Tag from Guilty Pleasure

Do not own NCIS or any of its characters

"Look out McDoor. You're in my light." Detective Philip McCadden from Metro stood up looking McGee in the eye with an edge of contempt in his voice. McGee just rolled his eyes with a sigh and stepped away.

McCadden, DiNozzo, Ziva and McGee were almost done processing the crime scene for a Petty Officer DuCannon on Washington Blvd outside an old, abandoned warehouse located on Port Bellingham. The crime scene was a bloody mess, as the Officer had been beaten and robbed and he had seemingly fought tooth and nail. This was just a third of a list of similar murders that kept McCadden involved with the case, since one of the victims had been a civilian.

It was getting late and McGee was getting sick of listening to McCadden and DiNozzo discuss the best train movie...or cowboy movie...or Disney movie, especially when they just happened to agree on every single answer. When they had asked McGee's opinion on the best Sci-Fi and he answered Xmen they had laughed at him uncontrollabley. After that, McGee commenced to inwardly disagree with each one of their answers silently naming his own. He didn't know if he was subconsciously rebelling their combined annoyance or it was the ambivalence he was presently feeling towards Tony. He rubbed his neck soon realizing his numerous eye rolls and exasperated sighs were just symptoms of his increased intolerance. He was emotionally drained.

Tim rubbed his hand over his stubbly face and walked closer to Ziva. "Hey, Zeevs. Just about had enough of this?" Tim indicated the two men with his eyes, watching the two ignoring them and the crime scene, too involved in their own childish conversation.

"If I recorded them I could use them as white noise for when I sleep at night...yes?"

Tim raised a hand waiting for her reserved high five as they shared a smile. "Nice." Tim whispered in her ear and he squeezed her hand then let go.

They were disrupted by Tony and McCadden now drawing their attention to him and Ziva, moving closer.

"So, Ziva? Let's get your opinion of choice. Ribbed or ultra-smooth?" asked McCadden.

Tim's reaction surprised Tony when he aggressively dodged towards McCadden but Ziva's awareness of McGee's present indignance towards the arrogant cop grabbed his arm at the last second.


"Ziva..its okay." She hesitantly released his arm.

"Hey, that was uncalled for, McCadden. You really think you're funny?" Tim glared into McCadden's unfaultering eyes as he waited for his response.

"Come on, McGrumpy, don't get your panties in a twist; chillax.." said Tony with a big grin on his face.

"What? She doesn't mind." McCadden moved into Tim's face. "She knows what's funny when she hears it."

"Well, I mind...she's not some object you can just harrass with your sexual innuendos."

McCadden got in Tim's face then shoved him pushing on his chest causing him to take a step back to regain his balance.

"I didn't say she was."

"Then why do you talk to her like she is?" Tim was starting to breathe strenuously as he felt his heart pound against his chest. He prayed he didn't have an asthma attack; that would be beyond embarrassing at a time like this. Personally, he was fed up with this guy.

At this point, Ziva began pulling on Tim and Tony had a hand on McCadden's shoulder. Ziva managed to guide Tim away as she softly whispered to McCadden before turning her back on him.

"Believe me. You will never have the priveledge of knowing my preference." She finished with a sarcastic frown as she followed Tim towards the van.

"Hey guys, play nice." Gibbs had approached the dissembling group with a word of warning towards DiNozzo confirming it with a steely glare then leaned forward to address him privately. "Looks to me you're forgetting something, DiNozzo."

"What's that boss?"

"McGee's six?"

"Ah...eh, ehem. Yeah, boss." Tony looked at the ground a rush of guilt dominating his counteance.

McCadden elbowed him in the ribs. "Can you believe that geek? Trying to stick up for the fearless ninja hottie? Maybe, he thinks he is one of the Xmen after all. Funny, cuz I didn't see anything super about him."

"Yeah. Whatever, Phil." Tony knew he overstepped a boundaray and felt a feeling of sympathy towards his probie. Sympathy because he didn't stand by him letting him look desloate and on his own. Oh, It was Phil's doing but Tony had made no attempt to step in and protect him, something an older brother should do without hesitation. Yep...he blew it. He'd make sure to make it up to him tomorrow. Buy his little buddy a package of nutterbutters and in so many words tell him he was sorry. McGee would forgive him, he always did.


Tim had just finished dinner ready to take Jethro for his last walk for the day when the phone rang.


"Special Agent McGee? This is Detective McCadden."
"Oh. Hello."

"I'm calling to inform you we need your assistance in taking down the suspect accused of Petty Officer's DuCannon's death. Its location is the victim's crime scene-"

"Yes. We require your presence immediately."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

"See you then." Tim thought it was strange that McCadden called instead of one of his team members but it was later at night so usual protocol was affected at times. Tim grabbed his jacket, unsecured his weapon from his safe box and grabbed his cell. He allowed Jethro a quick walk outside then brought him back into the apartment.

"See ya' soon big guy!" Tim locked the door then made his way to the warehouse.


Tim drove into the parking area of the warehouse, noticing the few cars in the dark, unlit lot. Two or three men were huddled about twenty feet away smoking cigarettes. He unlocked his door then started to exit when he did a doubletake. The cars didn't look familiar, actually they looked kind of pimped out as if he drove up to the beginning of a keg party. And where was everybody?

"Hey! you there!" One of the men started towards him as Tim's discretion was sending him loud, warning signals as they didn't look like cops. This looked like trouble. He proceeded to return to the inside of his car to call someone from his team when he heard shuffling from behind him. Before he had a chance to react he was pistol whipped to the back of his head instantly falling into unconsciousness.