Disclaimer: All characters and storyline(s) you recognise in this story (in every single chapter) belong to Richelle Mead.

The rest of them (characters, storyline, content, idea) belong to me. Any similarity in any form is purely coincidental.

Rarccia Kings

Country: Rarccia

Time: 5 years ago

Dimitri POV

It's really happening then… After all my father's effort to make today possible, he should be the one standing here, not me. For goodness sake! Why are they putting their faith in a boy like me. I just reach my 15th birthday today and they are going to crown me the KING of Rarccia. I'm nervous, scared, clueless..I totally have no idea how to be a KING!

Okay, now I have reached the top of the steps…I am approaching the throne… I am turning around to face…my people. "King Dimitri Belikov" someone announced.

And the mass fell to their knees in front of me chorusing, "Long Live the King!" The sound was deafening. I could hear the hope, pride and sincerity in their voices. They truly believe that I can rule the country well and provide better life for them…not that it is that difficult. Any improvement, no matter how minute is a change compared to their miserable life under King Daskov's rule.

For the past 18 years, my people had been living in hell, in constant fear and hunger. After successfully assassinating Uncle Edward 18 years ago, Robert Dashkov (then commander of defence) declared himself the King. He and Victor (his brother and newly appointed strategy advisor) then tried to eliminate my family, but father managed to protect us all as we fled the country.

My father told us that Uncle Edward was a compassionate and wise King. Under his rule, our country prospered and people were contented. However, he had blindly trusted in Robert, which ultimately led to his death. He couldn't be blamed nonetheless as Robert had, strangely been an extremely charismatic man who can effortlessly persuade people to do his biddings. But charismatic as he was, he could not compel the people to believe that life is good when he, Victor and the corrupted government they formed started their purges, confiscating land and properties, killing indiscriminately and using torture on anybody who dared to voice their resentment.

While the people of Rarccia had been suffering, our family had fled, but returned after my birth 3 years later discretely to a very remote part of the country, Baia. In the middle of nowhere, our family managed to live peacefully. Although we are no longer royals, my father insisted that my sisters and I were raised up properly, meaning that I, as his only son, had to learn core skills such as ridding, shooting, reading and writing of multiple languages, combat skills, art of warfare, wildness survival skills and miscellaneous skills such as music, mechanics and cooking (on my mother's request). Above all, I was expected, at all times, to think independently, act responsibly, behave in a gentlemanly manner and respect females (courtesy of my grandmother, mother and 3 sisters).

For the not-so-royal aspect of my life – when I was around 5 and called Karolina a bitch (I did not know what it meant at that time but I was pissed off because she forced me to play her princess game, wear dress and put on make-up) and swore at my mother when she chided me – I was placed over father's knee. (Yes – no whipping boy).

Same goes for when I was 9 and hit my neighbour Jimmy when he threw a kitten into the well. I was furious when I saw him did that and heard him taunting, "I thought you have 9 lives? That's for upsetting the milk pan and getting me scolded by Mother!" I had at that point of time, marched up to him and said in a menacing voice, "Pull it out, it will drown soon." Jimmy was intimidated I could see. After all, I was towering over him and everybody in the neighbourhood knew that I am the best fighter in the village (apart from father). But he thought that he was safe in his own backyard so he said, "That's the whole point. Isn't it?"

And...I lost it. I pulled a punch which changed into a shove upon contact, in the process breaking Jimmy's nose with a satisfying crack with blood flowing freely down and a sprained ankle as he toppled over from my shove. This time, I couldn't sit comfortably without wincing for 3 days after my father was done with me. He had said that such violence was intolerable. It does not solve the problem or help the victim. More importantly, a leader does not act recklessly. He is to remain calm and rationale at all times.

When I turned 13, something happened, I could sense it. The people have had enough of Dashkov's rule. There is only so much misery they could handle before they lose their obedience. They will no longer tolerate the situation, especially with hungry stomachs and holes in their hearts from the loss of loved ones. Peasants started forming their own armies to fight Dashkov's troops, but without a leader, losses were common and victory came at heavy prices.

Somehow, someway, Hans Croft found our family. Croft was, a long time ago, the second-in-command of defence, but had supposedly died in a mission. He explained to my father and I that somebody had tipped him off that Robert wanted him eliminated during that particular mission since he did not follow Robert's ideology. He had faked death and had since also lived in seclusion. Croft felt that it is now the right time for my father to reclaim what is rightfully ours and at the same time saving the people of Rarccia. Croft believed that father could lead Rarccia back to its former glory and that he is the best candidate for the King after dethroning Robert as father had the people's respect and trust.

After a family discussion with grandmother insisting that that should be the right course of action, my father agreed to lead the battle of reclaiming Rarccia. I would always remember that day, after he told Craft that he would be joining in the battle, father called me into the study.

He said, "Son, you are now 13, no longer a boy, but not a man…yet. I will be setting off to fight for my rights, our country, and most importantly, the happiness of our people today at dusk. I would like very much if you will accompany me on this quest, and I promise to train and mould you into a man, but not without sweat, blood and tears. On the other hand, in bringing you with me, we will be leaving your grandmother, mother, and sisters behind and unprotected."

He paused and studied me. I could see the perfect sincerity and understanding in his eyes. He placed a hand on my shoulder and continued, "This is your choice son, you can set off with me, or stay back to protect our family. Please do not think that by staying back, you are weak or cowardly. It takes just as much courage and strength to guard your family as fighting for your country. Do not forget that a man needs to discipline himself before he can build and protect his family and these takes precedence over leading a country. Your grandmother, mother, Karolina, Sonya and Viktoria needs you as much as your country does. Do consider seriously before you reply me son."

I looked at father, the person whom I totally respected and idolized, who is wise, understanding, caring, compassionate and strict. I would follow him anywhere and help him in anything I could possibly.

Then, I thought of the women in my life. I love them, yes I do, and I will miss them deeply. But, I wanted the best for them too. They will be safe in Baia. There is nothing, absolutely nothing here for anybody to want to fight for. It is also too far from anywhere for it to be used for any military manoeuvre or purpose. I looked at my father straight in his eyes and said, "Father, I want to follow you please." He gave me a smile and said, "I'll tell the rest of the family then, start packing son."

"Yes father."

That day at twilight, we bid our family goodbye and set off with Croft. Many tears were shed and hugs and kisses exchanged. We promised to keep safe and to come back for them as soon as we can.

For 18 months, our peasant soldiers fought countless battles. After the first few battles, words spreaded that Prince Diederik Belikov is back and leading the revolution. Morale of the people soared as they sensed hope. Our soldiers fought strongly and bravely. Countless men flocked to volunteer their strength in our army at every city we passed by, and the peasants found food to feed our soldiers.

As the battle progressed, we were winning almost every battle in the way quite effortlessly as peasants inside the city heard news of our arrival and attacked Dashkov's soldiers from the inside. Many of Dashkov's soldiers with a conscience also surrendered willingly without a fight and many a times, the city door was thrown open to welcome us as our army approached.

3 weeks ago, we had finally advanced to the palace gates – the place where my father should be preparing as the next-in-line to the throne, where I was supposed to be born and raised up in, where I should be addressed as "your royal highness" and have servants attending to my every command at any time of the day. It was a fierce battle, the toughest of all. Five days and five nights we fought and we lost hundreds of men.

Finally on the sixth day, my father came up with an ingenious plan for a group of our man to camouflage and scaled the walls, and planted explosives at the place gate.

BOOM! As the ground trembled and we had the opening we need. Within minutes, our men streamed into the palace and started to kill any enemy in sight. Our sheer numbers quickly granted us our victory as we outnumber Dashkov's soldiers five to one.

Abandoning the fight at the palace gate, my father and I, together with Hans and our most elite group of soldiers quickly made our way into the grounds in search of Robert and Victor. The 2 of them must be eliminated before we can claim ultimate victory.

My father and I finally found Robert sitting on the throne in the throne room. He had not tried to hide at all.

"So…Prince Diederik, you are back again? Long-time no see."

"Where is Victor, Robert?" My father asked.

"But you won't find him here. He fled a week ago. I would not believe him when he told me that you would ultimately win. It's a pity that I couldn't even trust my little brother."

"Yes, sadly, trust is one thing people like you do not possess." My father said calmly. However, I heard the underlying disgust and worry disguised under his calmness. Victor now had a week of lead in his escape, making it extremely difficult for us to find and kill him and… Victor must die – he is the greater evil of the two.

"Now Robert, you must die to pay for your sins, of making the lives of countless innocent individuals a living hell." My father said, as he trained his gun at Robert's forehead.

"Ah..is that so Diederik. You do not want to kill me do you?" Robert crooned as his eyes pierced my father's. Suddenly, he flicked his stare into my direction briefly. The moment our eyes made contact, I felt as if something soft and comfortable is embracing me. I felt calm and contented, at peace, and Robert looked like a harmless and friendly old man, almost saint-like. I felt that I can trust this man. Anything that he asked of me must be correct and done. He whispered 3 words at me, "Stay. Don't move." And I obeyed. I will stay stationary till the end of time if he had requested.

To my father, he crooned again, "Diederik, you do not want to kill me. You are too tired to do that. It would be easier and a very good idea to aim the gun you are training on my forehead now to your temple and press the trigger it. I promise you that the tiredness will go away very quickly."

I remembered seeing my father struggling internally even in my god-knows-what state. He is just that strong and never-yielding.

But Robert is just too powerful. I saw my father lowering his trembling hand as if he was willing his hand not to be lowered, but failed. After a few moments, without any other movements from my father, Robert crooned again more persuasively, "come on, now, aim the gun to your temple and pull the trigger. Just do it, trust me." Slowly, my father raised his gun once more, but it never went higher than his chest. As the seconds ticked by, Robert seemed to realise that he wasn't strong enough to compel my father to kill himself. Instead, in one fluid movement, he wiped out a dagger and trusted it into my father's pure and kind heart.

The spell broke. I yelled, "Father!" as I sprinted towards him, but he was quicker than me. As he fell, he raised his gun, and shot two shots straight into Robert's evil heart. As the lifeless figure of Robert thumped to the floor with finality, I cradled my father in my arms, tears flowing down freely and uncontrollably. "No, no. Father, don't…"

His chocolate brown eyes pierced mine as he whispered, "Dimka, son, do not mourn for me. I have led a fruitful life. I am a contented man. Now it's your turn to protect our family and country. Be a compassionate king. Love your people." His eyes dulled.

Pulling in his last breath, he choked out in a barely audible whisper, "I love you son, every one of you." "Father, please. Please father…" my voice broked and I rocked him gently, willing for him to wake up and talk to me again.

He never did. He had left me…us to join Uncle Edward in Heaven. And I stayed in the throne room sobbing…

Hans went back to Baia and brought the rest of my family to the palace. My father's funeral was planned and held. Everything passed by me in a blur. I felt hollow throughout as guilt washed through me. If only I had been stronger…if only I had not stood there like a good and obedient boy…if only …then my father would STILL BE ALIVE!

Just yesterday, my father, teacher, idol and pillar had been laid to rest under the ground following the funeral procedures for monarchs to honour him. He was also given the title King Diederik Belikov.

Today, I would be stepping up for my coronation.

As I stood alone looking at the crowd – my people kneeing with their heads bowed in front of me, pledging their loyalty, a warm tingly feeling suddenly spread around my body and engulfed me. I saw a pair of deep chocolate eyes looking at me kindly and proudly as my father's voice echoed in my ears, "Be a compassionate king. Love your people."

I whispered, "Yes father."

I raised my hand and projected in a loud, firm voice, "Rise."