A file from the dregs of history; different POVs, same events, post Geonosis. Written in 2006 I haven't looked at it since but had a request to post it.

For Just Tonight

( Siri Tachi's POV)

"I see you survived." My words sounded tart even to me as I aimed them at him from somewhere behind his left shoulder. Obi-Wan Kenobi turned and regarded me with weary resignation.

"Siri," was all he said as I stood tapping one foot and with my arms crossed. I kept a severe expression on my face, but I feared my relief and joy shone in my eyes.

"Yes," he said simply. We just stood, silently looking at each other. We hadn't seen each other in some time. I knew I hadn't changed much, I was a little older, a little less judgmental and more in love with that big lug than ever. It didn't hurt like it used to; I could admit it to myself once in a while without pain. He, however, seemed to forgotten how we had felt. I was a bit sad, a bit angry, that he could so easily put it away from him as we had agreed to do all those years ago.

Though I was not surprised, I was still shocked at the sight of Obi-Wan. I hadn't been able to join the call to go to Geonosis, but I had been able to make it to the Temple for their return. I knew it had been more than a simple "rescue Obi-Wan" mission; the Order would never have been mobilized on just one Jedi's behalf.

His tunic was cloaked in dust, tattered with many tears and his face looked worn. I could tell he was bone tired, filled with grief and regrets, lost in worry – his eyes were half unfocused and he moved slowly, like he had aged years, like he was hurt – my eyes took in the cloth bandaging his leg, his arm in a hastily improvised sling – he was hurt! I had to stop staring into those beautiful eyes of his.

"You're hurt," I accused, reaching out to touch him. I had this sudden need to reassure myself that he was really in front of me, but I pulled my hand back for I also had a sudden urge to throw my arms around his neck and hug him close. That alone told me how relieved and happy I was to see him.

"Many of us were," he answered mildly. "Many were killed, too. Siri, I've seen plenty of death, even war, before this...but, Geonosis – I'm afraid of what it portends." He looked around him at the hangar, at the Jedi disembarking from transports, some wounded and walking with aid, some carried on gravstretchers. He closed his eyes, breathed deep, and faced me with a grim expression on his face.

"It's war. It was nearly the decimation of the Order; Siri, all of us would have been slaughtered had not Master Yoda arrived when he did, with an army at his back."

"Where's your Padawan?" I suddenly asked, and at the shadow that crossed Obi-Wan's face, I feared his answer. Even with all the gray hairs he was giving Obi-Wan, I knew Obi-Wan cared deeply for the boy and would take it hard if anything happened to him. I remembered how deeply he mourned Qui-Gon's death. Even if no one else knew, I knew how deeply he felt about things.

That perceptive man caught my apprehension and quickly reassured me. "He's alive, but Dooku sliced off one of his arms. Anakin's in the med center for treatment; they say he'll be all right."

"Which is where you should be," I scolded him as he shifted his weight and winced slightly.

"I've been fixed up; I just need some sleep," his words came out slightly slurred. "Even more than food. I'm going to my quarters."

"I'm taking you there, then," I stated firmly. "I don't want to hear of you falling asleep in the middle of the hall on your way there."

"I never," he started to protest, but I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up, Kenobi." I even surprised myself with how gentle the command sounded, and wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him. He didn't protest, which was in itself startling. "So, you big gundark, feel like filling me in on the details?"

I could feel a sigh of protest tremble on his lips, but he quietly complied, filling me in on his mission, from the attempt on Senator Amidala's life, Kamino, Geonosis, up to their return mere moments ago. He finished just as we reached his quarters.

He slowly lowered himself into the big padded chair he liked to slouch in and leaned his head back with a small sigh. He was already asleep until I jerked off one of his boots. "Hey," he protested drowsily, but I ignored him and pulled off the other one.

"I should really get you into bed," I said severely.

"Siri!" His eyes went wide. Choking on his words, he protested, "you know we can't – "

I threw a pillow into his face. He blinked at me, but he must have seen that I was on the edge of tears. That woke him up as nothing else would have.

"Siri, I'm sorry...," he apologized, blushing furiously and bracing himself for my angry words. I startled him by dropping next to him and wrapping my arms around him.

"I might have lost you!" I whispered fiercely, and leaned my head against his chest. It must have hurt; his chest was bruised from the battle with Jango Fett on Kamino, and the unceasing fighting since then had not helped. My Jedi had been beaten, starved, emotionally battered, and by the Force, he was dead tired, and I just had to hold onto him, even if he did wince a bit.

Obi-Wan protested weakly, "Siri, I thought we agreed..."

"Oh, shut up, Kenobi and put your arms around me," I snarled. He shut up and pulled me against him, leaning his cheek on the top of my head.

"Siri," he tried again, his lips moving against my hair. "This isn't a good idea, we agreed we had to be just friends – "

This time I silenced him with a kiss. As he drew back, startled, I whispered, "I could have lost you, Obi-Wan. I could accept that, if I had to, but I'm so happy I don't have to try. For just a moment, forget about that promise we made. Stop telling me what we shouldn't do and just kiss me!"

He shut up and his lips sought mine in the only kiss we had ever allowed ourselves. Tomorrow, we might regret it, but for now we had this moment. As we pulled apart, Obi-Wan said regretfully, "it might have been better if we had kept our promise – this will make tomorrow and the days after so much harder."

"At least we'll have this to remember," I said softly. "Darn it, you gundark, you make me scared and relieved and so darned – happy, and you're so darned tired you're falling asleep even as you kiss me. I doubt you'll even remember this."

"I'll remember..." Obi-Wan said drowsily. Before he totally fell asleep, I dragged him to his feet and guided him to his room. I merely had to let go and he fell onto the bed, asleep before his head even hit his pillow. He was so exhausted I didn't think he'd remember anything from this evening, so I carefully eased him out of most of his clothes and got his legs up onto the bed.

I have to admit, my eyes lingered a bit over him. He was so darn shy, but he really had no cause to be. No one would ever mistake my Obi-Wan for one of those bulked up hulks, but he had absolutely nothing to be shy about. I felt my face burn at the turn my thoughts were taking, and tucked the covers around him.

He gave a little moan and shivered like he was in the grip of a bad dream. I wanted my Obi-Wan to have good dreams, especially when he had been hurt and needed sleep. I smoothed his hair off his face and he seemed to quiet at the touch of my hand. I hesitated for a moment, and then decided no sacrifice was too much if it calmed my Kenobi – I would sacrifice my future peaceful nights if it kept his nightmares at bay.

I curled up behind him, stroking his hair and chin until he quieted down, then wrapped my arms around him. I would be long gone before he woke.

"Sleep well, my love," I murmured as I burrowed my nose into his shoulder and held him close.

I woke to the feeling of something shifting against my nose. I froze, my eyes opening wide as I gauged the appropriate response – and found myself staring into bemused blue-gray eyes. Obi-Wan was blinking at me as if he thought he was still dreaming. I flushed; I had meant to leave once I knew he was sleeping peacefully, and now I was caught.

"Well!" I demanded. Nothing like a good attack to avoid playing defense.

"Well," he answered sleepily, and then he suddenly sat upright, eyes wide. "Siri! What are you doing here…" his voice trailed off as he realized both where we were, and how he was dressed, or should I say undressed. He gave a strangled croak and pulled the cover higher to hide his bare chest.

"We didn't...don't tell me...I don't remember..." the poor man sounded panic-stricken. It would have been fun to tease him, but that wouldn't have been very Jedi of me.

I sat up to show that not only was I on top of the covers while he was under them, but that I was fully clothed, even if he was not.

"You sounded like you were reliving the Ten Terrors of Terkania when you fell asleep last night. When I," now how was I going to explain this need to touch him, make sure he was okay, "uh, when I touched you to straighten you out," he might buy that excuse, "you seemed to quiet down. I was only going to stay until I knew you were sleeping peacefully, but then I, too, fell asleep."

"Oh," was all he said, still clutching the covers to his chin.

"You don't have to hide from me, Kenobi," I advised with a grin. "Who do you think got you all tucked in last night? One guess, and it wasn't you." I slid off the bed and straightened my clothes. Before I left, I winked at him.

"You've got absolutely nothing to be ashamed of Kenobi. By the way, for someone who doesn't play around, you sure do know how to kiss a girl."

"In whose dreams?" he asked warily.

So, he had totally forgotten last night. I wish I could, for there was no way for us to ever be together, except one.

I looked forward to my dreams.