H: A Time To Gather Stones Together

Chapter 1

Kyle walked up to the group of soldiers bound for Minnesota. His eyes scanned the crowd of camo uniforms looking for the tall, blond lieutenant. When Kyle had reported to his commanding officer earlier this morning regarding his leave, the man had handed him some papers and gruffly told him things had changed and he was to report to the Lieutenant Allen. Now as he squinted against the late afternoon sunlight, he wondered if the Lieutenant had changed his mind. Just then a familiar voice boomed from his left as several soldiers accompanying the lieutenant marched up to join the line of soldiers loading duffel bags into the belly of the plane.

"Glad you could join us Harmon! Stow your things and I'll fill you in once we get on our way!" The Lieutenant jogged off and Kyle slipped into line with the other soldiers, wondering if he dared hope that this change in his itinerary included a detour to a much colder climate than Miami.

(Saturday afternoon)

"Here are your keys, sir. Can I help you with anything else?" The friendly woman with the Agency logo pinned to her blouse looked at the handsome red-haired man. His tan suggested he had arrived in Minnesota from a much warmer climate.
"Yes, Ma'am. I've been … advised that I should get some gloves and hat and a warmer coat. Is there a department store nearby?" The woman didn't miss the warmth suddenly appearing in those oh-so-blue-eyes.
"Ma'am?" Horatio questioned, one eyebrow quirking up as he frowned at her momentary silence.
"Oh, sir, I'm sorry!" The young woman blushed and pulled a sheet of paper from a pad beneath the counter. "Of course. Where are you staying?"

"The Crown Plaza in Saint Paul." The young woman shook her head murmuring something about nothing available in that city. Judging by the well-tailored and expensive suit he wore, this man had money to spend.

"Ok then. You'll want to head over to MOA. It is the opposite direction, but it's just a short 5 minute drive and you can park in the ramp so you won't have to scrape snow or brush it off the vehicle. All our vehicles do come equipped with a snowbrush and scraper by the way." She pulled the cap off a yellow highlighter. "Now, you'll want to take a left here onto Killebrew drive and follow that around to this frontage road. The Mall is to your right and there are signs to guide you into the grounds from the street. I would suggest parking in the North Ramp sir, you'll find Nordstroms as you enter from the Skyway on Level 3. Now," she beamed, handing Horatio the map with the yellow zigzagging line, "is there anything else I might be able to help you with?"

(Sometime later that Saturday afternoon)

"Hey boys, I'm loading the dogs up in 5 minutes!" A chorus of 'Ok Aunt Jo' drifted into the garage through the screen door leading into the backyard. Inside the house she was met by two excited canines, the dark shepherd, Jezebel and her foster pup, the black and white shepherd pitbull mix Roxie.
"Ok, ok, let me get my mittens and hat and your leashes, girls. We're taking the boys so no dog park for you today. We're going for a walk." Fifteen minutes later, Jo was turning the minivan into the snow-covered parking lot of the county park just off the main road. As the door slid open and boys and dogs spilled out amidst shouts of "snowball fight" and excited yelps from Roxie, Jo frowned in dismay at the icy bits that were stinging her face. The roads were wet from the rain and sleet mix that had been falling fitfully throughout the afternoon and promised to get slick as the temperature dropped as the evening wore on. Deftly she caught up Jezebel's leash and made a grab for Roxie. The pup was going "puppy psycho" in the newly fallen white stuff and raced around the twins in circles, yipping crazily. By the time Kieran caught the trailing leash, Jo's fingers were already becoming cold in her mittens.

As the group trudged along the snow-covered path, Jo found her thoughts going to a certain red-haired Miami lieutenant. Though she had not actually spoken to Horatio, they had been corresponding by email once she had realized he was indeed coming north for business and to speak at the twins' Career Day at school. It had been Jo's suggestion that he come over for dinner Saturday. Memories of their Saturday's together in Miami had rushed over her and she had backspaced quickly to re-word the invitation to keep from sounding too desperate to see him. She had been unable to get a clue as to his feelings about her, their relationship from his emails. When she had had her weekly conversation with Aunt Florence, the elderly woman seemed to feel the Miami lieutenant would be only too happy to pick up their relationship from where they had left off months ago. While she wouldn't reveal her source, Jo felt that Horatio must be staying in touch with the elderly matchmaker/dog fosterer turned undercover operative. Jo felt her cheeks grow warm just thinking about Horatio.
"I wonder if he'll kiss me hello?" she said, jumping when Liam appeared at the side.
"Who are you talking to Aunt Jo?" Before she could find a plausible excuse, a scream split the snowy silence of the woods.

"Kieran!" Jo set off at a run down the steep grade and around the turn, fearing the worst as she did so. Rice Creek meandered it's way through the park, beckoning two-legged and four-legged creatures alike to test walking out on it's often thin ice. But it was not Kieran's out on the cracking ice, Jo saw with a short-lived relief. It was Roxie and the inquisitive pup had no idea the danger she was in.
"I'm sorry Auntie," Kieran was near tears. "Roxie was smelling some deer tracks and she pulled me so hard down the hill I let go of her leash… and she went out on the ice."
"I understand Kieran. I'm glad you remembered that ice isn't safe and didn't follow her out there. I'll see if I can coax her back to shore. Would you take Jez and go wait with Kieran over by the trees at the bottom of the hill? Thank you."

Inching her way to the end of the shore on the ice covered snow, Jo called for the pup. "Come on Roxie, here girl!" Jo whistled as the pup stopped, her ears twitching at the sound of Jo's voice. "That's a girl, Roxie!" Jo called encouragingly. "Come here girl and we'll go find a cookie bone!" The pup cocked her head to one side as if considering the offer. Jo swallowed the panic that was beginning to course through her. She had to coax Roxie back to the relative safety of the river's edge. News stories of people losing their lives while trying to save pets stranded out on ice in rivers or lakes swirled through her brain. And Liam and Kieran were with her as well.

"Come on Roxie, come on girl!" Jo tested the edge of the ice and decided it would take her weight. The black and white dog watched her warily, posed to run if her foster mistress got too close in this game of doggie tag. Just as she was about to take another step, she felt her phone buzz where she'd stashed it inside her jacket for safe keeping. Keeping an eye on Roxie, she called for Liam.

"Go slowly Liam, so Roxie doesn't bolt. Ok, here are the van keys and my phone," she fished them awkwardly out of her pocket, holding one mitten in her mouth. A glance before she handed it over revealed the call was from Horatio. "Liam, you and Kieran and Jez go back up the hill and wait by the van while I get Roxie. If I don't come up in fifteen minutes, get in the van and call for help and stay together!" He took the items from her, his eyes darting worriedly to the dog out on the river.
"Will Roxie be ok?"

"I think so, Liam. If she sees you and Jez and Kieran leave, I'm hoping she'll follow and I'll grab her leash ok? Now go, slowly so you don't spook her." Jo watched the trio until they were out of sight and then gave her full attention to the black and white dog who had tip-toed just out of Jo's reach. Stretching out an arm and calling soothingly to the pet, Jo heard the ice crack and too late felt her hiking boot suddenly sinking halfway up in the icy water.

Horatio pulled the SUV into the small parking lot of the strip mall. The blowing snow and darkening sky were making visibility difficult and he was in unfamiliar territory on an unfamiliar, snow and ice covered road. Five minutes had gone by and Jo had not returned his call. He frowned as he reviewed the downloaded map and driving directions. His phone buzzed then and he snatched it up.


"No Mr. Horatio. It's Kieran. I … think we need your help." Horatio was putting the SUV in gear even as he asked with a calm he was far from feeling just how did they need his help.