Author's Note: This was a little Scorose drabble I found hidden in my documents that I edited and added to. Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any places/characters associated with it. All credit goes to J.K. Rowling.

Rose Weasley slumped to the floor crying. She had just been teased by those idiots in Slytherin again. She wished it would stop. She'd been at Hogwarts for five years and still they tormented her.

So this time, she just ran off. They pushed her to the limit and she refused to let them see her cry. So she ran off to the seemingly empty seventh floor corridor and sobbed. She cried to her heart's desire.

Well, she sobbed until she felt someone sit down beside her. She looked up, and through her blurred vision she saw a familiar head of platinum-blonde hair complimented with those gorgeous grey eyes that Malfoys were known for.

Wait. Did she just call Scorpius gorgeous? Wait. Did she just call Malfoy 'Scorpius'? When did that happen? She shook her head and noticed the Slytherin staring at her.

"Weas—Rose, I…" he began. He seemed to change his mind, though, as he fell silent and looked to the floor, blushing.

Well, if he wasn't going to talk to her, she'd have to take things into her own hands.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" she growled, glaring. "Haven't your friends tormented me enough?"

"I wanted to say that I'm incredibly sorry, Rose. I'm sorry beyond belief. I'm sorry I never stood up for you." At this she looked shocked. She couldn't believe that Scorpius Malfoy, the current Slytherin Prince, was apologizing to her, a Gryffindor, a half-blood, and a Weasley.

"Er… Thank you, Scorpius. I really appreciate that." And she did. She appreciated the apology more than she could tell; especially since it came from him. "Is that all you wanted?" she asked, still a bit shocked and wiping away those stubborn tears.

"No, it's not."

"Well, then, get on with it. I'm waiting." He could feel the sarcastic redhead smirking beside him.

"Well, there is something I've wanted to do for five years."

"I'm not holding you back, Malfoy."

He smiled mischievously, and then he kissed her.

He was genuinely surprised when she kissed him back. He was pleased, of course, but surprised. He smiled. He'd gotten his dream girl: a little, half-blooded ginger named Rose Weasley. He had gotten Hogwarts' new Golden Girl.