You guys didn't really think it's over,did you? well..seeing your reviews you did! ughh no it's the end yet..However,this is the last chapter! I will start another story..





Kyoya''pretty please? *makes puppy face*

Me''Okay fine! it will be KyoyaxNile!


Me''what did you think? *smirks*

''I told you already,he started it first!'',Kyuga pointed to a non-stop smirking Manic..They were having a detention..It all started when they battled..

''Yeah! so that way you can go cry to your daddy!'',Kyuga was ready to launch..

''we'll see about that! 3!''


''1 Both''Let it riiip!''

''Leone! Go tear him apart!''

''Pegasus! Goo!'',Pegasus made his way towards Fire Leone.

''Pathetic! Leone! Special move!'',the whole school gasped..when Kyuga does his special move..only crap will would happen..''Fire waves!'',Leone roared and shoot flames..

''Shit! Pegasus!'',then a loud boom was heard..Leone ..Everyone knew.

''What is the mess here,young boys?'',the teacher almost screamed..she dragged them inside..

''Silence! I should call your parents!'',The teach slapped the book on the table..

Kyuga rolled his eyes..''My father is Ryuga,the Dragon Emperor!''

Manic laughed..''and my dad is Gingka Hagane!''

The teacher almost fell off the chair''Y-You mean? you can't be..''

''Seriously..are you blind or just stupid? My surname is Kishatu!''

''and my surname is Hagane..'',Manic glared at her..Kyuga was getting annoyed that Manic added something in the end..In fact he was so annoyed that he came to school today..

''Dare to call him in here..I swear you will regret you were ever born!'',Kyuga chuckled and he was right..

''I will call your mothers then...'',she said in fear in remembering the strongest blader in the world..''I guess your mum is Madoka Amano,right?''

''Duh!'',Manic sweetdropped..

''and who is the wife of the great Ryuga, Kyuga?''

''I don't have a mother! A male gave me birth! Kyoya Tategami did.. the King of beasts!'',Kyuga sighed..


''Here we go I don't recommend you to call him in here either!''

''No...We can't do that...We are forced to call at least one of your parents...I will call sir,Kyoya then...''The teacher sighed in relief and dialed up the number in fear..


''S-s-sir K-yoya?''Kyuga laughed at how funny yet scared she was looking..Manic smirked(again)

''Ugh yes?'',Kyoya though for a moment'''What did he do again?'',he sighed..

''He's having battles in the school,sir! Please come and take him!''

''Oh man..''

''Wait until your father hears about this!'',Kyoya argued with Kyuga as he put food on the table..

''Don't tell him mum! Please!'',Kyuga shivered..

''He's going to find out anyway! and-''

''I will find out what?'',Ryuga entered the house..

''Hey hun! Come food is ready!'',Kyoya sat on the table..

''What did you do again,son?'',Ryuga seemed to get what Kyuga did..


''I was all because of Hagane in the first place!''

''Manic? I doubt he did a thing..don't lie to me Kyuga!'',Ryuga got angry..

''But father!'',Kyuga tried to fight back..

''No buts!''

''-_- can i please eat in peace?'',Kyoya got tired..

''Yes..we will go training after,kay?'',Ryuga told his son..

''Yea,Yea...whatever..'',Kyuga shrugged..

Let it riip!

The beys smashed into the stadium..L-Drago Destroy(or Guardian) and Fire Leone..

''Leone! Keep attacking!'',Kyuga shouted while Ryuga just closed his eyes and arms..standing there..

''Hit hard L-Drago! goo!'',Fire Leone's user screamed again.

''Is that all you've got ,son?''


''Show me more power! L-Drago!'',L-Drago kept attacking Leone fast making explosions..

''Dang it!''

and Kyoya shouted from inside..''Language!''

''Leone! Show him you're not just a left-rotating bey!'',Leone was a left-rotating bey as well ,along with his father's bey..

''Now you're talking! L-Dago!'',L-Drago switched mode...survival mode..

''Oh no...'',Kyuga knew that mode..anyone was barley able to attack L-Drago this mode.

''Seems like it's over...L-Drago! Dragon Emperor Supreme Flight!'',Leone was out of the stadium.''Good work,son...But you need to improve more..'',Ryuga smiled at him..

''You just watch dad!''

''My turn!'',Kyoya got his bey...(missed Fang Leone! :D)

''Bring it mum!''

3..2...1...LET IT RIIP!

Two Lions smashed the stadium..

'Let's see how you improved! Leone!''

''Leone! Don't lose! Hang in there!'',Kyuga tried his hardest not to loose his cool...Kyoya was a legendary blader...there was no way he could beat him..but at least be the best blader in the next generation..that was his his father and mother..

''Muhahah! Leone! Special move!King Lion crushing fang!'',the younger Leone was sent flying..''Nice one son! Let me hug you!''

''I lost...da-


''I know..I know..Language! ahah!'',he hugged Kyoya..

''You're very strong...maybe one day you can beat me and even your father..'',Kyoya kissed his cheek


''Ryu! group hug! come on!''


''Wha,wha,wha!'',Kakeru and Ryuto came..

''How the hell?'',Ryuga closed the door..didn't he? Kyoya slapped him..yeah..language!

''Uncle Ryuto and Kakeru!'',Kyuga screamed in joy..

''Sup,little Kyo?'',Kakeru joked..

''I want a group hug too,you guys!'',Ryuto went over to them like crazy..

''Fine!''and they were hugging all together like a family...

Someone''what about Gina? Didn't Kyuga have a crush on her?'

Me''oh yeah! they started dating a month later! as much as Gingka,Manic and Ryuga had to deal with it!

and they lived happily ever after! THE END!

I thank once again all of you guys who reviewed ,liked,favorited and supported this story..Without you..this story was nothing! Review!