Riuko: I'm sorry I never update my stories! I don't own Pokémon!

Touko stood there, astonished. The place where she'd made such an important memory, her beloved Ferris wheel, was gone; nothing more than a pile of twisted and torn metal. She could vaguely make out a number from one of the cars. No. 8. That was the one she'd ridden on with N that time.

When he'd told her that he was the King of Team Plasma, she'd laughed. He'd looked at her, confused, but to her, everything suddenly made sense. She'd been putting pieces together for quite some time and she'd suspected N's involvement with the troublesome group, but she wasn't prepared for that.

"Why are you laughing? You should detest me."

"I've kind of suspected something for some time, ever since Accumula Town. I mean come on! That man, Ghetsis, shows up talking about Pokémon liberation and you emerge around the same time talking about the same thing, although in a more acceptable way. It's not hard N." The teen had looked away, somewhat embarrassed. "Besides, that just makes you all that much more interesting."

Touko smiled at the memory. She'd thought for sure she'd find him here of all places. She's been looking for three years. So, when word got back to her that N was back in Unova, she high-tailed it home, pushing Zekrom as much as she could. She sighed. There was no way she'd find him here.

"Touko?" The girl spun on her heal, brown locks catching on the skin of her face from her ponytail. Surely she was dreaming! Before stood the very person she'd come here hoping to see. He was tall, still thin, but not a stick, with a bush of green hair falling off his head and framing his cold gray eyes. All topped off with a black and white cap.


"Touko, have you been crying?" Touko wiped her face and her hands came away wet. She'd been crying? Since when? It must've been the shock of losing a treasured place.

"I-I've been looking for you N." N smiled and walked over to her, patting her on the head, hoping that it would ease her tears. He still wasn't very sure of himself when it came to interaction with humans.

"My apologies Touko. I needed to figure some things out for myself. When I heard that my fa-… Ghetsis was up to no good again, I came back. After everything was over, I figured I would look for you too." Touko wrapped her arms around him and began to cry into his shirt. The gesture was strange to the green-haired teen. He wasn't used to physical contact, much less positive physical contact. Unsure of what to do, he continued patting the smaller form's head.

After a few minutes, when it seemed the wheezing cries had turned to hiccups, then whispers, N spoke.

"Are you okay now Touko?" He asked. She nodded, separating herself from him. The sudden lack of pressure around his abdomen felt more awkward that the hug.

"Sorry I got your shirt all wet." Touko sniffled, wiping the remainder of her tears away with her hands before looking up at the taller teen.

"It's fine. I have under armor on." There was a long pause.

"The Ferris wheel is gone N." The boy looked to the mountain of rubble.

"Indeed it is. A sad sight though it is, only the physical form is gone." Touko looked up at him questioningly. "I still have the memories of it inside me… in the heart that you showed to me. Treasured among those is my ride with you. That's why I came here today."


"I frequently visit the Ferris wheel, even though it's been gone for some time now. I can still imagine in my mind all the gears and formulas that went into its joyous life. And it has still served its purpose of making others happy." Touko smiled up at him, understanding what he meant.

"Yeah. It brought us back together, didn't it."

Riuko: I know no one else is going to do this prompt. Why do I bother? *grumble grumble* No flames. Constructive criticism is preferred.