Fionna slammed her sword into the goblin, causing it to scream out in pain and fall to the ground. Fionna yanked the sword back out, gagging and shaking the goblin blood off of it. Cake laughed, and Fionna let out a small giggle. "Goblin blood smells so bad, Cake." Fionna giggled again, finally slipping the clean sword into her backpack. She fixed her hat, pushing her blonde bangs out of her face.

"Tell me about it." Cake laughed, shaking her head. "How about we head on home for some meatloaf? I'm really hungry." Cake said, as her stomach audibly grumbled. Fionna laughed, fixing the straps on her backpack.

"Actually, I want to head over to Marshall Lee's. I promised him a jam session after I finished my daily adventure." Fionna replied, tugging on her skirt, trying to fix it. Cake rolled her eyes, her tail frizzing up a bit.

"I don't see why you feel the need to hang out with him. He's a crazy vampire, Fi!" Cake protested, but Fionna only giggled and shook the comment off. Marshall Lee wasn't nearly as bad as everyone thought. Sure, he was usually violent, dangerous, angry, and really, really scary to be around, but sometimes he was nice and cool.

And he had awesome hair. Not that she would ever tell him that.

"He's cool a lot of the time, Cake. He just likes to tease and be rough a lot of the time. Calm down." Fionna tugged on the ears of her hat, trying desperately to fix them. 'I have to impress Mar-' She quickly shook the thought away, letting a small sigh escape her lips. She shouldn't be trying to impress anyone, really. It was part of the promise she had set up for herself; stop worrying about boys and start worrying about herself. She didn't even like Marshall. At least not in that way. Cake rolled her eyes at Fionna's statement and turned to the left as she continued walking. "I'll see you later at home!" Cake called out behind her, quickly adding in, "Be careful around him!"

Fionna could only giggle at Cake's protectiveness. She continued walking until she reached the cave. She jumped over a few boulders before reaching the house. She knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before knocking again, somewhat impatiently. He still didn't open the door, so she leaned forward and pressed the doorbell. "Marshall? Open up!" Still with no response, she sighed, turning around on her heel as she started to walk away. As she did, the door creaked open.

"Fi?" Marshall yawned, running a hand through his messy hair. He was wearing a pair of dark red boxers, and he had a blanket around his most-likely bare torso. "I was sleeping."

"So you forgot about our jam sesh?" She crossed her arms, glaring at him. He paused for a moment before his eyes widened.

"Shoot, Fionna! I'm sorry, I thought that was tomorrow… shit, come in." He opened the door wider and she walked inside, plopping down on the hard sofa. He floated upstairs and came down a few seconds later as he tried to tug a black t-shirt over his head. "Sorry, Fi…"

She laughed, watching him as he tried urgently to get ready. "It's fine, really." She picked up his bass, plucking a few strings. He growled at her, quickly taking the bass from her, hitting her head with it. She yelped out in pain, glaring at him.

"Don't touch my bass."

She continued to glare at him for a moment before she floated mid-air, and he began to strum a tune. "Go on, sing a bit. Let me hear your beautiful voice." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "Because Fi, your voice is gorgeous, along with the rest of you." He winked at her and she rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing.

"Stop flirting."

"You know you like it."

"I know I don't."

He only chuckled at her, shaking his head. She began to sing along to the beat, her words quickly molding into the beat, the song coming out perfect. By the end of the song, they had both gotten pretty into it, and Fionna was sad to hear it end. "That was rad." He strummed one last time before setting his bass down on the couch. He floated over to the fridge, taking out an apple and sucking the red out of it. He tossed it into the trash can, grabbing a bowl of strawberries and bringing it to her. "Here, Fi."

"Thanks." She replied, taking a strawberry and biting it, smiling and leaning back on the couch. "When's your next gig, Marshy?"


"Just answer the question." She replied, and he rolled his eyes but smiled. "Tomorrow, at some party in the woods. You can come if you want." He floated mid-air, tucking his arms behind his head, smiling at her. "But your beauty might distract me a bit."

She blushed slightly, throwing a strawberry at him. He caught it in his mouth, sucked the red out, and tossed it behind him. It landed perfectly in the trashcan, and he smirked at her. She rolled her eyes. "Show-off." She mumbled, glaring at him. He chuckled, shaking his head. "You should totally come, though. I heard Bubba's going to be there…" He winked at her and she gasped, throwing another strawberry at him.

"Shut your mouth, Marshall Lee! I do not like PG!"

"I never said you did." He said, his eyes widening as he began to laugh. "You like him! You like Prince Gumball, King of Science and Cooking Cupcakes!" He laughed, holding onto his sides. She glared at him and crossed her arms, waiting for him to stop.

"I don't like him. I made a promise to myself to stop worrying about boys and to focus on adventuring." She fixed her bangs, running a hand through them and pulling them out of her eyes. "Seriously."

"Really? Fionna, you are like… you're like ten."

"I'm sixteen, Marshall!"


She rolled her eyes, standing up and walking over to him, ruffling his hair. "Why would you even worry about boys anyways? I didn't have my first relationship until I was like, two hundred years old." She laughed, pulling on her backpack.

"I don't have thousands of years like you do. I have like, eighty. Besides, I can't help it if I find a guy attractive and start to like him."

"Do you find me attractive?"

She ignored his question and turned on her heel, walking towards the front door. "Goodbye, Marshall Lee." He floated down to the ground quickly, grabbing her wrist and turning her around. He backed her up against the door, pinning her there.

"Do you find me attractive, Fionna?" He asked her again, his forehead pressed against hers. She flinched when she saw how close his fangs were to her neck. She tried to move away from him but he grabbed her arms and held them against the door. "It's a simple question, babe."

"Just let it go, Marshall." She whispered, feeling him drag his fangs down her neck lightly. She was shaking. It took one bite for him to destroy her; to change every fiber of her being. He felt her arms shake and he quickly let go of her. He rubbed the back of his neck, ashamed of how he had scared her.

"W-Wow. I just meant to freak you out a bit, Fi. Really, I didn't mean to get you all scared." She just stared at him for a moment before grabbing the doorknob and yanking it open, walking outside. "See you later?" He called out after her.

She didn't reply.