Streets of Gotham

April 1st, 2012


Batman sat on one of the many rooftops in Gotham. He sat alone, his partner had stayed home that night (it had been a quiet night so far) claiming to be sick. But Bruce Wayne knows his son better, today was the five year anniversary of his family's death, he always got depressed on this date.

Batman sighed as he heard his scanner call out a bank robbery on High Street. He wanted to get home as soon as possible to see his ward.

As he went to the location of the robbery he started thinking, "ward" how much he hated calling Dick that, his "ward." But not for much longer! At this thought, he started to smile. He had final gotten the paperwork yesterday 'he wanted to do this for Dick's brithday but whatever.' He got it filled out as fast as possible, now all that was left was to ask Dick. But would he say yes?

The Bat was snapped out of his musing as he came up on the bank robbery. He decided that he would focus on this than call it a night and go back home to his soon to be son.

The robbery only took ten minuets to stop, but they were the longest ten minuets of his life. He was in the Batmobile on his way home and probably breaking every single traffic law there was.

But when he got home the sight that met his eyes was anything but joyous. The manor had been destroyed. The rooms were a wreck. All the furniture had been over turned in the search for something. Alfred laid unconscious on the floor with a man dressed in all black standing on top of him, but there was no sign of Dick.