I'm editing some of the earlier chapters so if they appear different, it's probably because they are. Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 1: Masks

Ana sat in the limo beside Kate, staring out of the window failing to really appreciate any view. Her mind settled restlessly on her usual anxiety before a night out with Kate and her family, but she eased at the thought of it being a fundraiser. Of course, her hands lay gracefully in her lap with her head poised and her shoulders drawn back. The general stance of an elegant young woman would undoubtedly impress her mother and step-father as they had disbursed enough money to create her as such. The idea bothered her but it served it's purpose, forcing her out of her self-isolation. She found her fingers tapping nervously on her lap, something she had refrained from doing for years. Her nails, perfectly manicured, with the neutral shade of light pink, danced against the black chiffon of her dress. As always, her thoughts led to her past as she battled with the idea that her mother bought her the dress. They had spent so much money on her, trying to keep her, but as soon as she turned 18, she split to Washington to be closer to her father. He was the anchor that held her close to reality when everything seemed so far from it. Her mother and step father constantly praised her for her beauty unaware that it's what triggered her abuse with her former stepfather. He always viewed her as spoiled and hated when anyone would praise her. It's why she locked herself in her room for days during summer, reading, and yearning for knowledge so she could be taken seriously and then she just disappeared into books. Her classic beauty defined by ocean colored blue eyes and deep brown hair that suggested innocence but with a hint of makeup gained the potential of raw sex appeal. She kept her makeup simple for the Coping Together Gala tonight hoping to draw little attention but expected some. Her dress revealed more than she hoped in the front but with long sleeves and understated makeup, she found a balance.

Kate placed her hand softly on Ana's to express they had arrived and Ana smirked at the contact. Because of her beauty and how soft spoken she usually was, everyone viewed her as fragile, like one touch could break her brittle self. She hated it and yet enjoyed the moments her studied intelligence shocked people. It's what drew her back to her father, their weekly conversations and their visits instilling strength and real praise into her giving her the confidence to deal with the people that surrounded her. He sheltered her also but in a different manner than her mother. He viewed her as intelligent and strong rather than just a pretty face. She stepped out of the limo and Kate immediately hooked her arm through hers as they walked around the back on a perfectly manicured lawn and a brick path. The pathway lit by bulbs glittered like stars and guided them easily to the large peaked tent. They entered behind Kate's parents and performed as they should, by politely introducing themselves and answering questions. The crowd spoke loud and excitedly and Kate handed Ana a champagne glass with a thought-you-might-need-this look. Ana smiled back graciously and then returned her attention to the Governor of Seattle speaking outwardly of his power in the city most likely to impress either her or Kate. His eyes shifted to them both consistently for validation after every self-serving statement. Power never intrigued Ana because it was a false security that could be easily lost. In fact, no man had ever truly intrigued her as she had never allowed herself to be at another person's mercy. She watched him closely, taking note of his posture and the tone of his voice, monitoring what his weaknesses and strengths were. It was her hobby: people watching, because it gave her the information she needed to gain the upper hand in their conversations.

"So Ana, what do you do?" The governor asked her without any real curiosity and only mannered speech.

"I am Commissioning Editor at SIP publishing. Speaking of, I caught your speech the other morning on fiscal policies for the city of Seattle. I enjoyed your tax policies for small businesses." She spoke with grace and confidence knowing her mother would approve of her behavior. Her father would approve of the topic content as he was Republican but she performed it as a distraction technique from her life. It bored the majority of people including her. She had grown up quite sheltered besides the abuse but even within that she managed to proceed into further solitary. It happened to be the biggest motivator for her mother to enroll her in etiquette classes just to gain some social skills. The Governor appeared taken aback as everyone did when Ana spoke intelligently and she relished in the success. Her reputation and perception of a soft spoken kindhearted woman appeased and irritated her. It gave her a place within their worlds and set her apart from the usual spoiled debutantes that generally attended these events.

As she pretended to listen to the Governor's speech, her eyes scanned the room to study the other attendees when she stopped at a table. A handsome man sat sullenly at the table but he drank what she presumed was whiskey with enough fervor to thirst her. He was a larger man with broad shoulders, copper hair that looked soft enough to enjoy running your fingers through, and a posture that screamed arrogance and indifference. His attention, hardly directed to the blonde male sitting next to him, was trying to give him the impression that he wanted him to vacate the table. She returned her attention back to the Kavanagh's and the Governor before being led to the table she had become so curious of. It dismayed her when the man refused to stand in their presence as she had assumed that all of the men held the same etiquette and manners here but obviously not.

Christian sat next to his brother Elliot. His blonde haired younger brother talked hyperactively about the girl he screwed the night before. Apparently, and not because he cared to know, she was blonde, sported gray eyes, and donned fake tits which Elliot hated. Elliot loved blondes with gray eyes like he craved brunettes with blue. Neither of them commented on their fixations. He took another swig of his whiskey, that delicious burn crawling down his throat and to his stomach. He needed it. Being sub-less, time took on a whole new meaning without his usual form of release. He really fucking hated it.

"Mr. Grey, how's the business holding up?" He heard a deep voice bellow behind him and he rolled his eyes at Elliot who smirked before standing and offering his attention. Elliot came to his side, his demeanor transforming within a second. Ah, Kate. Christian had yet to figure out why his brother never approached her or tried to fuck her. She was the epitome of his desires. Standing tall, Kate dressed overstatedly sexy, a royal blue dress accentuating every curve in detail, and her makeup painted to perfection.

"Mr. Kavanagh, how nice to see you again. Business is progressing as usual." He spoke kindly; although, he felt extremely annoyed at the interruption of his wallowing. He finally shifted his gaze to the brunette next to Kate. She looked so delicate within her revealing yet classy gown and her blue eyes shone with warmth at him. There was something about her that unsettled him but he chalked it up to her resemblance to his subs. She stood with her hands folded in front of her, standing with poise, and he studied her beautiful face. Her makeup enhanced her pouty lips and deep set eyes while her dress caused a shiver of arousal through him at the olive color of her skin. His eyes met hers and she kept the contact as confidently as he did, surprising him in the process and initiating him to submit first. What the fuck Grey?

"I'm so glad to hear. You know Kate and this is her roommate Ana." Mr. Kavanagh spoke assuredly to him and they both stepped forward to shake his hand. They were both trained for parties like this as he watched Kate shake his hand, too eagerly, but Ana shook it with conviction even though he felt like he might break her. Kate blatantly ignored his brother as if he didn't even exist. Ah, so he did fuck her and probably didn't call.

"Mr. Grey, what a pleasure to meet you. I am inspired by your work ethic and success at such a young age." Her soft voice teased his ears when he picked up on the assertive tone, a deadly mixture he could listen to all night. The dimples in her cheeks affected his desire more as he found himself assuming the same position as her; his hands clasped together in front.

"Thank you, Ana. I'm unaware of your inspiration considering it leaves very little time to play." Christian let the last sentence linger some to see her reaction but he quickly became disappointed as she glanced from his hands to his face with an innocent smile. She was too damn innocent but when he looked into her eyes, all he saw was strength and something else. The conflicting descriptors left him confused and yet craving her because she appeared to be the perfect submissive for him physically. He figured with some training she would fare okay.

"As a large contributing factor to our economy, I would hope that play time is limited." Again, her fucking innocent smile that made those fucking perfect round cheeks plump and her blue eyes brighten left him with a hard on. She exuded intelligence which surprised him with her beauty. The women he knew that were as classically beautiful as she was rarely worked hard to speak so freely because no one really listened; they just admired. They stood next to their husbands or held a glass of champagne with a posture worthy of admiration. Ana did the same but accompanied her confidence with knowledge of topics she didn't need to be concerned with. Kate grabbed Ana's arm and led her away leaving him feeling pissed and uncomfortable but he finished the conversation with Mr. Kavanagh anyway. As the speaker approached the stage, Christian returned to his table knowing the festivities were truly about to begin. He watched his mother and father speak of the organizations' cause and goals before the speaker resumed his position and introduced the most entertaining part of the show

He had been watching Ana since she seated at the table not too far from him and he became surprised at how she observed members of the crowd. She studied them, her eyes narrowing intently at the smallest changes, and he couldn't help but adore her for it. An intelligent woman stuck in such a delicate yet fucking sexy body. Watching her, hopefully to gain a glance in return, led to failure as Kate whispered something into Ana's ear. She let out a sigh of frustration and then stood gracefully before leaving with a sign of acknowledgement to the rest of the table. So fucking polite. All he could think of was braiding that long brown hair and tying her body up. The difference between her small body and the ropes he would wrap her in turned him on more.

"It is now time for the popular event of auctioning a dance off. All proceeds will be given to the Coping Together foundation. All of the beautiful ladies will line up and then be introduced for bidding." Christian watched Ana walk toward the stage with pride but he could see in her eyes that she was annoyed with the entire thing. He was drawn to her and he struggled to decide whether or not it was because of her appearance, or the fact that she looked like she would easily submit. That idea slowly dissipated as he saw her stand on the stage, her head held high, and her shoulders turned back with her hands falling in graceful form. A refined woman participating in a ridiculous tradition is what her body and expression wore.

One by one, the women stepped forward to be bid on and they then stepped down to join their respective new dates. His eyes glanced from Ana to his food and then back to her trying to maintain a casual appearance. She stepped forward in her black chiffon dress, her smile and eyes gazing to all sections of the tent as if she were in a pageant, and she stood in her general elegant posture in the middle of the stage.

"This is Anastasia Steele. She enjoys auditioning for The Bachelor, long walks on the beach, and frolicking in meadows." The speaker lowered his voice at the last part, giving the crowd time to laugh. Her flushed cheeks sent him into a dizzying vision of her taking him in her mouth slowly and her cheeks a rosy pink because of the energy she was exerting. His cock ached in his pants when the spotlight hit her, highlighting the soft skin of her chest.

"$10,000" A man shouted behind him and he turned too late to find who did.

"$20,000" Another man shouted and Christian decided to wait to see the number rise. She was a pure beauty that looked as though she had emerged from two genetically perfect parents. The number loudly rose to one hundred and fifty thousand before he decided to participate.

"$300,000" Christian yelled and the entire room silenced at his bid. Even Ana snapped her head at him in shock before returning to her pleasant demeanor on stage. No one outbid him and he stood to claim his prize as she stepped down from the stage. She stopped at the booth because as she managed to receive the highest bid, it meant that she could choose the song they danced to. He waited patiently to the side as she spoke softly and smartly to the men controlling the sound system before meeting him and sitting at the table beside him.

"Thank you for your generous donation Mr. Grey." He glanced at her wondering if this was her usual repertoire or if she played it up for the event. Her smile was warm, her breathing even, and she looked comfortable in her skin giving him the impression that this was her normal demeanor.

"My pleasure Miss Steele." He seductively uttered back while he grazed her forearm and she pulled back confused.

"Will the couples please make your way to the dance floor?" The speaker announced and he held his hand out for Ana to hold and she placed her hand in his lightly with only her fingertips touching his palm. She made his breath hitch with the touch but she seemed unaffected and he walked her to the dance floor, pulling her close as they settled in their positions. They both seemed to know the hold of a dance as the close proximity didn't faze either of them. She felt so small and dainty within his embrace, like a strong breeze could take her away if he let go. Christian squeezed his hand around her thin waist causing her to look at him with discomposure for a second before she resumed to her expression of feigned enjoyment. At Last by Etta James came through the speakers and he already approved of her taste in music.

"Do I excite you Miss Steele?" He whispered seductively into her ear beginning his pursuit of a new sub.

"Excuse me?" She broke from her elegant composure and looked at him with discomfort. They continued to dance as if their bodies were both on autopilot. A hidden emotion glared at him before she looked away with a smile.

"When I grab your waist, do you wish for my hand to go lower?" He watched her struggle to keep her composure and she refused to look at him when she spoke with her plastered on smile.

"Mr. Grey, this is highly inappropriate." Her voice maintained that warm quality but also gained a stern certainty to it. As the song finished, she pulled away quickly and gave him the same rehearsed smile she was giving others while clearing her throat.

"Thank you for the dance Mr. Grey. I hope you regain some etiquette sometime tonight." He watched her walk away calmly and he wanted her more now only to strip her of her façade in his playroom. She became a challenge for him.

Ana couldn't believe the nerve of Christian Grey, that because he has money, he can act so forward. Truthfully, she did feel a heat sting her when he spoke to her in that manner but his arrogance annoyed her. As she approached the garden to gather her thoughts and her composure, she stopped when an older gentleman began to talk to her. Habitually, she listened and spoke when the appropriate time presented itself. She was quickly becoming exhausted with the scene and wished to find Kate so she could leave. Another glass of champagne was handed to her and she took small sips before wishing the older gentleman a good night. She exhaled deeply before leaning against the brick wall that gave her the view of the vast manicured lawn of the Grey's.

"Are you always this composed?" She heard the familiar voice that she had hoped to escape from. Christian approached from behind her and stood with his hand at her lower back.

"Yes, I am." She spoke quietly, confused with her bodies response to his touch and voice. Her body began to heat at the deep and intense quality of his voice and she felt her cheeks flush as he moved his hand lower. Most men didn't speak to her this directly as they viewed her almost like a child or a breakable treasure that deserved only the most kind words. This most likely was because the men she surrounded herself knew appropriate topics to converse with. She had read about these kinds of exchanges in one of her many books but had never felt it personally with anyone. It felt all too new and overwhelming, scaring her because of how unfamiliar it was. She had become too sheltered, even with Kate's stories, they were only words, secondary sources of information that she could never connect with but now she kind of understood. Being a virgin still and only experiencing anything sexual from books and T.V gave her a skewed view of the world and being sent to an all-girls catholic school growing up didn't help either.

"I know I affect you. I can feel how turned on you are." His lips inched closer to her ears and his breath on her neck gave her a needy ache deep within her making her still and drop her champagne glass as she felt his tongue on her lobe. The sound of the glass shattering woke her from her Christian induced erotic state and she stepped back suddenly.

"I'm so sorry." She rambled as she bent to clean up her mess but Christian's arm grabbed hers.

"We have staff for that Ana." He brought her back up with ease and she felt oddly confident with the way he stared at her.

"No one has looked or spoken to me the way you do." She found herself speaking out loud and he became confused with her admission.

"Ana, you're beautiful. Plenty of men look at you the way I do." His deep voice massaging her ears with the sensuality of the tone.

"No, they look at me like I'm made of glass and you view me as something different." She couldn't explain the way he made her feel because she lacked the experience or descriptors to do so. He stepped closer and pulled her aside for the staff to attend to her mess and his head came close again. Her heart began to race with his close contact and she could smell the Clive Christian scent he wore. What is happening? She thought to herself with dizzying feeling.

"It's because I see you Ana." He spoke quietly but the statement was filled with so much more feeling than she anticipated.

"Ana! Are you okay?" Kate's familiar voice echoed behind her and she pulled away from Christian to greet her friend.

"Yes, I'm fine. I am feeling tired, so I think I will have the driver take me home." She knew Kate preferred to stay which was fine because Ana enjoyed being alone.

"Okay, well I'll see you when I get home then." She spoke excitedly and Ana could tell she had met someone because she kept staring at the tent with anticipation.

"Okay, enjoy yourself. I'll talk to you in the morning." She turned and began her walk to the front of her house, breathing a sigh of relief when Christian became distracted by another guest. The driver had yet to pull up so she waited patiently appreciating the breeze and starry night.

"I will never tire of the way you present yourself." She turned her head to see Christian approaching from the brick pathway and she prayed the car would emerge soon.

"I'll take that as a compliment. My mother would relish this moment. Thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her limo advancing up the driveway.

"So, your mother trained you then?" He asked her curiously and she stepped forward as the limo pulled up before her.

"She paid others to train me. I am the end result of a great deal of teaching." She refused to look at him when she spoke even though it contradicted every social bone in her body and she waited for the driver to open her door but the driver who stepped out was a stranger.

"I'll be escorting you home." His arrogance consumed the entire sentence but for some reason it became less bothersome. She enjoyed his brazen attitude as she finally felt somewhat normal. Refuse Ana. Refuse. Refuse. Refuse.

"Okay, thank you." Her quick acceptance stunned herself but when she looked at him, she could immediately feel he hated to be challenged and she wanted to spend more time with him anyway. Those feelings he was causing within her were addicting. She climbed in and settled with her hands lying delicately on her lap.

"You can relax Ana." He looked at her entertained and she couldn't quite comprehend what that entailed. He shuffled closer to kneel on the limo floor before her and she sat up straighter in confusion. His arms touched her shoulders and pushed gently down on them giving her relief from her rigid posture. He then placed his fingers on her cheeks, grazing them gently and she could only watch his intent expression with curiosity. It felt soothing, intimate, and that ache returned making her squirm a little in her gown. His lips met hers softly and he shocked her entire body when his tongue crept through her lips and massaged hers. Her hand gripped the door tightly as she struggled with the new sensations of his soft wet lips against hers and the warmth of his tongue. She felt an overwhelming urge to lift her hips but he pulled away leaving his face inches from hers.

"You intrigue me Anastasia Steele." His voice almost at a low growl and an even more desperate need raced through her.

"I don't mean to." She spoke quietly and breathlessly while his expression grew even more amused.

"I know you don't. It arouses me more." Appalled, she began her nervous habit of looking down at her hands as they rubbed together. Her breathing grew ragged and she closed her eyes. No book had ever described a man like him or the way he made her feel.