Hello again everyone, since it was nearly Valentines day i wanted to write something that was about Nalu and came up with this and yes i wrote this while i was drunk in a 30 min time span but i think its very good. Let me know what you think! And hurrah for Alcohol!

It had started off as any other Fairy Tail party. The rowdy and boisterous group of friends always new how to have fun and yet when you put them all together with a little bit of liquor you get the entertaining and destructive mess that Fairy Tail is known for.

There was Gazille singing, Natsu fighting Grey, Mira playing match maker, Cana out-drinking any male that challenged her and of course Erza killing anyone who touched her Strawberry Cheesecake. While the rest just danced and enjoyed the night.

When all the liquor had been devoured and the music had come to a stop only two mages were left standing from the carnage as the rest of the guild hadn't even made it home and had all instead passed out on the ground around them.

Natsu and Lucy just took a seat on a bench as they looked around the guild at their friends who lay defeated at the hands of the party and the alcohol they drank

"Haha that snowflake Grey couldn't even handle his liquor and now he's face down on the ground with Juvia wrapped around his back. Today's battle goes to me!" the Fire Dragon bragged as the Celestial mage behind him could only giggle at his action

"Natsu aren't you even the slightest bit drunk right meow?" she questioned like a cat as Natsu began to laugh

"Hahha Luce you're so funny you kitty kat you. You're such a weirdo"

"Really you think I'm a kitty kat" she said happily before realizing his next set of words were more of an insult then a compliment.

Dahm the alcohol she thought drunkenly before responding to his insult

"I'm a weirdo? Really? When there's about 30 different people passed out on the floor all around us? I mean take a look around us, Elfman and Evergreen are wrapped around each other, Levy has her arms wrapped around one of Gazille's arms as he looks to be pushing her away, hell even Juvia looks to be raping Grey as she's on top of him" she yelled as a moment later both of them began to laugh at the idiots that were their friends around

"You forgot, Erza wrapping herself around her cake, Cana wrapping herself around a barrel of alcohol and check it, over there, Fried's arm and Laxus's arm are touching" he added as they continued to laugh until the Dragon Slayer abruptly stopped which caused Lucy to stop and look at him

"What's wrong, don't tell me you're going to pass out too?" she asked sadly as she loved these moments when Natsu and her could just joke around and didn't want it to end. It always made her feel so special to have some one-on-one time with him and it didn't help that she had the biggest crush on the hot Dragon beside her

"Hey Luce" he uttered seriously which surprised her

"What are we to one another?" he said quietly as Lucy stood there stunned as he looked at her with his deep eyes

"What do you mean Natsu? You're a Dragon Slayer and I'm a Celestial wizard" she said hoping that was the answer he was looking for in his drunken state.

"Nahh Luce I knew that already I was talking at a more personal level than that" he said seriously

"Well, you're my best friends and I'm your best friends" she said quietly hoping this was as far as he would go

"Ohh, so were just best friend's, nothing more and nothing less?" he asked as Lucy didn't know how to answer

What do I do? What do I say? How do I even answer she thought desperately?

"Natsu I think you're a little too drunk to be thinking this hard why don't we go to bed and we can restart this conversation tommorow?" she said hoping that by morning he wouldn't remember asking her such a question before smacking herself in the face for imply they go sleep in the same bed. Dahm you alcohol she thought angrily

"No" he replied

"I need an answer right now" he demand

"But why can't you ask this another time, like when were not this drunk?" she asked confused by the desperation in his voice

"Because when I'm sober, I'm too scared to ask you but since were both not I think it's the best time to ask" he said happily as Lucy still didn't know what to say

"Why can't you ask me when you're sober? What are you scared of?" She teased yet half hoping he would tell her the same thing that she feared when this exact same thought popped in her head

"Well when I'm sober I'm scared that you'll get embarrassed and mad and it will be awkward and a whole bunch of other stuff well happened but basically we won't be best friends anymore and I'll be sad in the end" he said rather calmly

"That would be bad" a drunk Lucy replied as she face palmed herself for her stupid response

"Yeah I know right, but right now I'm hoping you say something along the line of I feel that same way and we can be together and stuff and be happy instead of sad" he said joyful as he looked at Lucy with a huge grin on his face

"You always were such a fire breathing idiot" she said as her hair covered her eyes and she got up

"Dammit, it's going to be awkward now isn't? I knew this would happen. Drunken Natsu you are so lame" he yelled at himself

But before he could really rip into himself he felt a pair of lips crash into his as his eyes opened wide to see it was Lucy's. As they kissed for a few seconds Lucy took her lips away and looked in the Dragon Slayer's eyes

I've been waiting so long for this! What took you?" she said with a sly smile as Natsu replied with a kiss of his own. This one lasted far longer than the last one and was more passionate as Natsu and Lucy had begun to use their tongues to explore the others mouth before they finally had to break apart for air.

"This is so awesome, you're amazing Luce"

"Yeah, I know, I love you too" she said happily before realizing what she had just uttered.

"Dumb Lucy, why would you say that? He didn't say he loved you he said he liked you major difference! When I get done with you, you won't…"

But before she could finish the drunken thought out loud Natsu had wrapped his arms around the Celestial wizard and began kissing her more passionately than before as they attacked each other's mouths and used their tongue's more and more before Natsu released her to her displeasure and spoke

"Oh Luce, I'm so happy instead of having to make you actually love me you already do! This is going to save so much time because I already love you too" he said happily as Lucy couldn't bear it anymore as the tears came on their own as the happiness she felt was beyond everything she had ever felt before as they kissed for the last time before they both joined the others and passed out in each other's arms.

Was it good? Should i right more stuff like this? let me now please!