The End


The door slammed open and hit the wall. There was one vampire there and it came rushing at them. Dean released an arrow instinctively and it crumpled to the floor. Sam rushed forwards to behead it. Dean noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He whipped around but the shape had disappeared around a corner.

"Sam." He said as he crept over.

All lights were turned off in the house so Sam fished a flashlight out of his pocket and clicked it on, following Dean.

Dean had just peered around the corner when the vampire attacked him. It clawed at his face and knocked him over with its body. Dean landed hard on the wood floor, and the breath was knocked out of him. He gasped for breath as he struggled with the vampire. He whacked it across the face the crossbow and it fell away from him. Dean still felt like he couldn't move much yet and the vampire pounced back up. Its face was covered in blood from the leaking gash on its forehead where the crossbow had made contact.

It looked at him menacingly and bared its fangs at him. It got ready to jump on Dean and he braced his arms for the impact, but Sam was quick and the vamp's head was off and the body thumped to the floor after it.

Sam stuck out a hand to help Dean up. Dean took it and got up, shaking his head as if to clear it. "Thanks."

"No problem, are you alright?" Sam asked, looking around for more vampires.

"Yeah, I'm good. C'mon, let's see if there's any more on this floor." Sam nodded and they searched the entire first floor, and only found one vampire. It had died a quick, silent death.

Sam stared down at the body. "Basement?"

"Yeah, come on." They crept down the stairs, Sam beaming the flashlight around. As soon as they hit the floor, four vampires had come out from the shadows. They all hissed and bared their fangs. Dean shucked the crossbow and pulled out his machete. The blade shimmered silver and red from the Dead Man's Blood. "Bring it on!" He yelled. Two rushed at him, and two rushed Sam.

Dean ducked past the first one and punched the one that reached out at him with its sharp nails. Its head turned and it stumbled back a little bit. He was about to behead it but he was attacked by the vampire behind him. The machete fell from his hand as he was violently shoved. He started to hand to hand combat with the vampire in front of him, while he tried to pull the other vampire off of his back.

With great effort Dean tackled the vampire in front of him. He reached for his machete and pressed it against the vampire's throat, struggling to cut it against the other one's efforts to pull his arms away. Dean threw his head back and ignored the pain it made as it collided with the vampire's behind him. He felt the weight on his back disappear as the vampire slid off of him. He pushed the knife down all the way and felt blood spray up at him.

He wiped his face as he killed the next vampire. Panting, he looked over at Sam who was trying lying on the ground, a vampire on top of him, trying to bite him. He swung the machete and decapitated it. Sam shoved the body off of him. "Ugh. Thanks." Dean helped him up.

"Yeah don't mention it." Dean replied, looking around if there were any more vampires. "I don't think there are any more except for Edward, Bella and baby. Let's head upstairs. I think that's where the happy, creepy family is."

"Ok." Sam picked up the fallen flash light and walked with Dean up the stairs.

They walked up the stairs with their machetes ready. The kicked open every door and found no one. "Where the hell are they?" Dean demanded.

"I don't know; maybe there's an attic that they're hiding in." Sam suggested.

"Did you see any attic entrances?" Dean asked, looking around.

"Maybe." Sam walked down the hall and turned to corner, and Dean followed. "Yeah, up here." He gestured to the ceiling, where there was a ceiling hatch. He reached for the string and pulled it down, releasing the stairs. They ran up the stairs.

Then Sam was hit from the back and Edward held him by the throat up against the wall. Sam choked and struggled but couldn't move. Dean saw Bella run wildly at him and he held the knife out between her and him. "I wouldn't come any closer if I were you."

Bella looked at him and raised an eyebrow. She put a face on that she must have thought was seductive. "You know, you're kind of hot for an asshole. If you leave us alone I can give you a hell of a time"

"Yeah, well you're kind of not for a vampire bitch. And please excuse me while I vomit." Dean said. "You're a disgusting blood sucker. I wouldn't waste a second with you. I hope it takes less than a second to kill you."

"Oh yeah? Let's see you try." Bella hissed and ran at Dean. He shoved the knife into her chest. Bella gasped and screamed as he twisted it. "Edward!" She shrieked. Then he pulled it out and let her fall to the floor, where he sliced her head off her body.

"BELLA!" Edward yelled. He was still holding Sam against the wall, and his hands around his throat caused Sam's face to redden. He yelled angrily as he saw his wife's mangled body lying on the floor without a head.

"Daddy!" screamed a small voice.

"Renesme!" Edward yelled. "I thought I told you to hide and not come out!" The child didn't respond but looked at the corpse of her mother. "Mommy!" She whispered. She looked at Dean with furious eyes and then bared her little teeth at him. She came at him but she was slow and Dean caught her. He held the machete to her neck. "Oh Edward!" He called. Edward held Sam still and looked over his shoulder at Dean darkly. "Drop him or the kid gets a nice makeover to match mommy." Dean said menacingly.

"Don't touch her!" Edward yelled. Dean dragged the knife along her throat just enough to break the skin.

"Oops. The knife slipped." He said placidly. Edward's eyes flashed and he dropped Sam. He turned to Dean and ignored Sam. Sam picked up his fallen machete as he gasped for his breath. Edward got a good look at Dean killing Renesme just before Sam killed cut of his own head.

They stood looking at the wreckage around them. "Hey Sammy, know what I think we should do?"

"What?" Sam asked.

"Burn this place down!" Dean said.

Sam nodded.

They spent the next half hour pouring gasoline everywhere. The salted all of the bodies. Then they lit several matches and threw them inside the house and shut the door. They ran to the Impala and hopped inside, chucking their bloody weapons in the back. Dean stepped on the gas and the two brothers fled Forks, Washington faster than you could say pie.

Yay! It's done! The job is done! Our favourite brothers have killed the Twilight vampires. :) Please don't anyone ask for more chapters. The story is over. If you want more, then just watch Season 4 Episode 11, Family Remains. At the beginning of this episode, Sam talks about how Dean had made them chase around jobs for a month, so this was the very first job they had after Dean talked about Hell. :)

I'm happy with the end, so I hope that you are too. Thanks for everyone who followed and favourited this story. Thanks for all of the reviews! :D Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked reading this story!

Sincerely yours,
