Sooooo sorry it took me this long life, school, and indoor drumline got the best ofname. I promise it will NEVER take me this long again.

thank you for being patient

Wayne Hospital

April 1st, 2012

8:52 A.M.

Around 6:00 A.M. The media got wind of Dick's condition and stormed the hospital. Luckly the staff was doing a wonderful job at keeping them away from the Bats. But that didn't stop two angry and worried people from showing up and demanding Dick's room. Then after being turned away, decided to go and look for the room on their own.

So this is how Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth awoke to the sound of shouting outside the sleeping Dick Grayson's door. Luckily for the members of the argument, Bruce would recognize those voice's anywhere. He knew Dick would hate him if he killed them.

Bruce stalked over to the door as fast as he could and open the door to see a security guard and two red heads arguing about the right to enter his son's room. The red heads were none other than Wally West and Roy Harper.

"Officer it's okay I can take it from here," said Bruce getting the three's attentions, while he fixed the boys with the Bat Glare.

"Are you sure Mr. Wayne, I can get rid of them for you."

"No that won't be necessary." Bruce said as he led the boys into his son's room. No sooner did they shut the door did the two gingers explode.

"What happened to him?" shoted Wally.

"Why didn't you call us?" came Roy.

Bruce just glared both down as he gave them the sign to be quiet as he gentle jestered to his son lying in the bed, trying to stay asleep. Both boys immediately shut up and ran to their little brothers sides.

"Is he okay?" Wally asked in a concerned voice as he looked at Bruce.

"He will be, right now it's important for him to rest." Bruce stated walking back to his son's bedside. He was still worried about Dick as well.

"Who did this to him?" ask Roy in a low angry tone. If he ever found that guy, well let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.

"Tony Zucco," Bruce said in his own menacing tone. Silently, he was planning how many ways Batman could hurt the little weasel.

"Him, he did this to Dick and today of all days!" Wally asked looking back to his best friends face. Before Bruce, Roy or Alfred could say anything to Wally's comment, Dick started to wake up. "Dick?"

"Wally?" Dick said in a tired and confused voice as he looked at his brother before his gaze traveled over to the other, "Roy?"

"Yea." said both boys in unison as they looked down gently at their little brother.

"Master Bruce," said Alfred, "shall I go get the young Masters some food? Master Dick must be starving and I know Master Wallace's appetite."

"Yes Alfred that would be fine." Bruce said not taking his eyes of his son.

After Alfred left Bruce stepped closer to his son and asked, "Dick do you remember what happened?" As soon as those words left his mouth, his son looked up at him, and nodded. While Roy and Wally looked between him and Dick, confusion and worry clearly in their eyes.

"Yes, Bruce. It was Zucco wasn't it." Bruce nodded yes to his son as Roy interjected.

"Well next time the little dirt bag shows his face give me a call. I want to beat the snot out of him."

"That goes double for me." Wally added in.

Dick laugh at them, which made everyone smile, "Yea, he won't be feeling the aster when you two get done with him."

Wally smiled back at his friend before adding, "Yep, he soooo won't be whelmed when we're done with him."

Dick smiled at his brothers. He knew he'd be okay and that Zucco won't bother him because if he tried a stunt like this ever again he'd have a Bat and two red heads hunting him down to the very ends of the earth.

Dick also knew that even though he almost died, life couldn't be much better. He knew it sounded crazy but, it was true. Bruce was going to adopt him officially, he had two great brothers, an awesome team of teenage superheroes, and was probably the luckiest kid on the planet.

The end of part one I think I'm going to make this a trilogy please tell me what you think.

Thank you to all of you who reviewed or favored the story. Especially jasmine nightshade my first review

thank you all Ann B-010