Loves Revenge in Lust

Chapter 1

The Wishes of a Heart

Ventus was a fifteen year old boy, he was a little on the short side, he had blond locks, amazing ocean blue eyes, and an athletically toned body, he was attending his freshmen year at Twilight High. For fifteen years Ventus had always felt somewhat alone. Although his twin brother Roxas, had always been by his side he could never understand that Ventus was in fact, gay actually he didn't think any of his family could accept it. He was too scared to tell them, and to make matters worse he had a crush on a boy in school, His name was Vanitas. Although Ventus doubted he could ever be with him for two reasons, one Vanitas was in fact a senior at Twilight High while he Ventus was a simple freshman, and two there was the whole gay angle.

Vanitas was a classic teen bad boy who wore ripped black jeans and a red dress shirt with a black leather vest, skater shoes, he had a twin brother named Sora except instead of black hair like Vanitas his hair came out a dirty shade of brown, and unlike his twin Sora was the type of person who always tried to do good and was looked up to by many people, Vanitas did have a very distinguishable feature though it was the fact that his eyes was a perfect radiant shade of gold.

God Ventus had to keep from drooling at the amazing boy as he passed by. He forced himself to keep his composure.

"Ven how's it hanging?!" his best friend Terra exclaimed as he came strolling down the hallway with a smug grin on his face.

Terra was a tall, he was also seventeen, and he had a head of dark brown hair that matched his brown eyes. Today he was wearing brown cargo pants and a black sweater that made him look even skinnier. He approached his best friend who was hiding behind his locker door watching Vanitas walk down the hallway. They had been friends since before Ventus could remember.

"Still no luck with mister badass huh?" Terra said with an interested look on his face

"No I just don't know how to ask him he's just so… you know." Ventus answers with his cheeks a little shade of red.

Terra laughs then ruffles Ventus's hair "yea I know how it is." He says with a wink.

"Hey have you had any luck in telling your family about… well you know?" Terra asks with a concerned look on his face almost a look a father might give to his son who is hurting emotionally.

"No I haven't been able to every time I try I just can't." With that Ventus closes his locker and walks with Terra to their next class which was "History through the Worlds."

"it's just my father always says how much he loves me, but whenever I think of telling him I can only see disappointment and disapproval." Ventus said with a saddened expression on his face.

Then all of a sudden he started crying. He wasn't sobbing uncontrollably he was just weeping with a look of pain on his. Terra grabbed him in his arms and told him everything would be okay. Ventus thought would never happen. After a little while of just standing there Ventus was still crying. He was crying so much that he didn't notice Vanitas walk by, and he most certainly didn't notice the look of concern on his face as he passed by. Soon he stopped crying and tried to regain his composure.

"Are you okay?" Terra asked with that same look of concern on his face as before.

"Yea I'm okay let's just get to class before we are late." Ventus said with a blank expression on his face, the same expression Vanitas always had.

And so they continued to walk until Ventus suddenly stopped. Terra turned to see what Ventus was looking at then he saw that waiting for them was none other than Vanitas.