"That's my number. Call me and we'll have coffee." She said and then headed off the subway.

Please review and let me know what you think (: