Ello! So basically, after posting Sleepless, I've been having a FFVII craze... And, well, I started this. Found a prompt on LJ and most of the prompts were just too perfect to pass up, so viola! I give you, 30 Moments in Time! The one-shots will be short, around 1,000 words, possibly more if I get too caught up in writing :3 Well, read and enjoy! And, also, leave a review! How'd I do on the ICness? Let me know!

30 Moments in Time

Prompt: Defiant

Rating: K+

Set: Post ACC

Summary: Most of the time, it was good that she was a little defiant, he supposed. Other times…well, maybe not so much.

Warnings: none

Word count: 979


If there was one thing that Cloud admired about Tifa, it was her headstrong personality. Most of the time. Even when she'd been younger, she'd been that fiery soul with a level-headed gaze that could make most adults stop and rethink. One little girl with a big personality. And now, she'd only grown into that personality, perfected using it to her advantage, and even strengthened it. Most of the time, it was good that she was a little defiant, he supposed. Other times…well, maybe not so much.

"Tifa," her name was drawn from his lips with exasperation.

"Cloud," she mocked, rolling her eyes. But, instead of turning to him, she continued to flutter about the room, mumbling under her breath. Her gaze swept around, landing on all corners, narrowing when she completed a full circle.

"Tifa, it's not that bad." He grabbed her gently by the elbow, hoping to slow her in her pacing.

Instead, she rounded on him incredulously, her smoky, ruby eyes wide. "Not that bad?" she echoed. "Cloud, it's…awful. I mean, just look at this place…" She swung her arm in a wide arc expectantly, turning around. Nudging something metallic aside with the edge of her shoe, a line formed in her brow. "It's a mess. And trust me, I know a mess when I see one…" Her tone was that of a scolding mother's.

But, then again, Cloud supposed that he was being scolded.

He almost sighed. "Teef, I can do it tomorrow if you want, but right now…"

Tifa only arched a single dark brow. He usually reserved nicknames for persuasion techniques. But, she wouldn't be swayed. Not this time. "You've been putting this off for weeks," she said matter-of-factually. "Denzel and Marlene both did their chores without complaining."

And so out came the trump card. Cloud forced himself not to grimace. Comparing him to the children—her usual last resort. After all, he was the man of the house, had to be setting the example for the kids, not following theirs. So, he caved, as per usual when she decided to use that bullheadedness and logic of hers.

"…Alright. I'll start right now."

Tifa let a relieved smile cross her lips, her eyes warming in that way when she knew that she'd won. "Good. I'm starting dinner now, so hurry up. And don't even thinking about asking Denzel to help you," she warned with a knowing look.

This time, Cloud chuckled at her. "I'm just cleaning the garage, nothing I can't handle," he assured.

And then Tifa left with a smile, closing the garage door behind her. "Remember," she called from behind the closed door. "That garage has to be as clean as it was last month when Marlene and I finished with it." There was a pause, as if she was debating something, before she quickly added, "And Cloud?"

"Mmm?" he hummed, kneeling to swipe up some of Fenrir's spare parts off the ground.

"If I come back to find you working on Fenrir again, I'll give you a lecture you'll never forget."

Cloud closed his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and in his mind he could see her smirking, her eyes twinkling with humor. "Got it, Teef." And he resumed to picking up spare parts.

They were scattered everywhere, covering the ground, making walking nearly impossible. The counters weren't much better, either, and neither was the washing machine—he'd stacked miscellaneous items on top of it, much to Tifa's frustration. Most of everything was parts for Fenrir, as he was constantly fiddling with it, but there were other things too—like, spare pipes in case the water lines broke again, extra light bulbs that actually belonged in the storage closet, and various tools that should have been in his tool box that Tifa had bought for him last Winter Solstice.

Cleaning up the garage would take a few hours at most, he thought, and while he'd never particularly liked cleaning up the garage, it was his turn—said so on the chalkboard at the bottom of the stairs that kept track of everyone's chores. Plus, he could probably use a break from tinkering with Fenrir.

Wiping his oil-stained hands on his pants, Cloud glanced around the room. It was a good thing Tifa was so stubborn, because if she hadn't been, he supposed he would have never started cleaning the garage. And then Marlene would have been on his case—and that little girl was just as bad, if not, worse, than Tifa when it came to cleaning.

"You have to do your share too, Cloud!" she'd say.

Tifa was rubbing off on her, sharing that spitfire that she was so well known for. Ah, well, Cloud thought as he heaved a sigh. It wasn't so bad, having such defiant girls. After all, if it hadn't been for them, he would have been spineless, wallowing in guilt. Sometimes, he needed a little push—and Tifa always seemed to pull through and nudge him in the right direction; even if she had to butt heads with him to do it.

Being a little stubborn and defiant was good. As Cid had said many times, it "kept him in line". And Cloud much preferred being "kept in line" rather than being "whipped" as Barret had said aplenty.

So, when Denzel snuck into the garage minutes later, whispering, "Hey, Cloud, do you need help?" Cloud only shook his head and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Go back inside and help Tifa with dinner instead," he said, nodding in the direction of the door.

Denzel nodded, a grin stretching his mouth, before darting back inside Seventh Heaven.

Again, Cloud resumed his cleaning duties. He needed the push after all, and Tifa always seemed to know what he needed—so if that meant cleaning the garage by himself…well, then so be it.

In Barret's words... Cloud is SO whipped. It's not even funny. Okay...so, maybe it is. Either way, review! I need the feedback :)