Okay, so that new story I promised to post a week or so ago, I'm finally getting around to it :) My bad, this past week has been non-stop crazy and I haven't had time to do much more then eat, sleep and work...boo to adulthood :/

Anyway, this idea has been done before, but I'm trying to put my own spin on it...I was watching Parenthood a few weeks ago and the wheels started turning and ta-da half a story written in less then a week, gotta love when that happens :) Please let me know what you think, feedback is super important and I need to know you want more of this seeing now I'm doing double duty with this story and Something About You (more of that will be posted later this week)...enough of my rambling, enjoy my new brain child!

Stripped down to just underwear, lips on skin, hands roaming up and down; there was little left to the imagination. Melissa closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her neck, the warmth between her thighs increasing as his teeth nibbled her ear. The moment was just as she imagined her first time to be and as their eyes met, she knew he was the one.

"Are you sure about this Mel?" She nodded unable to find the words. He took the nod as hesitation at first, but as her thumbs looped into her panties, he took it as the go ahead helping her slide the lace material down her thighs before discarding it with the rest of the clothes on the floor. Melissa took a deep breath as he positioned himself between her legs knowing there was no going back after this, but she wanted her first time to be with someone she loved and trusted; there was no one better then her best friend of the last five years.

He noticed her wince upon him entering her and debated pulling out and forgetting the whole thing, but after a few deep breaths she bucked her hips showing she wanted him to continue. After a few minutes her trembling nerves were replaced with moans and groans of pleasure; she pulled him close to her, their lips crashing together, as her first sex induced orgasm shook her body. The increased sensitivity of the first one helped to bring on a second followed by a third before they both collapsed, sweat glistening on their bodies.

Melissa laid staring at the ceiling as he disposed of the condom. Despite his earlier objections to this scenario, he was glad he gave into her. Laying back on the bed, he pulled her into his nook kissing the top of her head. Running his hand up and down her back as she rested in his arms, he couldn't resist saying what he said, "I love you Mel…"

Melissa couldn't help but smile as she closed her eyes quickly falling into a deep sleep.

Melissa woke up at 6:45 and sighed; as usual she was up before her 7AM alarm, but seeing she had both herself and her daughter Brooke to get ready for the day she didn't attempt going back to sleep. Heading down the hall to her daughter's bedroom, she walked in opening the curtains and letting in the bright California sun. Brooke groaned putting a pillow over her head in an attempt to get just five more minutes, but her mom wasn't having it.

"Rise and shine sleepy head! We've both got a big day today, so let's get moving; breakfast in thirty minutes." Brooke glared at her mom wondering just where she got so much happiness first thing in the morning, but rolled out of bed not wanting to face her wrath in ten minutes. Melissa smiled at her ten year old seeing more of herself everyday; she hadn't always been a morning person, but raising a child on your own while going to school full time and working, you learn to be happy on very little sleep.

Within twenty minutes, Melissa was out of the shower and dressed for her big interview. She'd been in the running for a promotion for some time and was finally being given the chance to show what she had to the big execs. While her nerves threatened to get the best of her, she thought of the opportunity this would provide for her and Brooke; granted they lived comfortably right now, but this promotion would provide an even better life for both of them.

Melissa put the finishing touches on her hair realizing it was almost 7:40, which meant she had ten minutes to get Brooke in line and both of them out the door so neither of them would be late…again. As much as they tried, the Marser girls were rarely on time and in the event that they were, one of them always forgot something.

"Brooke, you've got ten minutes!" Melissa planned to make a healthy, well balanced breakfast every morning, but reaching for the pop tarts she was once again reminded that she couldn't do it all. Brooke came trouncing down the stairs in her usual outfit of choice, jeans, a Batman T-shirt and high top sneakers. Her beautiful brown hair was a ratted mess on top of her head, showing she had skipped brushing it again. Melissa let out a sigh not wanting to have the same argument over her appearance again, instead just handing her a pop tart and grabbing her briefcase.

On the way to South Bend Elementary, Brooke sat with her iPod headphones in her ears giving Melissa the idea that she was still upset over their disagreement the night before. Brooke, in all of her girly rebellion, had fallen victim to a recent wrestling obsession thanks to her friend Jessica's big brother Nick. Nick was an amateur wrestler and against Melissa's better judgment, she'd allowed her daughter to attend an independent wrestling show. Since then, she'd become addicted as they fought over watching WWE Monday Night Raw over Melissa's choice of The Bachelor. Brooke always won out in the end as Melissa retreated to the kitchen to work on work related things. She hated professional wrestling, something Brooke didn't understand and never would.

Brooke had been so excited when her mom came home barely waiting for her to come through the door before knocking her over with a hug. Melissa wasn't expecting the wave of affection, especially since any kind of affection had lessened since Brooke hit double digits.

"Mom you won't believe what happened today!" Melissa smiled seeing how excited she was, something she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Did you meet a cute boy?"

"Seriously, that's gross! No, I was talking to Jessica at lunch and Nick has a tryout with the WWE…" Melissa walked toward the kitchen rolling her eyes; she really didn't understand why anyone pursued a career in the sports entertainment business. The idea of being away from everything and everyone for 300 plus days was ridiculous.

"Good for him, so what's so exciting?" Brooke rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh. She didn't understand why her mom hated wrestling so much. The claim that is was fake never held up, seeing an episode of Raw was just as scripted as her beloved Bachelor, something Brooke pointed out on a regular basis.

"Mom this is a big deal! Anyway, he has a dark match on Raw next month and Jess's family got a ticket for me. It's in San Jose, can I please go mom? Please! Please! Please! I promise to keep my room clean and I'll even eat my brussels sprouts!" The minute the words sunk in, Melissa started shaking her head.

"Nope, sorry, not this time."

"What? Why not? Give me one good reason!"

"I'll give you two; first off San Jose is an hour away and second off it's a school night. I have a hard enough time getting you up and out the door on time; I'm not letting you go out and about until after midnight on a school night."

"That's so unfair! I'll be with Jessica's family; I could probably stay at her house." Melissa took a deep breath knowing she had to stay firm on her decision; it wasn't easy being both the good cop and the bad cop, the mom and the dad, but she had to stick to her guns.

"I said no and that's my final answer. Go finish your homework; dinner will be ready in thirty minutes." Brooke stomped out of the kitchen before turning back to her mother to get in the last word.

"You are so unfair! I can't wait to turn 18 and leave, you'll never see me again!" Melissa leaned against the kitchen counter taking in a deep breath. She listened as Brooke continued to stomp up the stairs, down the hallway and flinched at the sound of her door slamming. She wanted so badly to explain the real reason why she didn't want Brooke going and she'd tried, but every time she stopped herself. Brooke didn't need to know about him, after all he didn't even know about her.

Melissa pulled into the drop off line at school turning to Brooke and pulling out one of her ear buds.


"Don't hey me like that, or the iPod is mine. I know you're still mad at me after last night, but I have my reasoning. Anyway, I love you; have a good day at school and good luck on your history test." Brooke let out a sigh as her mom kissed her cheek hoping no one had seen the public display of affection.

With her hand on the door handle, she turned to her mom. "I'm sorry I was disrespectful, but I had my hopes up. Good luck with your interview, I love you." Melissa smiled as Brooke reached over giving her a quick hug. She watched her daughter walk toward the school letting out a small sigh; as much as she looked like her mom, she acted just like her dad.

The drive to work had her thinking about the decision she'd made, wondering if she should rethink things. Brooke knew very little about her father, mostly because she hadn't asked very much; even though he'd most likely be on Raw that night, it's not like he knew who Brooke was, or the other way around. Melissa leaned back against the head rest trying to focus on her impending interview, but thoughts of him filled her mind, something that had been occurring more frequently as of late.

Melissa was fourteen when she went to her first punk show with her brother Ryan and his buddies; it was the first time she'd met him. Even though he was five years older and completely out of her league, she was in love the minute she saw him. The long hair, eyeliner lining his deep hazel eyes and the lip ring that he constantly played with had caught her eye, and when he saved her from a possible mosh pit disaster, she'd dreamt about him for days.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He yelled over the loud music; she nodded, but he still figured she needed a break. "What do you say we go get some air?" Melissa nodded nervously as he took her hand leading her through the crowd to the side exit. They walked back to the car, where they sat on the hood taking in the cool Chicago air.

"Thanks for saving my ass in there; I'm pretty sure my parents would ban Ryan and I from punk shows if I was trampled."

"It's cool; I don't want to see anyone get hurt. Mosh pits are meant to be fun, but sometimes people get crazy." Melissa nodded feeling butterflies flutter; she wasn't sure what to say to him. He was older, more mature and ridiculously attractive, she was never nervous around guys, but she was nervous around him. "So how old are you?"

"I just turned fourteen last month…"

"Wow, you're just a kid; I would have guessed at least sixteen, you look older." Melissa smiled on the outside, but inside she felt her heart break a little. The fact he'd called her a kid reaffirmed that she'd never have a chance with him. Despite the heartbreaking words, she wanted to keep talking to him.

"So Ryan tells me you wrestle…"

"Yeah, I just started training actually; I've done amateur backyard wrestling for years, but I'm serious about this, really passionate." Melissa raised her eyebrows beginning to wonder if he was delusional.

"You're planning on making a living rolling around in a ring with another guy…seriously?" He seemed to take offense at first, but shot her a smirk that made her blush.

"Have you ever watched wrestling?"

"You mean like Hulk Hogan?" He laughed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Honey, the Hulkster isn't wrestling, at least not my kind of wrestling. You should come see me some time; I guarantee you watch me wrestle one match and you'll love it." Melissa smirked before extending her hand to him; while he saw it as a promise shake, she was just looking for another reason to touch his hand.

"You're on, just tell me when and where."

"Friday night at the rec center; I'm wrestling my buddy Colt and I promise you we'll change your mind."

Okay, so I'm sure it's pretty obvious who Brooke's father is and he'll come into the picture in due time...please let me know what you think, feedback is always appreciated :)